Sorry babies, missed important convos!
I agree with miss legs, you do sound a hec of a lot better, but really with this kind of thing it is gonna take time, and ur wekeend plan sounds perfect. Looking after yourself which is so important. Plus ur food made me dribble!
Miss ur wkend sounds lush too, love places like that-nice to be somewhere a bit different. I always go crazy in those kind of shops then come home and am like 'why do i have a jewellry stand i the shape of a pig!?' I bloody hate work, it annoys me that we get stressed about it-bad enough having to waste time there! My job is stressful AND boring atm, fab combo lol.
Am well pee'd off, just got home starving and excited for my S&S stuff and it hasnt bloody arrived, paid for next day delivery and everything, grrr! They r gonna geddit on the phone tomoz, don't mess with me and my eating lol! xxx