OK so ive been a bit naughty and just maintained at 14.7.. i have 16 days before i Jet off for a family holiday for 9 weeks! ( Back on 1st September! ) and desperatley trying to lose half a stone by this time.. so im taking a bit of a drastic measure. . sticking to mt water and calorie intake but asked my doctor to give me some tabs to drain out excess unnesserey water my body may be holding onto.. water retention stuff. so he took my blood pressure and all clear gave me some appetitie suppressents and a small white little tablet to make me pee out any water rention water my body may be holding onto! completley safe tho. So tomorrow il wake up and see if theres been any difference at all ! Hopefully there will be and then the reamining two weeks I will be doing a VLCD ( Slim and Save ) along with a protien meal

so target is to be somewhere between 13st 10lb - 13st 7lb. Hopefullyyyy !

Then i would have lost total 4 Stone from January this year!!!

wooop Wooooop!!!! I am totally ready to get into shape and just be happy and healthy for meeee no vain stuff no impressing anyone else but meeee!!
had a bananna and two chocolate weetabix for brekkie along with semi skimmed milk 200 ml
lunch when i get home from work (working part time in school hours so i can manage my time around my children too!) il have my tesco ultra slim milk chocolate shake

Dinner should be brown rice with Quorn sausages and lots of vegetables and an omlette
Meeting up with some girlfriends tomorrow so il be good all day and then have a nice grilled chicken for dinner!
Weekend ita my nieces 10th Birthday blsss her and were having a barbeque! so again good choicsa and grilled chicken or something along those lines...
on a positive note im feeling very happy and taking this journey one day at a time and enjoying the process. Touchwood! and my 16 yr old nephew even said aunty sadiah! u look like ur a school going girl! now even if thats not true...his charming words defo made me feel better about my progress lol xx
mwah! over and out x
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