Where did I go so wrong??

Feel like I'm on the home straight now. lol

I think you are, just keep these great habits up after the weight loss so you can maintain maintain maintain...that's the hardest ordeal I have found...no more diets, that's my aim now...heh!
bad day

I think you are, just keep these great habits up after the weight loss so you can maintain maintain maintain...that's the hardest ordeal I have found...no more diets, that's my aim now...heh!

This is my first and last diet. Never, never again am I going to put my body or my emotions through this.

This diet feels almost Bi-polar (no offence ment to anyone who is) This week has been fantastic so far and then today I find myself on the verge of a massive binge.
My best friend had an accident yesterday and she is in hospital and having an operation today and I am so fustrated I can't be there. She is 170 miles away and I have a 2yr old so I can't just drop everything and go up there.
Because I am emotional I feel the need to put something in my mouth. I want to eat, I am trying to kid myself that I am hungry when I know full well I am not. I am trying to reason that I am going swimming this afternoon and need the extra calories for that, but I know I don't. So I thought the best thing to do was to come on here and just type it all out. I have to find another way to deal with stress other than turning to food. But what? I really don't know and I suppose this is not really the best time to be thinking about it. Maybe I need to think about it when my mind is clear.
I just don't want to give in and binge, I know if I do that will be it for the rest of the weekend and it will take me all next week to gwt back on track. That happened at the begining of Februay over my birthday.
And to add to the stress even more my hubby is in a job interview right now for a job that's double the wage he's on now, and we are both praying he'll get it so I can stay home with our son.
This is an essay, sorry guys but I am just getting it all out and maybe I can sort it out in my head if I write about it.
I need something to kick me up the back side when I am having a wobble, but I don't know what. Photo's aren't doing it, because I look back at them and just look like a spotty kid who doesn't know how to look after herself.
I sound so miserable today, right I need to cheer myself up now.!!! I am bored of being stressed and miserable now!! lol

Right! I am not going to give in and eat anything more, I am going to stick to my diet and I am going for a lovely swim this afternoon. I think if I go the whole day and I am really good I will treat myself to a facial tomorrow, and maybe get my nails done. I will be able to afford it if I don't give in and eat and drink everything in sight. And, think how lovely I will feel after having a good swim and a facial.
Much better than I will feel if I binge and get drunk!!
Wish me luck!! :(
Gosh I was really feeling for you there reading your post Lind, and so glad when I got to the last paragraph and saw you pull your pants up and do what you KNOW you really want to do, because the eating is only a temporary thing - once down the throat, gone - zippo!!! And yes it mucks up the following dieting week not to mention our emotions and overall state of mind!

Well I applaud you for coming on here and spitting out your woes. Thats the way to do it! Thats what I do.. whinge away and say sod off to the food, its not your friend in times of need, but we are ! Your long suffering dieting pals who are trekking the same journey as you in different quarters of the world (I live in Spain!) and all battling the same sodding fight, getting through one day at a time! And you're doing it SO well, its working for you in so many ways. Just read back to your excited posts re new clothes!

I am sorry to hear about your friend, fingers crossed everything works out well and of course best of luck with OH getting that position, sounds fab! I know how you feel over that, I'm really stuck to my one year old because I adore him, and I'd hate to be forced into working right now, considering myself lucky I don't have to.

Hang in there, you're a strong lady! Lots of hugs to you!! x
Lind good on you for resisting the food! I really do hope everything goes OK with your best mate and her operation! Also fingers crossed for your hubby!

The idea of a facial and getting nails done sounds fabulous! And you will thank yourself come weigh day for not heading to the fridge unnecessarily!
love the more positive attitude at the bottom of ur post, just keep thinking that! i tell myself that the more times i resist a binge then less likely i'll want to binge. good idea to give urself treats too!
youve done SO well! glad ur keeping it up!!
best of luck to ur friend and OH
Right! I am not going to give in and eat anything more, I am going to stick to my diet and I am going for a lovely swim this afternoon. I think if I go the whole day and I am really good I will treat myself to a facial tomorrow, and maybe get my nails done. I will be able to afford it if I don't give in and eat and drink everything in sight. And, think how lovely I will feel after having a good swim and a facial.
Much better than I will feel if I binge and get drunk!!

