Is feeling the love!
too true linda, stand proud lol. fab news about your hubby and job, being at home with my kids when they were growing up was the best thing in the world, it goes by so quickly it won't belong before he's at high school! x
Thanks Sparkelwings. I decided before I got pregnant that if I were to have a child then I would want to give them my time and stay home with them. I didn't want to have to go back to work just because we couldn't afford for me no to. So thats a huge releif.
Today I am too tired to care about anything really. Slept really badly and woke up this morning stiff and moody. I have loads of stuff to do before going away for the weekend and I can't be bothered to do anything today.
We are going to stay with my hubby's mother and we have to take so much with us. She doesn't want us staying there but hasn't actually said it. It's not that she doesn't want to see us, it's she doesn't want us in her house because she knows I will have to clean the spare room. She is not the most house proud of people and can't take it when you clean her home. But she has no choice because I am not going to let my son sleep in a dirty dusty room, or wee in a smelly toilet.
Right moan over with!! lol
Nothing much to tell you on the diet front becasue I am too tired to eat anything and too tired to care about what I am eating. Housework this afternoon and then I am going to force myself to exercise and have a lovely bath.