Yummymummys first weight loss diary! getting slim for my little boy....

Well done on the loss - all losses are accepted :) x
Not been on here for a few days, been enjoying the sun with lots of walks with the pram.. ive been drinking more water this week and walking everyday as well as following the plan so if I dont see good results next Tuesday I will be gutted.

Its almost managable to see slow results when you know deep down that you could have done better, but when you know you have put in 100 percent it must be hard to not see it showing..

Not even felt like snacking or having big meals the past few days because of the weather, anyone else feeling the same?

39'' waist
46'' hips
27'' thigh
15'' arm

This is the first time I have measured myself so these can count as my 14 and a half stone/ish measurements x
Breakfast: One weetabix (part heb) with skimmed milk and sweetner
Lunch: Two ryvita (part heb) with dairylea (hea) and ham slices
Quavers (4.5 syns)

Snack: Muller yoghurt with added strawberries and blueberries, coffee

Dinner: Quorn sausage and bean pasta bake with onions and mushrooms

Weigh in tonight! eeep! x

Really enjoying your diary - and reading it with interest as am expecting my second in September and know I've been piling on the weight so far (don't know how much, too scared of the scales but i'd guess at least one and a half stone so far and considering I didn't like my weight to start with.......:rolleyes:). Anyway, trying to pull it back now by following SW plan and exercising every day but really encouraged to read about someone who is finding the time and energy to cook healthy lovely meals with a new born baby in tow. Also thought your plan to get to 50 posts was brilliant, might try it :) Good luck with weigh in tonight!!!

Hatti x
Thank you hatti, and congrats, this is your second so you know what is coming! haha
I just wish I had known about sw while I was pregnant because I know I wouldnt have put on as much as I did.. next time (NEXT TIME?!!!) I will have deffo learnt from my mistakes and not pig out like I did.
I dont know how I get the time either! I do manage it though, sometimes I cook evening meals in the morning or lunch time when Max is asleep and then reheat so its easier, he is 14 weeks old now and he is getting such a personality I am loving every (nearly every!) minute of it and watching him grow and progress every day is so exciting :) xx

Bet you cant wait, are you having a boy or girl? x
a little girl, which is lovely as our first is a boy and will be three in August, so a nice gap between them. And then i think that's enough! (famous last words!). I'm trying to stick to healthy eating, but if I mention it, or turn down a treat people think I'm being weird as pregnancy is 'a good excuse to stuff your face' so have started saying I've gone off sweet things, or I'm feeling a bit sick if someone's handing round the doughnuts (even if I'd love one!!), everyone's fine with that. Maybe it's just me but I've always found dieting so political, like when I do Atkins, if I tell people they start ranting about saturated fat, so I started to tell them that I couldn't have sugar and they're really supportive. weird.

You're right, watching them grow and change is the best part of being a parent, and it doesn't stop - Everyday our son makes us laugh with something new he's learnt or said. Downside is he STILL doesn't sleep through, but I guess it won't be such a shock again when the new one turns up!
Went for a HUGGEE walk today and I am hurting all over, it was to a baby clinic further away from me to get him weighed.. he is 12lb 10 at exactly 14 weeks old :)

Breakfast: Muller yoghurt, Apple
Lunch: Apple, velvet crunch crisps (4 syns) a few mouthfulls of mugshot spicy tomato (didnt like it)
D: Couldnt be bothered cooking so ordered grilled chicken breast kebab in w/m pitta bread (heb) with salad and mild tomato chilli sauce from the takeaway and had two small slices of garlic bread with cheese (hea)

A bit naughty I know, I have to syn the oil used to maybe grill the chicken and for the sauce and garlic bread.. I wouldnt say more than 16syns but thats just a guess? 10? 20?

Oh well, I enjoyed it and I havent eaten a takeaway for SIX WEEKS so it isnt going to do much harm, I dont even feel guilty :)

Drinks: Coffee and 3 litres of water
Meal plan for today!

B: Quorn sausages (syns? 2?) and beans, Apple
L: Two ryvita (heb) with cheese (hea) Quavers (4.5syns) banana
D: Turkey strips in chilli sauce in a jacket potato with onions and mixed beans
Muller yogurt for desert

Snack: Options hot choc (2 syns)

Syns for the day: 10?
Oh my gawd, there has been such a change, I wrote down what an average day of food was for me before SW... I totted up the calories and it came to 2300!!!! No wonder I was putting on weight jeez! x