Where did I go so wrong??

too true linda, stand proud lol. fab news about your hubby and job, being at home with my kids when they were growing up was the best thing in the world, it goes by so quickly it won't belong before he's at high school! x

Thanks Sparkelwings. I decided before I got pregnant that if I were to have a child then I would want to give them my time and stay home with them. I didn't want to have to go back to work just because we couldn't afford for me no to. So thats a huge releif.

Today I am too tired to care about anything really. Slept really badly and woke up this morning stiff and moody. I have loads of stuff to do before going away for the weekend and I can't be bothered to do anything today.
We are going to stay with my hubby's mother and we have to take so much with us. She doesn't want us staying there but hasn't actually said it. It's not that she doesn't want to see us, it's she doesn't want us in her house because she knows I will have to clean the spare room. She is not the most house proud of people and can't take it when you clean her home. But she has no choice because I am not going to let my son sleep in a dirty dusty room, or wee in a smelly toilet.
Right moan over with!! lol
Nothing much to tell you on the diet front becasue I am too tired to eat anything and too tired to care about what I am eating. Housework this afternoon and then I am going to force myself to exercise and have a lovely bath.
Early weigh in day

Thanks Hannah. :D

I have decided to weigh in a day early. I thought because I am away for the weekend from tomorrow then I would do it today and then again on Monday to see how much damage I've done. lol

I weighed in at 11st 7lb, which is a 3lb loss this week and I have to say I am well pleased with. I have got my head around to the fact that I am not a size 18 anymore and I have managed to spend the whole day in size 12 clothes. Normally I start off wearing them and then I change back into my old clothed because I think that I should still be wearing them. How odd is that?? lol

So anyway my lovelies, I am going to see my lovely friend this weekend and then I am going to a party to get very drunk. I hope everyone has a fab weekend and everyone spends the whole weekend happy and smiley!! :D
Have a brilliant weekend lind, and oh my god... WELL DONE, 3lbs gone!!! I can't get over how the weight is just falling off you, its so inspiring!! Enjoy your new figure and your family! xx
Very well done Lind! you are doing so great! 3Lbs in one week and size 12.. thats amazing! i guess it takes time to get ur head around the change in body size esp as its going so quick :)
have a great weekend and enjoy those drinks!
And....my hubby got the job!!


And way to go on the loss AGAIN! You're doing superbly...physically and mentally...it feels way more comfortable when the mind clicks too...
The Weekend

Well, my hubby starts his new job tomorrow! A bit extra money coming in is much needed at the moment.

The weekend went well, there were a few of my husbands friends that didn't recognise me and that was funny. When they realised it was me they did a double take. Was quite good on my diet, went out for dinner twice but I was good and stuck to a steak and plain green salad, which was very yummy. I put on a about 2 pound when I weighed myself on Monday morning but I jumped on the scales today and I am back to my Friday weight.

I have spent the afternoon mowing the lawn in the sunshine which was lovely. I t feels so nice with the warm sunshine on my skin.

Going to go all out this next few weeks and try and loose as much weight as I can. I only have 2 stone to go now and I want to really push it now. I am wearing size 12's and I don't want to get complacent now and think it's ok to stay as I am. So this next few weeks I am going to up the ante a bit. I don't think there is too much I can do about what I am eating but I think I will have to increase my exercise levels if I want to push the weight loss.

My head is still going in the right direction and I know this is the best thing I have ever done for myslef.

Bring on those size 10 jeans!!!
Kick up the backside required

Well after deciding I was going to spend the week being really good the first thing I do is spend the day eating!! Why am I doing this? I have never done that before. There was a packet of cocktail sausages that needed eating up yesteday and my son didn't want them and my hubby was at work, and instead of just throwing them away I spent the day picking at them. I am so angry with myself, just as my head starts getting into the right place I go and do something like that.

I know it doesn't seem too bad and once I realised I had done it I did my workout DVD to burn the caloires off. But the fact is that I did it just because I couldn't throw food away. I don't need to do that, they were just silly sausages and I couldn't control myself.

