My run went crud today! It's been such a tough week for me with everything but exercise, and today I let myself down big time! =( I ran a mile and had the worst cramps/ stitch ever, ended up walking a mile home and tries to run again but the pains just started up immediately. I think running after eating carbonara didn't go down too well! I waited half hour

it was also pouring with rain and I didn't have a great coat on...all in all terrible! Gonna see how early I get up tomorrow and so will see if I can get out before work and try redeem myself!! I wanted to complete 3 miles but my body wasn't having any of it =( I hope it was just rain and cramps that ruined it, and I can carry on through this just fine.
Making me very nervous to dare do Park Run Saturday and face same disaster as today =(
Being on the new week!
Some People Dream Of Success, Others Wake Up And Work Hard For It