a little girl, which is lovely as our first is a boy and will be three in August, so a nice gap between them. And then i think that's enough! (famous last words!). I'm trying to stick to healthy eating, but if I mention it, or turn down a treat people think I'm being weird as pregnancy is 'a good excuse to stuff your face' so have started saying I've gone off sweet things, or I'm feeling a bit sick if someone's handing round the doughnuts (even if I'd love one!!), everyone's fine with that. Maybe it's just me but I've always found dieting so political, like when I do Atkins, if I tell people they start ranting about saturated fat, so I started to tell them that I couldn't have sugar and they're really supportive. weird.
You're right, watching them grow and change is the best part of being a parent, and it doesn't stop - Everyday our son makes us laugh with something new he's learnt or said. Downside is he STILL doesn't sleep through, but I guess it won't be such a shock again when the new one turns up!