I think I have to change something to give me back the eagerness I had when I first started. I feel so worn out with dieting now that I keep catching myself thinking that I could just stop now as I have lost nealy 4 stone. But the truth is I don't want to stop now, I want to hit my target and I need to do it as soon as possible. Any ideas anyone???

On a lighter note I am going to spend the next 24 hours being very good. I am not going to have any caffine and aim to drink 3ltrs of water and I have a lovely chicken salad for tea that I have prepared myself and is 400 cals.

I am also thinking about what happens when I come off SF, I think I will probably choose to eat organic natural food and stay as far away from proccessed foods as possible.

God I need a kick start again!!
hey Lind,
i think a lot of people are in this situation at the moment. and i have had acatually teh same thoughts. i've lost a fair bit so perhaps i can just stop right now. and the more comments you get the better you feel so you feel justified that you can stop. but just think what we'll be like when we have lost the remaining pounds!
you have got so far, and you dont want to put urself thru all this again.
it was one pack of sausages, be good for rest of today and tomorrow is a new day, a 100% new day!
its a rough patch - which i am blaming on the clock change more eve hours etc - so lets pull thru and aim to hit the next target!!
once we finish, i think to carry on eating good, occasional salad now and then and i'll prob try and keep to 600 cal eve meals, avoiding processed food etc is a good idea, its just so much healthier as well as less cals. no idea how many cals you need to keep at a certain weight actually, never paid much attention to cals before.
hope you feel better soon!
Thanks Lili, I think it must be something to do with the seasons. My brain feels like mush!! lol
But the fact is that I did it just because I couldn't throw food away. I don't need to do that, they were just silly sausages and I couldn't control myself.

I throw food away and scrape it off plates with ease now. It was harder when my mindset was different. Some people see it as wasteful, yet why should someone become obese/overweight because of the starving people in the world? That is silly logic...rubbish belongs in the bin...we are NOT trashcans or dustbins...that is the stance I take now...it is hard to get your mind round this at first, but it will follow in good time, it takes time...it isn't easy and it isn't quick...the longer you practice good eating habits and the new lifestyle mindset, the longer it will stay and stick.

Any ideas anyone???

On a lighter note I am going to spend the next 24 hours being very good. I am not going to have any caffine and aim to drink 3ltrs of water and I have a lovely chicken salad for tea that I have prepared myself and is 400 cals.

I am also thinking about what happens when I come off SF, I think I will probably choose to eat organic natural food and stay as far away from proccessed foods as possible.

God I need a kick start again!!

By the sounds if it, you have already made your own kickstart and booted yourself and your mind back into gear...I have nothing to add to what you have said, it's all there and way to go you! It was a one off slip, you haven't failed just because you strayed once...remember also to have a free meal at least once a week so you don't 'cheat' or slip...maybe just try it out and see...I use this method and it works for me fabulously...

You're doing great Lind...
By the sounds if it, you have already made your own kickstart and booted yourself and your mind back into gear...I have nothing to add to what you have said, it's all there and way to go you! It was a one off slip, you haven't failed just because you strayed once...remember also to have a free meal at least once a week so you don't 'cheat' or slip...maybe just try it out and see...I use this method and it works for me fabulously...

I think I am going to allow myself a cheat on Saturday lunch times.

But I figured out why I ate them, I know if I told my mum I threw away food she would have moaned about throwing money away. When we were kids we were skint most of the time and we always had to clean out plates because there was nothing else to eat. Just programming that can be changed, and is changing.
I know if I told my mum I threw away food she would have moaned about throwing money away. When we were kids we were skint most of the time and we always had to clean out plates because there was nothing else to eat. Just programming that can be changed, and is changing.

This is a 'problem' for many people (especially the older generation and even the younger ones onto whom they pass these 'values') and although it IS wasteful in one way, we come from a society where things are relatively cheap and easy to get hold of, it isn't war time and it isn't as if our next meals are far away...what we don't eat if we are full can go on the compost or the bin...anyway, again it takes time and you just have to work at it...bit by bit, hour by hour, day by day...

