♥ ~ Tanya's Maintainence Diary ~ Year 2 ~♥

GLad you have decided to do the 1/2 again! Will you be raising money for the same charity?x
Last night was round off with 2ciders & 4vodkas and a crumpet with cheese & garlic mayo and some salted peanuts.

Not sure T. I am running this 10k for a charity that has helped my cousin alot so I might do it for that one.

Scales don't like me today! :8855: Not surprised after my heavy weekend of carbs & alcohol. Hopefully there'll be alot of it gone come friday but i'm prepared for another gain on friday.

Calorie counting from today, allowing myself 1,200-1,400 a day. According to the bmr I need 2,200 and something so I reckon my allowance should stand me in good stead to lose some pounds.

*will update food later :)
Didn't fancy running today. Woken up and my neck & back are sore. Just means i'll have to run on friday now instead.

Got some great bargains today too on salmon. I havnt had this in aaaages so I saw it at the shop today, usually £4 for a pack of 2fresh fillets but reduced to £1.75. Snapped up 3packs! Got to get some fish back into my diet I think!:) and after today i'm cutting out the crisps!!

Monday 19th September

B- 2slices wm 200
jam 37
nutella 80

*home made mini muffin 137
*1/2 dairylea dunker pot 60

L- grilled peppered beef steak 350
brocolli 20
sprouts 36
gravy 50
lf yog 72

D- carrot sticks 33
lf hummous pot 100
apple 50

s.total = 1,225


Heres a couple of pics from the weekend. I love them as its all the family so got to show them off :giggle: :p

Asked my brother aswell to write me out a training programme, baring in mind i dont have access to a gym and bless him he's done it too. Its a 4week programme using running, swimming, squats, press ups and sit ups and will get me 'ripped' and strengthen my core which will help massively with running. He's even wrote out food for me so I think once I have completed b210k i shall do that. Although he's told me get the squats, press ups and sit ups on the go now! lol


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What good looking brothers u have there! Looks like fun was def had x x
My neck is killing me today. I can't turn my head to the left :( Still going for a run though, its the perfect weather for it - light drizzly rain :D

Down to buisness today. (Although, me and stevie are going to pizza hut on sunday but we are going to share a medium and whatever is on our little card thing that we have to open when were there) Got to get a few lbs off before nov 9th!

Tuesday 20th September

B210k w2d1

*banana 100

B- porridge, s.smilk, sugar 287
oj 85

L- big soup -minted lamb hot pot 228
2x wm bread 200
lf yog 88

D- carrot sticks 33
lf hummous pot 100
apple 50

*ham after work 100

Total = 1,271

Edit: Run today was FAB!!!!! I felt strong & focused & only had 2 extra little stops, 1hill and 1 coming round a bend almost on the home straight! But other than that I was go go go!! :D Well and truely back in love with it! :heartpump:
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Just worked out the distance I ran today .. 4.06miles and input the time (47mins) and it tells me my pace is 11m34s per mile. Back to my old pace :D but this means my 10k would be done in 1hr11m so got 7 weeks to knock 2mins off :fingerscrossed:

(edited cuz I worked I worked it out wrong I put in 4.6 when it was meant to be 4.06)
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Well done on the run time, glad you are loving it again. If you keep going like this you'll knock more than 2 minutes off your time!
Had some ham when I got home from work this morning, so total cals for yesterday 1,271 (i'm not bothering to work out calories burnt running whilst on b210k i'm just going to leave it as a defecit for now).

Got a shift this evening :D

Wednesday 21st September

B- 2slices wm toast 200
butter 60
jam 37
oj 85

*dairylea dunkers jumbo tubes 120 (before shift)

L- tuna 146
elf mayo 12
sweetcorn 61
lettuce, cucumber, baby plum toms 50
lf yog 64
ham 50
cheese 120

D- carrot sticks 33
lf humous pot 100
apple 50

Total = 1,188
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Well done on the run time :) - I'm really glad for you that you're back in lurve with it and that your injury's seem to be improving.

Love the pics - the tan still looks good :D

Hope you enjoy/ed your shift xx
Shift was great. Got some more points signed off. This seargent seems determined to get me out of my probation which is nice! :)

Had my salad & yog when I got home but was still hungry so I had a slice of ham and a slice of cheese.
So what does it mean to be out of probation? ... Apart from the obvious - you're not on probation any longer ;) xx
It'll mean I'll be able to go out on my own (if needed/required - not that as specials that happens v.often), I'll be able to put in for my driving test &&&&&& I'll be deemed confident enough to be able to take out specials still in their probation :D
Oooooooo soooopah :) ... all onwards & upwards!!! xx
Run today was ok. Slower than tuesday's. I do have a bad back, I didn't think it was hindering my run, it wasn't hurting at all but now that i'm back and showered etc its hurting again :confused: Hoping its just from sleeping funny or my posture in work.

Thursday 22nd September

B- porridge, s.smilk, sugar 287
oj 85

L- baked salmon fillet 240
baked mediterranean vegetables (red pepper, yellow pepper, courgette, aubergine, potatoes, onion ... got a frozen bag from sainsburys, thought i'd give em a try!) 98
boiled egg 90
lf yog 64

*nectarine 60
*wafer thin ham 72

D- carrot sticks 33
lf hummous pot 100
apple 50

Total = 1,179
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Hope your back's feeling better. DO try to correct your posture Tan. I have arthritis in my neck now which is (according to physiotherapist) completely posture related and could have been avoided but can't be cured - so be warned! ;) xx
I just need out if my job & into the regs! That'll solve it haha :p
Sounds like a plan ... but in the meantime .... ;) x
Had a nectarine & some wafer thin ham. Cals looking alot better today now :)

Weigh in in the morning :fingerscrossed: the gain isnt too much!