♥ ~ Tanya's Maintainence Diary ~ Year 2 ~♥

I guess it is different for everyone and you will just have to find that happy medium. Have you done anymore Shredding?!
Nope no shredding. My thighs cant take that and running and I love running too much to hinder it.

Todays running session was tough. Did hill sprints and I made myself sprint. I'm very pleased that I did that but it was v.v tough. I was told on the runnersforum that its better to do 2hill reps at full steam than 4at less effort iykwim. So at the top of the 4th one I knew I was out of steam and another rep wouldnt be giving my best effort so I started the run home. That was even tougher!!!!!!

Here's the session:

1.5mile run there
4x hill reps (hill is 140yards)
1.2mile run back

Total mileage: 3.32
Time: 42:51

Dissapointed in the time but ive been assured its not about timing with hill sessions its about getting reps in.

Enough of run talk - got a dilemma ...... I really really want a cheese & pickle baguette for tea instead of my mousakka and vegetables :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
Well done hun! Totally right about the time but I am sure it is something that will improve when you get more experience.
I say with cravings that you should have it! Imho it only gets worse if you don't! But that is just me!
Is moussaka the thing with aubergine?
Yep with aubergine! :drool:
Blurgh! That is not helping your dilemma is it?! Urgh I hate the stuff!
Lol I've had both!!! :eek:

Had a slice of the French baguette with pickle & a slice of cheese on top & now my moussaka & veg :) x
That was a good compromise then wasn't it!! :) ... I love mousaka ... sooo reminds me of our greeek hols :D

Well done on your hill runs - all sounds FAR too energetic and painful to me ;) I'm really glad you love it though :) xx
I hated it at the time but now I feel good :D Too good as i've scoffed cookies & a kipling slice! :doh:

I think mousakka is one of my favourite meals. Its delish! Soon be time for you to venture back to greece!! :D
2 months 2 weeks & 4 days (according to my ticker :eek:)

I have to admire you for being able to do something you hate (at the time) for the benefit you feel afterwards - I couldn't do it! xx
Tis strange isn't it!!! :giggle: I hate hills with a passion but my goal is to be able to run the saltram hill in next years 1/2 and not walk a single step of it. Only way to do that is hill training :(
That actually made me shudder LOL! But good for you girl! :D xx
summergurl said:
Thursday 16th June

*hill reps session run:
1.5mile run there
4x hill reps (hill is 140yards)
1.2mile run back

Total mileage: 3.32
Time: 42:51

B- porridge, s.smilk, 7.5g flaxseeds, tsp sugar. oj.

L- mousakka (sp?), brocolli & broad beans. Lf yog.

*kipling orange&lemon slice :eek:
*2 ww chocolate chip & raisen cookies :eek:

D- fresh pineapple, boiled egg.

*10branston pickle mini cheddars

Edit to add mini cheddars. I fully blame Stevie he saved me some from the pack he had & they're just too delish!!! :p
Oooo I know they are aren't they! YUM! xx
Well done on the hill reps Tanya. I suppose that is one thing that the more you do, the easier they become. In theory anyway!! It's great that you are so into your running.
Good job on the hill training ! You are going to have super toned butt and legs!!
My knee injury is back and this time alot worse. The twinge before was just at the front of my knee and sometimes on the inside but last night in work I got up out of my seat was walking to the toilet and it just didnt feel right. Today i've woken up and the pain/twinge is stemming from the front of my knee right around the outside and into the back where the bend is.

Think i'm going to have to either get new running trousers (so the ones i've got don't dig into the crease of my leg) and/or get a decent knee strap for it.

Got a shift tonight also :D but it's raining so will probably be quiet :(

Friday 17th June

B- 2slices wm nimble, clover, 2eggs scrambled, hp sauce.

*2 jacobs crackers with cheese & pickle on

L- seafood pack (prawns, mussels, mini seafood sticks - only 104cals for the pack!), lettuce, cucumber, baby toms, sweetcorn, 3boiled pots, elf salad cream. lf yog.

*curly wurly
*2ww cookies
*boiled egg

D- meal bar
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So, I don't have a shift tonight now. Yet again i've been let down.

I am so close to boiling point with this now. I want to go straight to my inspector and tell him that I dont get replies from my seargents when I ask for shifts, i'm left in limbo 90% of the time waiting for texts/messages that never arrive yet they have time to go on facebook, put statuses etc.

I feel if I do though its going to come across as really petty.

I give up my time yet for the past 3/4 weeks it seems like no one can be bothered with me. I've found out i'm not the only one too struggling to get shifts. I'm so angry with it all.

:mad: :cry: :mad: :cry: :mad: :cry: :mad: :cry: :mad: :cry:

Sorry for the rant :(

Edit: munched a curly wurly & 2ww cookies
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Hey that's not right is it??!! If you're not the only one why don't you all confront whoever it is and ask 'em what's going on??!! How do the regulars feel about you specials? It's not an anti-specials thing is it?? They should be grateful to have you!

Really sorry to hear about your knee too hon. I know dosh isn't exactly flowing in in great amounts at the mo but it really might be worth consulting a private sports therapist/physio to be absolutely sure you don't do any further damage. Also - did you ever have the gait analysis done? Again it might be really worth making sure you've got the right shoes for your gait/style - very expensive but if it saves your running career ....... ?

Sorry I can't come up with cheap suggestions :eek: xxx
Worse Jan, it's our special seargents!! I understand they have jobs too but it takes 2 seconds to reply :mad:

Defo can't afford those, reckon it's worth a visit to my gp?x
Sorry this has taken so long - I keep losing the freakin' internet connection! ... trying again ...

Barstewards! Grrr!

I guess the GP could refer you to a physio but NHS ones aren't necessarily up on sports injuries and how to best deal with/prevent them getting any worse.

If you want to keep on running for years and years you really need to sort out proper shoes ...... maybe you can ask for dosh for next b'day or christmas so that you can put it all together get a gait test and shoes? Most places do the test free if you buy their shoes but it's still around £95 I think.
Please be careful, don't put paid to your running career when it's hardly started! And I'm speaking as someone who's running career was EXTREMELY short due to an injury that noone could diagnose and therefore put right!

God don't I sound like a miserable git! Lol! Maybe you just need to rest it for a bit take no notice of me being a harbinger of doom!!! Deffo see the GP though imho xxx