Your Body Magic

What breed have you got??? If anything like my husky, the dog walks you lol. A very good way to pick up pace! =D

SBT :)

His name is Dexter, 2 year old muscle machine! 18kg of pure hench! And a poser too, he loves it when I do little photography projects on him.. :D

These two were taken a few weeks ago when we first had some nice sun, caught him sunning himself :D


And this one was taken when I first rescued him back in January :)

SBT :)

His name is Dexter, 2 year old muscle machine! 18kg of pure hench! And a poser too, he loves it when I do little photography projects on him.. :D

These two were taken a few weeks ago when we first had some nice sun, caught him sunning himself :D

And this one was taken when I first rescued him back in January :)

Oh my he is adorable! Your proud lil man I bet :) I do love a henchy dog, however mine tips the scales at 38kg, he's a right bully when there's another dog around but a marshmallow at home :) hence why dog walks aren't really something I enjoy so much even for body magic!


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Oh my he is adorable! Your proud lil man I bet :) I do love a henchy dog, however mine tips the scales at 38kg, he's a right bully when there's another dog around but a marshmallow at home :) hence why dog walks aren't really something I enjoy so much even for body magic!

He's gorgeous!!

he's a right bully when there's another dog around but a marshmallow at home

I know this one!!

Unfortunately, Dexter has "space" issues and growls and snaps at other dogs if they approach him. I think it might be down to how he was treated before I rescued him, it's obvious he's been in a dog fight before :( It really pisses me off how people just let their dogs approach my dog who is ON A LEAD AT ALL TIMES. He's on a lead for a reason, surely that must ring bells in their head?

He's ok when he approaches another dog, it's just when dogs come up to him :( He regularly goes out for walks with my friends JRT but he has to approach him first else he growls and snaps :(

Any tips?! xx
Dylan was also a rescue dog, but he has got on with other dogs in the past, only females though, apparently he'll never be best buds with a male as he's too competitive! We really struggle with any dog though, he's never aggressive in approach, he's too overexcited. We had a trainer evaluate him and he said there's no initial aggression, he doesn't know how to handle his excitement? So when he bounds up to another dog he doesn't know how to handle the situation and his instinct is to pin! Haha. It's happened a few times, he's never drawn blood or gone for the neck, always the hide! It's weird. But we know he's lived with female dogs before so it's hope he just needs an outlet for the excitement :)

Tips...hmmm! We obviously always have Dylan on a lead, husky instinct is to run and never come back anyway! But we get him to sit at least 15+ feet away when a dog is near, in the hope that sitting lets him know we won't tolerate misbehaviour, it also seems to help the excitement levels. By enforcing 'sit'..he's like Tigger otherwise, bouncing around like a lunatic! =D it's hard work for sure =( but an owners calm attitude is always the first rule, we keep a calm voice and low tone around another dog. It's been three years since we adopted him, he's four years old now, got the snip and he's still a puppy in his heart as time has made no difference ^.^ one day all I can hope for is a nice pleasant walk but that's only happened once after an hour of walking and he was too exhausted to care when a male beagle troddled right past him! Proud moment, was that =)
The best I do at the moment is the 25 pull-ups...after I finished the running I think I need to find a good ab work out! 25 is ok, doesn't take longer than a minute and I've thought of picking it up to 50...but how to do it without being bored???! Maybe some motivational Eye Of The Tiger playing?!! Lol *does Rocky air punches*

Haha I think you definitely need to get Eye of the Tiger on!! I love going on the exercise bike with some good music and a book, can happily cycle away for 30 mins without getting bored :D
Hmm see I thought of switching the TV on maybe a music channel is a good idea lol. It's for things like this I wish I was a member of a gym again, I absolutely LOVE all the machines for muscle building! With a swimming pass and SW to pay soon adds up so gym is a no no >.<
Aww I'm really lucky as I have a gym at work and am a member of the local council leisure centres which are cheap as chips, so get to go to all my classes there. The pools aren't the nicest though so haven't tried those out yet! x
Gym done - 30 mins on bike and 5 mins on rower - now to finish off the cleaning from yesterday :D
No I haven't where do I find info on this? Is there an app? :)

There's an app for your phone which is just called couch to 5k, you can get it on iPhones, Androids and BlackBerry.. it works so it tells you what to do and how long to do it to. And then it vibrates every time a section is finished...

I did it for one day..
There's an app for your phone which is just called couch to 5k, you can get it on iPhones, Androids and BlackBerry.. it works so it tells you what to do and how long to do it to. And then it vibrates every time a section is finished...

I did it for one day..

Thank you I will have a look for this :)
Couch to 5k is fab, get proper running shoes thought to stop yourself getting injured. I am to mistake of not getting properly fitted for my running style and ended up with a stress fracture. It really builds up your running ability quickly though x

I will I've only got standard trainers and when I used to go to the gym I couldn't go on the treadmill as my right foot would hurt. Thank you for the advice :)
I don't have proper running shoes yet, luckily my DCs are withstanding for the time being! I like running in padded thick soles shoes.

I just done a 25 minute run and 200 pull-ups =) wahoo! That's set me up for the day now =D
I don't have proper running shoes yet, luckily my DCs are withstanding for the time being! I like running in padded thick soles shoes.

I just done a 25 minute run and 200 pull-ups =) wahoo! That's set me up for the day now =D

Well done you I've walked home from work only made it half way though as it started raining but I'll be walking to and from weigh in tonight :)