xX The Maintenance Diary of Emma-Jayne Xx Thin for Life! xX

Monday 19/12/11 Food Diary

Breakfast: 30g porridge, water, blueberries

Snack: Small apple

Lunch: 1 seeded pitta, melted babybel, tomato puree, a tomato (made into a mini pizza under the grill) with carrot sticks and cherry tomatos. Followed by 4 seafood sticks because I felt I should have included more protein

Snack: Nakd Bar

Dinner: Cod fillet, sweet potato, green beans

Snack/dessert: Pre-packed diced mango. Yum

Drinks: 3L water, 3 green teas, peppermint tea, 2 black coffees
As you say, it is good to have a few pounds in hand. Making small changes and seeing how you go will be a good plan. Try adding 10g mixed seeds to your porridge. It adds some essential fats and cals and makes it more balanced from a GL perspective. A few almonds with your fruit snack is also another way of adding essential fats and cals.
Can you taste the seeds you add to your porridge? Because I really don't like them! I will try the almonds though as they are not classed as a nut I don't think? Xx
Updating early as I am in London with the BF and won't have time to get online when he finishes work.

20/12/11 Food Diary

Breakfast: 40g All bran, 100ml skimmed milk, blueberries and mango

Snack: Nakd bar

Lunch: 2 slices hovis nimble bread, 300ml bovril, carrot sticks, cherry tomatoes and a babybel

Dinner: Meal out at Frankie and Bennys, have researched the menu and I'm going to have the lighter options spaghetti oceana

Drinks: 2L water, 3 green teas, 2 black coffees, probably have a sparkling water with dinner

Slacked a bit on the water today! But I woke up late and did a solid 4hours of uni work so it hasn't really been a priority. Will update tomorrow if anything in my eating menu changes! Xx
If you don't like them whole buy a pack of milled seeds with gojiberries. Aldi do them at a much cheaper price than the health food shops. It adds a tiny bit of sweetness too!
I got some free little sachets after 2 of my races and added one once to the porridge and couldnt taste it .. it was a linwoods one, think it had flaxseed and other stuff in ...

Isnt it annoying frankie & bennys have no other calorie information other than the healthy stuff they do? :mad: lol x
Very annoying Tanya! And what else is annoying is I have tasted nothing but garlic in my mouth since I ate there. All of last night and today I have just been so put off with the constant taste of onion and garlic. I hate it! As a result I seem to have eaten a lot today to try and get rid of it! :-S Feel like I've had a very picky day.

21/12/11 Food Diary

Breakfast: 2 slices hovis nimble toasted, small tin of alphabetti, mushrooms, 1 tomato

Snack: Grapes... Then before lunch I had an apple and clementine

Lunch: 2 Nairns oatcakes, cottage cheese, carrot sticks, cucumber sticks, cherry tomatos, 4 seafood sticks

Snack: Nakd bar

Dinner: 2 quorn sausages, spinach, green beans

Snack/dessert: All bran crunch, fat free natural yoghurt, grapes

Drinks: 2L water (going to try and drink some more), 3 green teas, 1 tea with milk, 2 black coffees

Hmm... Hate listing my food. Feels like waaaay too much today. Xx
Looks like a good day to me chick. Nothing bad just all good healthy stuff. Don't beat yourself up :) x
Looks fine to me too :) x
I have been calorie counting to make sure that I am increasing my daily intake. I've looked on loads of online calculators at how many I need a day for my weight and height to maintain weight and they all say around 1700 so that's what I'm aiming for. Without realising, some days I had barely been getting 1000 so no wonder I've continued to lose weight!

