Yummy Mummy in Progress

Right so 1st of June!!!! 4 weeks to go before i go for my holiday! So today til 28th June i am going on Tescos Ultra slim meal replacement but calorie controlled plan. So i will replace breakfast and lunch with a Tesco shake. Have 3 healthy snacks under 100 calories and a 600 calorie meal for my evening! Aiming to stay under 1400 calories overall so i have a bit of flexibilty! :) Super focused and going to up the excercise and stick to my 2 Litre water!

Excercise will be light walks around my work commitments. Eeeek! Four weeks! Ten pounds to goooo...!!
I can do ittttt !!!
*Positivs vibez*

Sunday today, house work day and feeling super laaaaazy!!! X weighing in at 14.8 today :) x

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I cant do the shakes but tried the Tesco strawberry and vanilla ones before and they were quite tasty =)

Good luck with the next four weeks, sounds like a good plan x

Thx Hun hopefully il do it. Was feeling so low all day just kept looking at myself and thinking... your still SO big :-( Sigh... didnt feel very pretty at all . But must focus on the positives that eventually il get there..:) Slow and Steady!

Strawberry tesco shakes are YUM! I love the chocolate one tooooo x

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Having a real rubbish day. Cant help but look at myself naked and think urgh your still fat and look awful....realy getting me down :-( i go away in 4 weeks and thought id had felt so much more confident .... just feeling super low and still have 10lbs to go before i go away...

Anyhoo enough ranting...
Was my first day at my part time job... was OK. Anyhoo, so todays day had two chocolate weetabix with skimmed milk. Lunch now i will have a tesco ultra slim shake. Tea il have two quorn sausages and half a tin of beans and dinner will be pasta and mushroom sauce with 30g cheddar...:) So will come in just under 1300 calories and 40 mins walking will be net calories arouns 900 i think... so foing good. Just need to focus on the 2 Litre!! X

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Try to remember how you looked before and it will remind you how well you have done and that you will soon look even better =)

What do you do job wise and do you think you will enjoy it =)

Have you had your two litre today? x

hey hun
thx for the advice x i been putting alot of pressure on myself becos im visiting my in laws after 4 yrs and altho my mother in law is lovely its my husbands sister in laws (his brothers wives) who like to pick on me n say how big i am...and its getting me really down on how to tackle it when il be there. to think im going on a holiday and more worried abt what sort of mean remarks they will give... But today my sis jus knocked some sense in me and said u know what. so bloody what if ur a littls overweight. so bloomin what. u lost 3 stone ur well on ur way to target and ur still a younf beautiful.woman. end of the day to hell with thsm (her exact words lol) " There is more to life than just how slim or fat a person is! " so go there be confident n then reminded me of Muhammed Alis quote... " act like your the greatest and if your not, atleast pretend to be the greatest" becauss end lf the day - People feed off what you give them..so if ur confident n believe in urself it doesnt give any room for others to intefere in that and they accept n see u flr who u see urself as too. so glad i needed that one to one :) feeling better. im a size 16 frm a 22.. i bloody well should celebrate it! :)

yes got the 2 L down x yaaay didnt fit excercixse in
had late dinner feel bit stuffed! :p
I work with children hun as a nursery nurse xx :)

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Glad your sister has reminded you that you are not represented by your weight and a size 16 is fab, hopefully those mean sister in laws will be congratulating you on your weight loss, but if they don't try not to let it get you down, you are doing a great job x

Well done with the water, I am drinking lots of squash as i really don't like water so dilute some squash int it to make it taste better =) I am able to drink more then, I have given up cans of coke the last week and am so pleased with myself as i find that really difficult.

Do you find you lose weight consistently each week or does it fluctuate? I have had no coke and kept to my calories each day, had two long walks and my weight still hovers around 11st 11lbs, I always get stuck at this point as i can never seem to get lower and then this no matter what i do =(
Glad your sister has reminded you that you are not represented by your weight and a size 16 is fab, hopefully those mean sister in laws will be congratulating you on your weight loss, but if they don't try not to let it get you down, you are doing a great job x

Well done with the water, I am drinking lots of squash as i really don't like water so dilute some squash int it to make it taste better =) I am able to drink more then, I have given up cans of coke the last week and am so pleased with myself as i find that really difficult.