Good on you! That positivity will carry you through, great that you recognised the need to binge and you dealt with it. You should be proud of yourself! Sorry to hear about your friend and your frantic emotions...

And it is much better to do those fun and constructive things rather than ultimately self-destructive ones...go you! I hope you enjoy the swim and the treats tomorrow, you do deserve it all...you've done so well...
Weigh in Today, and feelong good

To start with I think I'll get the weigh in over and done with. I have lost 3lb this week which I am very proud of. :D

I do plan to have a bottle of wine tomorrow night though, but I am going to be gardening all afternoon so I think I will deserve it. lol

I didn't give in and eat, I had an egg salad for my tea and I loved very bite and I felt as though I had won a battle. I did feel very tired out though, the way you do after you've had a great big argument with the OH. But I am good and ok now. lol

Thank you every one for all those lovely comments, it really does make you feel as though you are not alone and that makes me feel like we are all fighting this together and though we may have a crappy day every now and then some one will come along and help us back up.

And....I went and tried on clothes this morning. I tried on a pair of GAP jeans in a 30inch waist, which I think is a 12 and they look hot!!! lol The hubby to a pic on his phone so all I have to do now is find the cable and to plug the phone into the computer and I will post it up. I tried on the lovely tight black trousers that made my legs look really slim and long. Then I tried on a lovely long summer dress which just looked dafted because it was about a foot too long for me. Then I got lippy on it while I was taking it off and we left the shop very quickly because the dress cost about £500!!! and I was scared they would make me buy it or something. lol
My friend is ok, she doesn't have to have and op and she is coming home today. As it turns out, she fellout her front door and dislocated her ankle and broke her leg. She thinks she may have tripped over the dog!!

I hope you all have a fantastic sun filled weekend. Those that are mummies, Happy Mothers Day...xx
well done lind, it really does help to come on here and vent, i find that if my fingers are busy on here then they won't be putting food in my mouth on their own :8855:

also it really does help to "talk" to other people in the same boat, as we've all been there one way or another.

i hope your hubby did well in his interview and good news (if you know what i mean) about your friend.

enjoy your wine and when i have a sip of mine tonite (out with girlies) will think of all the yummy mummys on here for mothers day too!
Cant wait to see the pictures Lind!
Hey Lind, just wanted to say congratulations on how far you've come, your story is very inspirational - i hope I can have the same resolve on slimfast! thanks for sharing your story :)
Good Weekend

