Willpower.... where do I find that?!?!?

Tis illegal on CD/ Slim n save bub
Caroline_Louise said:
Tis illegal on CD/ Slim n save bub

I was never told y???
Basically most coloured veg (and some green) is high in carbs, like fruit. They have natural sugars in. Bit silly as still healthy but i can happily live without for time being. X
Caroline_Louise said:
Basically most coloured veg (and some green) is high in carbs, like fruit. They have natural sugars in. Bit silly as still healthy but i can happily live without for time being. X

Oooo I c xxx where would I find these??? Sorry to be a pain x
Find what babe? x
find out whats got sugars in chick looool!!! Might have a butchers on the slim and save site!

Anyway my neck is officially still hurting........................could it be stress you guys think. About the target set payrise thing and the commission structure going rubbish at work?
dunno im thinking it might be my bed!! not sure really had it a year and this is the first time really!!
Hey guys!

Well i took a sleeping pill last night as could not get to sleep, and literally just woke up-woopsie!

Sorry about ur neck miss. Could def be stress, or or many pillows do u have in bed? I had to sleep on just 1 as used to hurt myself climbing around!
That info on veg isn't on slim&save babe, just something I've learnt over the years. Honestly anything to do with diet and nutrition i am basically a walking encyclopaedia!
How r u today legs? Less spacey?! Xxx
OMG just remembered my dream! I slept with david cameron, hahahaha!
i keep sweating at night too!!

urghhhhh david cameron!!! yuk.......

Hows everyone doing today xxxxx
Horrible dream! And today I cancelled my onlie dating...maybe it was prompted by that horror!

I'm always boiling at night and have to have the windows wide open. But it does sound like ur stressed miss as when I'm having a really rough time I often wake up in a massive sweat. I did all the time with diet stuff!

I've just had 1st shake and 2nd coffee. Feeling pretty good I have to say, but just know tomorrow or thurs I'm gonna feel like s*** with going in to ketosis. The sun is shining though so I'm bunking off for a jog later.

Hows everyone? x
not good starving xxx had my omlette and thats all really dying to go shop and buy something else :(
MissieCB said:
not good starving xxx had my omlette and thats all really dying to go shop and buy something else :(

Omlette is not exactly a lot miss! How many cals, 150?! Go get something and count it in! X
nooo im trying so hard. two egg whites and one egg and veg in it!
MissieCB said:
nooo im trying so hard. two egg whites and one egg and veg in it!

Yeah but babe u cant have just that in one day?! If its unbearable u have to have something. Least get a fizzy water or a coffee etc.
Caroline_Louise said:
Yeah but babe u cant have just that in one day?! If its unbearable u have to have something. Least get a fizzy water or a coffee etc.

I'm having dinner later chick and couple of sugary coffees!! Need to get my sugar addiction gone its doing my head in x
Have never had sugar in tea or coffee but personally i think is a total waste of cals, would rather eat them lol! Plus u must get sugar crashes?! X