Willpower.... where do I find that?!?!?

lil_legs said:
Check out next think they do tall (says the girl who bought a child's one in next which was still too long!!)

I saw a pic and his eye was closed lol, nice! Dying to text him some banter but there is no way I'll send the first text today!!

Aw, lil baby legs! If we ever ha a night out id look like bloody shrek next to u!!

No def do not text him first! God i had the texting politics tho. Not like u wanna propose to him but there we go, the formula of boy+girl=ridiculous! X
lil_legs said:
Haha I am a proper little doot!! Just shame I'm not petite width ways!!

Eurgh eaten so much rubbish already but that just ensures I have 5 amazing days :)

Haha same! Added to my breakfast of kings earlier, 1 white roll with pate, quavers and hve guessed it pb kitkat! But i am preparing myself for the next two weeks, u know doing nyself a favour really because if i eat it all now i dont have to look at it later ;-) xxx
lil_legs said:
Haha exactly!!

The coffee table is full of various sweets and drinks whilst I'm curled up on the sofa havin a read lol x

Hell to the yeah, now thats a sunday right there!! Cuppa tea o clock for cazza me thinks, and reacquaint myself with the finer points of CD (whilst eating a choc digey obvs!) x
lil_legs said:
Rather be doing something else mind :eek:

Hahahahahabaha *high5*
I am currently enjoying a web based banter/flirtation with an army doctor. First i rebuffed him as he is a lot older than mou but then he took it really well (like a man u might say) and his reply cracked me up. So here we are, more madness on CL's dating website journey! Just love a fit (literally) bloke who can banter well, so much fun! And could this be where my problem lies?!! Oh well, meh! Goodbye team jimmy, hello team doctor!! Xx
Haha you crack me up!!

I'm still reading my rude book resisting textin, the lil stunt last night has actually made me want to see him (typical!) or maybe it's the black eye lol, I won't though! He will not win :p
Haha you crack me up!!

I'm still reading my rude book resisting textin, the lil stunt last night has actually made me want to see him (typical!) or maybe it's the black eye lol, I won't though! He will not win :p

HA! Brillo, legs vs sf the saga continues. This episode 'the night of the black eye, the saucy novel, and a failure to follow through.' Next episode 'saucy novel invades sheree's brain and potty mouthed texting regarding mud and black eyes ocurrs!'

Least ur all upbeat about it and happy with situation. Couldn't ask for anything better really. I need an sf. Maybe Dr danger fancies the position (pun intended.) Don't think he's good for much else tbh, 44 and never married...PLAYER!? xx
Oooh he smells of player lol!! Just like SF! I'm under no illusions thats all he is and won't change, I was silly and got too close last year but that won't happen again, I can play him at his own game!! Plus it's distracting me from the ex so that's the main thing!! x
lil_legs said:
Oooh he smells of player lol!! Just like SF! I'm under no illusions thats all he is and won't change, I was silly and got too close last year but that won't happen again, I can play him at his own game!! Plus it's distracting me from the ex so that's the main thing!! x

Here's to distractions, hurrah *raises glass* i think ur doing a super job, in fact u are my little pint sized, onsie wearing mascot! Shame wales and hertfordshire are not nearer, we could hang out in out scruffs eating crap and texting bad men together! i shall have to add u to CL's world tour hasta pronto!
Team jimmy has jst messaged about 'hoody sunday.' Thats My phrase for days like today when its cold and ***** weather and u just curl up in ur comfies and stay in and drink tea. How DARE he attempt to wiggle his way back in with MY phrase. What is with these cocky men?! Team jimmy not a player i dont think, but def v confident. Needs taking down a peg or two me thinks. I am nobody's 'option.' I have 1 drinks rendevouz with another planned this wk and who knows maybe another with Dr Danger, perhaps i may subtly plant this idea in to team j's head. Pah!!

lil_legs said:
Haha go Caroline!!

That would be amazing, we would laugh so much it'd trick our bodies into thinking it had a workout!!

Ha yeah exactly! We'll sort this shizzle out gf, vino and post vino fun is a must at some point!

So...team jimmy asks if ive had a good weekend. I mention that a world champ boxer did some training with me yest and suddenly he's all like 'We really need to sort out the cinema blah blah blah' What a douche!! Think i shall be busy this week and wkend!! Xx
Bloody men!!

SF was like that, when I got with the ex he was always ringing me saying sorry for last year and he knows he messed it up and let him take me out! But I think me and SF should only be SF - nothing more! x
lil_legs said:
Bloody men!!

SF was like that, when I got with the ex he was always ringing me saying sorry for last year and he knows he messed it up and let him take me out! But I think me and SF should only be SF - nothing more! x

Just carry on as u are chicken, what'll be will be etc but only if u stay true to yourself and keep putting yourself first thats gonna mean u end up the winner. (Wtf am i on about?!) Maybe ul end up as something else but just try not to have thought in ur noggin.

I ignored TJ's cinema reference and referred to my boxing related ailments. He referred to his and said he needs a massage! Not from me pet, ohhhh no no no! X
lil_legs said:
Haha I am loving the girl power this afternoon!!

Mate it so works though! At his massage comment i suggested he go get one tomorrow as he's off work. He says 'Good idea, ur not just a pretty face are you. So cinema friday or sat?'
Tempted to say neither u f***er but i might be bored by wkend and cant go out as off the booze. Might say friday is a def nono but poss st and will let him know later in the week. Whadya think queen of cool?
lil_legs said:
Sounds good to me chick! Do it! :) x

I did...he is like bloody putty in my hand. Am well confused. I dont understand men. Dont even know if he's been game playing or just being crap! Now got him saying 'u better not try any funny business.' I give up! X