I got told you can't use any Aplen bars for HEB anymore by slimming world consulate, it's weetabix ones now https://www.*************/swmembersupport/posts/714796048558626
875ml unsweetened almond milk
35g porridge oats
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EE Breastfeeding
A's: Semi Milk, Light Laughing Cow, will probably have a cheese salad aswell.
B: Toast and Alpen Lights.
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I got told you can't use any Aplen bars for HEB anymore by slimming world consulate, it's weetabix ones now https://www.*************/swmembersupport/posts/714796048558626
Hexa - 4 x laughing cow blue cheese triangles
Hexa - 250ml semi skimmed milk
Hexb - 2 x wholemeal bread
Hexb - 16 almonds