I had a lovely weekend.
On Saturday I went out and did a bit of shopping. I have finally found an outfit for next weekends party, and I will take pictures next weekend and put them up.
Then when I got home I did some gardening for a couple of hours in the sunshine. I had a vest top on and I have actually got a tan. lol
Yesterday being Mothers Day, I had breakfast in bed. Well, a cup of tea and a SF bar. lol Then we had to go food shopping, and then on the way home we stopped at a lovely pub by the river and I had a glass of wine and watched my son play with the other kids in the sunshine. My hubby and I had a great chat while we were there. He told me he was worried about me loosing weight and he needed some reassurance that my personality wasn't going to change and I wouldn't become completely different. I told him I was just going back to being the same size as I was when I first met him but other than that I was basically just the same person, only the over eating and the smoking has stopped.
I didn't really stop to think how my journey would affect my family, I kind of just thought that it was all about me and it's not really. Yes I am the one loosing the weight but I am not the only one who has changed. My husband has become more active, he does lots of things with me, like we go out biking together. We plan it so we have about a 4 mile cycle that finishes at the pub, he'll have a few beers, I will have sparkling water and our son will have a run around. Then we cycle back and time it to see if we were any faster than we were on the way out.
My hubby has joined in with my exercising, though he did draw the line at doing the Claire from Steps DVD with me. lol
he is also so supportive, even when he is at work. If I am having a wobble he helps me. He will ask me why I want to eat and then he asks me if I think that is a good enough reason. He doesn't judge me if I do eat and he's just there when I am in a bad mood with myself.
Don't get me wrong he's not Super Husband. lol He can be a right pain in the bum when he puts his mind to it. lol
I feel now that this is becoming more about whats going on in my head than what is going in my mouth. I have become used to knowing what I can eat and what I should avoid and I am starting to see that food is not my life. Food is something that helps me to live my life. The healthier my food the better I feel, the unhealthy food makes me feel fat and sluggish.
Any way this week I have to be super good, if I want to impress all my old friends when we go back to our old home town for this party next weekend. :D
ah Lind - thats lovely - i wish my bf was as supportive! he's more of a "you cant moan to me about feeling fat if you havent been to the gym" kinda guy so i keep my thoughts about my weight to myself (or online) these days!
ah Lind - thats lovely - i wish my bf was as supportive! he's more of a "you cant moan to me about feeling fat if you havent been to the gym" kinda guy so i keep my thoughts about my weight to myself (or online) these days!

lol, I think my hubby knows better than that!! lol The poor down trodden brow beaten soul!! lol
Any way this week I have to be super good, if I want to impress all my old friends when we go back to our old home town for this party next weekend.

I'm sure you will on both counts. Way to go...
Having my head in the right place

I have finally discovered why I am on a diet.

The normal response when someone asked me why I am on a diet is, I am dieting for me.

That is not the complete reason, yes, I don't want to be fat any more and yes I want to be healthy. But it is deeper than that, there are so many deep rooted reasons there are so many reasons why I am on this journey.

There are lots of shallow reasons, like I want to be able to buy anything I want and I want to walk past a mirror and think I don't look too bad instead of thinking yuukkk. I don't want people thinking I am fat.

I am also doing it for my husband, I want to be the best version of me I can be for him. I want him to look at me and really fancy me. I don't want him saying "but I love you whatever size you are." I want him to say "Coorrr". I don't think that sounds bad or weak, it's just the truth.

I'm also doing it for my son, he starts school next year and I want to stand at those gates being a yummy mummy and I don't want the other kids telling my son that his mum is fat. I want to run in the mum's race at his sports days. I want to be able to take him to the beach and play with him in the water and run around with him without panicking about the size of my bum or my tummy.

I deserve this, I deserve to win this little battle with myself. I know why I got fat, I can see when and where it started, and I think that is going to be a huge help to me when I am maintaining my weight because I will know what my triggers are.

I just feel as though a diet is so not about what you put in your mouth but how you cope in your head.
Lind - you are not the only one that feels that way, by far. I certainly can say that I feel the same way, and look forward to being more confident person. It is definitely a battle in your head and about changing habits that are not just to do with food. You should be so proud of yourself - you are winning the battle:)
I just feel as though a diet is so not about what you put in your mouth but how you cope in your head.

I have been chatting to a couple of women in the gym lately and they are quite slim and fit, and we all admitted the battle or the struggle is mostly mental...it's the guilt, the inadequacy, the mental games we play and those words we tell ourselves silently over and over again...
I have been chatting to a couple of women in the gym lately and they are quite slim and fit, and we all admitted the battle or the struggle is mostly mental...it's the guilt, the inadequacy, the mental games we play and those words we tell ourselves silently over and over again...

You're right. I have decided not to beat myself up about anything any more. I have come a long way and I deserve to enjoy the feeling of the achievement.

And....my hubby got the job!! Yippeeee!! lol It means I don't have to go back to work until I feel my son is old enough. :D
too true linda, stand proud lol. fab news about your hubby and job, being at home with my kids when they were growing up was the best thing in the world, it goes by so quickly it won't belong before he's at high school! x