Friday 16th December Food Diary
Breakfast: 30g porridge, water, blackberries
Snack: Clementine
Lunch: Food doctor seeded pitta bread, cheese triangle, lettuce and cucumber with carrot sticks and cherry tomatos
Snack: 4 seafood sticks, 2 nairns oatcakes, apple
Dinner: Quorn mince, beef stock, onion, mushrooms, sweetcorn, tomato with brocoli
Snacks: Pear, fat free natural yoghurt, cherry nakd bar
Drinks: 3.5L water, 3 green teas, peppermint tea, 2 black coffees
Exercise: Hmm...Wondering if I can force myself to go gym.
All I've done since I've been home is eat. It's so frustrating. I've just had a proper little after dinner munch. Whhhhhy?! And I still feel like I'm hungry and want to eat now. Going to totally rethink my menus next week. The last two days I haven't been filled up at all. I managed to avoid aaaall the chocolates, biscuits and sweets at school today and now I'm home I keep thinking about what I can eat. I know I have chocolate in the lounge but cals definitely too high already

If only I could go to the gym and work some off.....Xxx