Thursday 22/12/11 Food Diary

Breakfast: 30g porridge, water, chopped banana

Snack: Grapes

Lunch: 2 food doctor seeded pittas, tin of tuna, cottage cheese, cherry tomatos and cucumber sticks

Snack: 3 nairns oatcakes, cheese triangle, tomato

Dinner: weight watchers individual hot chicken pizza

Dessert: 40g all bran, ff natural yoghurt and pineapple slices

Drinks: 2.5L water, 3 green teas, peppermint tea, 2 black coffees

Feel really bloody full up today but if I've done my claculations correctly then I am just under 1700cals. I desperately cannot lose anymore weight, I'm already into size 8's and if I lose anymore I'll look like a skeleton which is not cool. It was hard getting that amount in today because I'm eating when I'm not even hungry :-S I'm going to see how I go and then maybe go down the complan or protein shake route for the extra cals. Xx
Nice problem to have though eh! ;) x
Haha indeed Jan! :) I just hate that groggy bloated feeling when you've eaten too much. I'm still not even hungry this morning but I know I've got to force some breakfast down. I shouldn't moan, I'd soon be annoyed if all I did all day was eat like I used to. Xx
Friday 23/12/11 Food Diary

Breakfast: 30g porridge, 200ml water

Snack: None - was out all morning

Lunch: Seeded pitta with a cheese triangle spread on it and a chopped tomato on top, cherry toms and a babybel

Snack: 2 nairns oatcakes and an apple

Dinner: Ginger bread biscuits

Drinks: 2.5L water, 2 green teas, 2 black coffees

Today has been a very busy and random day! I woke up, cleaned the flat, tidied and hoovered. Then I went to the dentist for 11, over to uni in brighton to drop some books back then straight into town for last minute shopping and an eyebrow and nail appointment. Then I had to go to the post office and tescos! When I finally got home about 4:45 I had my lunch and I made a chocolate log for xmas and some christmas tree shaped ginger cookies/biscuits. I had about 4 BIG ginger cookies when they came out the oven and have been sooooo stuffed since that I really can't eat anything else! They definitely would have bumped the cals up though! Xx
That sounds like a good day - loads done! I bet those gingerbreads were gorgeous!! ;) xx
Well helloooooooo everyone! I have been on the missing list for a few days! Sincerest apologies. Main reason being I have spent everyday from xmas until today in London with the BF and I didn't take my laptop so I've had no internet access. I hope you all had a lovely crimbo!

All I can say in terms of food is OH DEARY ME! I have eaten everything in sight. You name it, I've stuffed it. Christmas day started off really well with porridge for breakfast and a clementine for elevenses snack and then a turkey roast dinner with sweet potatos.....THEN dessert came out. I had two helpings of xmas pud and brandy sauce, two helpings of homemade sherry trifle, chocolate log, mince pie, xmas cake... and it's been a downward spiral since. I will definitely one million per cent have a very nasty gain this week. I have managed to go through a whole box of celebrations, picked at everything from sausage rolls to cheese and biscuits to pringles and chocolate chocolate chocolate. Six days of eating pure crap all day everyday until I am stuffed to the brim.

So that's my story. As of Sunday I am back to being really strict! I just hope I haven't stretched my stomach too much and find it really difficult to get back on track :-( Xxx
LOL why do we do it to ourselves?! I wouldnt worry too much - whats done is done, have a plan of attack, a day to get back to it and jump back aboard :)

Ha I don't know Tanya! It's very annoying isn't it! My plan of attack is as of the 1st! There's no point even lying to myself and starting sooner with all this yummy food still laying around! Xx
Glad to see you're human and DEFFO one of 'us' ;) :D Lol!

You'll be fine - if you really do get straight back to it as from Sunday and do a really good week I bet you'll just sts overall! Quick on, quick off - promise :) xx
Happy new year! Jan is right quick on quick off x
Oh this won't be quick off I can assure you lol! I haven't even got back on the wagon yet, doing it tomorrow. I have had massive full English breakfasts, enough chocolate to fill tescos, take aways with the bf every night. When I had a cheeky look on the scales i was up 5lbs! Sitting here eating Kfc and donuts. I feel fat and disgusting and dirty. Got no energy what so ever. It's vile. I am eating for the sake of it and stopping right now. I've ordered some new you tfr shakes for 2 weeks to get back to where I was and then NEVER doing this again! I was plodding along with my maintenance just fine until Christmas day :-( xx