My free meal is Sunday lunchtime...I look forward to it and enjoy it.
100% days

i finished off yesterday being really good and I had a fantastic work out and felt really great afterward.
I lost 2 pound this week. It the least amount I have lost for weeks, bit fed up about it but I knew the amount I was lossing every week couldn't be sustained.
Next week is the school holidays and I am hoping to get out and about with Eddie (my son..) and get him a bit more active too.
Now my husband has this fab new job he's out of the house all day. Before he was on earlies so he was home by 2pm. I have found myself getting really bored in the afternoons and thinking about eating nice things to make me feel better. So I have to find lots of things to do in the afternoons. This afternoon is food shopping and if it's not too cold we are going to the playground. Then I am going to cook a lovely healthy meal for us all for tea.
I hope every one has a lovely and fun filled weekend!! :D:D:D
I lost 2 pound this week. It the least amount I have lost for weeks, bit fed up about it but I knew the amount I was lossing every week couldn't be sustained.

I don't think it it so much sustaining it as your body reaching a set point or a plateau which it does from time to time depending on how much you have lost and how much you still have to lose. My sticking point was around 10 stone 2 both times I lost quite a bit of weight. It is different for everyone. 2 lbs is still a good loss Lind and yeah keeping busy and doing things you and the family enjoy will be the key to not eating out of boredom (my beau finds this one a killer, he eats when his usual routine is broken as well as when he gets bored, etc)
Why am I so hungry??

This weekend was ok, but I am hungry all the time, all I can think about is food. I am doing everything the same as I have always done but for some reason I feel so hungry and I don't know why. Any ideas anyone? maybe I will put a thread up and ask if anyones knows.

At least the weather was nice over the weekend. I sat outside yesterday and had to move to the shade because I was getting too hot. So nice to feel the sun on my face.

Not looking forward to Easter, my steap daughter and her boyfriend are coming to stay with us for Easter. I love seeing them but it's James' birthday on Good Friday and I always cook a proper 3 course meal for peoples birthdays, and I know I will spend the whole time stressing about what I can eat and what I should avoid.

I think it may be because I have less than 2 stone to go, that I am having such a bad time of it. I just want the weight gone now. :(
Hello! Sorry i have not been around for a while! I am finally catching up with people :)

Glad to hear things are going well! well done on the losses :D fantastic! and lovely to hear that your husband got the job, wonderful!

Don't be worrying about this weekend, you can have the odd sneaky thing... but I have a feeling you won't want to go overboard anyway, it's weird how after all the effort it takes to lose weight you really do end up thinking lots whether what you're about to eat is worth it.... but regardless - life is for enjoying! so no stressing!

Well enjoy your bank holiday weekend, lets hope the sun stays out with his hat on :D

Catch you later :)
Hello Lind

I have been looking at your thread and you have done really well!! I am sort of starting off where you did - currently doing slimming world but I am not getting the losses that I want.

I want to start slimfast but I am interested to know how you have managed it and what sort of meals you have for your one meal a day.

Daisy x:copon:
Hello Lind

I have been looking at your thread and you have done really well!! I am sort of starting off where you did - currently doing slimming world but I am not getting the losses that I want.

I want to start slimfast but I am interested to know how you have managed it and what sort of meals you have for your one meal a day.

Daisy x:copon:

Hey Daisy, I find SF easy to do, we all have pur off days but on the whole it's a good diet. I eat the meal bars because they take quiet a while to eat and it makes me feel like I am eating and not starving. For my evening meal I have a salad with cooked chicken. Tesco do lovely cooked chicken like mango and sweet chilli and mexican. I also have ready meals and I use my main meal as a treat for me by getting myself something that my family wont eat and it makes me feel like I'm indulging.
I don't really snack but you can, this week because I've been so hungry I have been making up fruit salads and munching on that through out the day. I drink lots and lots of water and exercise like crazy. I have Skinny Cow hot chocolate too, it's only 37 cals and I love that before bedtime. I hope that answers any questions but if you want to know more mail me. :D