all your stories sound horrible!
i dont really get the nasty comments about my weight,but i notice a lot of the "you are eating arnt you" and dont lose anymore youll look stupid. when im dieting,and im far from skinny,the smallest ive ever got to is a 12 and the you're too skinny comments were ridiculous.but i knew i looked good,and could have lost a stone more,but the comments made me feel crap,and i ended up gaining the weight back,and then nothing is said,its like so called friends want me to be overweight.
my friend is an average size 14,and she got called a fat bi*ch in the street last week,the following day a guy decided me call me a slu*t while i was walking to the shop.
it didnt bother me because i know who i am,and i just thought what a freak lol
i think the worst is when family members feel like they can treat you like crap because they think they somehow are helping,my mum got treated badly when she was overweight by her sisters "youre fat,your going to die if you dont stop,etc" and when she lost 6st there wasnt no well done! shes now slimmer than them and they are soo jealous! i dont think it matters if you are skinny or fat,people will always try and bring you down to make themselves feel better! just remember how pathetic their lives must be xxx