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Lol! OK then ... do you think Ugg Boots would look out of place??
Hahaha, i wish i could get away with going out in my uggs! x
Lol! OK then ... do you think Ugg Boots would look out of place??
Well, my DVD eventually arrived on Thursday. Was hungover Fri and busy Saturday...but feeling fresh on Sunday Morning, and so decided to give it a go!
After reading on the forum and the amount of people that have been doing it, i was expecting a half decent workout :character00115:...HOW WRONG WAS I!?!
Level 1 Day 1
Well i battled through it, did all the exercises...may have pushed myself a little too much. I thought i was fairly fit, but after 6mins thought i was guna die!!!!
Afterwards my legs felt like a dead weight! I could barely get up the stairs...was dreading the next day
Level 1 Day 2
:ambulance:Jeeeeezus Christ, i woke up this morning and felt like id done 12 rounds with Mike Tyson!!
My OH had to roll me out of bed, and I had to shimmy downstairs on my agony! Everywher felt bruised...still does!!
I eventually persuaded myself 'no pain no gain'...and cracked on with day be honest it wasn't too bad.
Had a walk to the park on the afternoon, and it actually felt like my legs were giving way when i walked.
Level 1 Day 3
Well i am still in bloody agony, shimmied out of bed...but managed to walk downstairs.
Weighed myself...and i am very happy at the results...especially after my binge!
Day 3 was completed in pain, and then had to walk to work. Then silly me, thinking i was clever, took the stairs instead of the lift...6 flights later i certainly regretted it...n that was only half way!! Well 10mins later i staggered into the office and fell into my chair! Phew...bring on day 4....![]()
Ha ha! I would never manage Day 1!!!
I'll be watching your progress with interest! I wonder if you will lose any more weight and how many inches you'll lose??
I am now sat at work now nearly peeing myself, coz i physically cant get out of my chair to go to the toilet, its so painful to walk...i look ridiculous, walking like John Wayne!! Maybe coz ive been sat on my arse for the past 4 hours, my arse and legs feel numb...i feel like a dead weight...infact i feel dead!!!:ambulance:
On a lighter note, my weight has gone down... surprisingly, coz i would have thought my weight would go up a little and maybe lose inches instead. Anyway, i have taken all of my measurements, and i will re-measure after the 30 days (god that sounds like a lifetime) is up...if im still alive!!!
OMG! Thank god no-one's in the office as I am now pmsl!!! What are you like???
You can't have lost more weight! How much?
Haha, you would be laughing if you seen the state of me...i darent even go home. Im dreading leaving the office!
Going by my scales im a pound and half lighter than i was last tues morning...cant see how. I might just have to go to class tomorrow night...just to double check...might aswell, its free now
I take it you haven't got your bike today?? Lol! xx
How ya doing hun? Still on plan??
What day are you weighing in??
Hi Ali
Im weighing everyday at the minute...i know i shouldnt!!
Out of the past 10 days i have been 100% on 9 of thembut the scales arnt budging
Sometimes i think my problem is i eat too much!
My official WI is tonight, but im still undecided about going!?!? Its been 6 weeks since my last official WI and 7 weeks till my i need to take action!!