Do you find you lose weight consistently each week or does it fluctuate? I have had no coke and kept to my calories each day, had two long walks and my weight still hovers around 11st 11lbs, I always get stuck at this point as i can never seem to get lower and then this no matter what i do =(

I dont think they will congratulate me trust me. but yes il remember there r more important things in life :)

aah well done on giving up the coke x
funny u shud say about weight being stuck... im stuck ar 14.9 n half for two weeks :-( I dont know why!! trying to remain positive and continue with tracking my calories and just hopefully il lose atleast half a stone in the next three weeks...i was msant to b 14st for my holiday and with three weeks to go and 10lbs still to lose...seems so unlikely but yet am still positive that it will happen. fingers crossed.!! x
before this since January i had been losing consistently but i hadnt really stuck to it 101% I was just doing it slowly but still enjoying myself. now that i have my laast 2 & half stone to lose [ Target is 12st as i sit at a nice size 12/14 and as the name says i like to be CUrvy. just want to get to that size thats it :) ] so now im focusing on being full swing before i go and then come bk frm holiday wjth minimum gain even a half stone loss hopefully and go striaght back into it in full mode... calorie countig really is a lifestyle change and slmethjng i can do in long run xxxx

good luck with shifting more weight. stick with it!!! lots od water. maybe u need to come off it for few days then go bk on.. sometimes body needs a nice shake up! x

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It is so frustrating, it keeps going between 11.11 and 11.12 each day even though i am being good, so today i have not been good =( but like you said that might help, fingers crossed =)

I am the same i want to be healthy and at roughly ten stone again which is a 10/12 for me =)

Hope you have a good week loss wise so you feel in a positive mood to tackle the sisters ;)
It is so frustrating, it keeps going between 11.11 and 11.12 each day even though i am being good, so today i have not been good =( but like you said that might help, fingers crossed =)

I am the same i want to be healthy and at roughly ten stone again which is a 10/12 for me =)

Hope you have a good week loss wise so you feel in a positive mood to tackle the sisters ;)

Hope soo toooo hun! x and dont worry lets just stick to it we will make it xx sooner or later :)

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I know we should keep going and hopefully we will get there soon enough x

My bf is going to look at a gym tonight, I really hope he likes it because if he does i can swim while he gyms in the evenings =) I think this would help me boost the amount of calories I burn so fingers crossed...
I know we should keep going and hopefully we will get there soon enough x

My bf is going to look at a gym tonight, I really hope he likes it because if he does i can swim while he gyms in the evenings =) I think this would help me boost the amount of calories I burn so fingers crossed...

It will help for sure! :) xx how did it go

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We walked to have a look and he looked it but the gym guy called in sick today so we have to go back, which is a bit annoying, had a good walk together though =)

every little thing counts! :) even that walk xx

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Subscribing to your diary. Xxx

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Subscribing to your diary. Xxx

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Hey Lindsey :-* mwah!
well today was a good day got home frm work starving but held it in! had a good balanced meal in my calories.... today i have offically lost 3 stone! :) and here is my before and during .... :) got anothsr 2 & half stone to go! x

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the one of me in my work clothes (red jumper) is the most recent upto date progress ( as of this morning pic) im just taking it a day a time and really enjoying each day but cant waaaait to get to target!!! been so big for last 3 yrs tht ive jus had enoughhhh xx it really is all mind games tho isnt it! think positive n good things do happem :)

Another 2 & half stone and 2 dress sizes to go!! started at size 20 - 17 n half stone, at the momment size 16 and 14st 7, target size 12-14 around 168lbs / 11st 10lb to 12st ...:) x hopefully will get there by new year! =]

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will keep adding picturees along with my progress x

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Check you out foxy lady!!! Whit whoo!!!

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