♥ ~ Tanya's Maintainence Diary ~ Year 2 ~♥

Well done on the run, your probabtion and the new shoes Stevie got you! Fab :)
Sorry to hear your back is playing up. How was wi?x
Weigh in and im up 1.25lbs, expected after my weekend! It is silly now though, I managed to lose weight whilst on an all inclusive holiday but come back and i've put almost half what I lost back on! :doh:

Just calculated my bmr again and my daily calorie needs = 2223.30625 a day so take off 1000cals = 1223cals per day so i'm going to stick to between 1223-1423 a day .... should mean a loss of between 1-2lbs per week :fingerscrossed: - Need to make sure im having atleast 1,223 a day - I believe its bad to go under 1000 less than needed?!

Run was ok today. Legs felt very tired. I might repeat week two next week as I want to try and crack all 3 runs without any extra stops - extra stops are usually about 1min each and happen in the 2nd and 3rd run (usually about 3 extra stops - by stops I mean walks lol)

Friday 23rd September

B210k w2d3 - week 2 complete.

B- porride, s.smilk, sugar 287
oj 85

L- baked turkey breast 280
button sprouts 36
mediterrianian vegetables 98
lf hummous pot 100

*nectarine 60
*chocolate biccie 56

D- crunchie :drool: 185
apple 50
dairlylea jumbo tubes pot 120

Total = 1,357
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Sounds like a good idea to repeat the week rather than go on to the next one feeling like you didn't quite crack the previous, iykwim ;)

Looks like you're getting a good handle on your food, calories etc.

Looking good & positive :) xx
Got a new tattoo today!! It means memories in Turkish. Me and Clare got it done together, same place, same tattoo :) Asked her about running, said I should be fine after a few days and when I do to put cream on it, then clingfilm then my sock just to be safe.

So going to repeat week 2 next week but only 2days, thursday and friday. Not the best but better than nothing. Hopefully I can crack the last 2 runs :fingerscrossed:

I did want a weekend of no alcohol but I had a glass of wine this afternoon :eek:

Saturday 24th September

B- 2slices wm toast 200
butter 120

*packet walkers pickled onion 179

*glass of rose 170

D- homemade lasagne 418
brocolli & cauliflower 100
glass of red 170

Total = 1,357


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Love the Tat!! :)

I'm in no position to comment about what you mean to have and what you actually have!! As long as you enjoyed! xx
I did enjoy but I want more!!!!!!!! But, I have to be up at 7 as I have overtime tomorrow & then were going to pizza hut .... so probably best, calorie wise & sleep wise that I don't indulge in the wine :sigh:
Sod it. I've chose another glass of wine over the toffee sundae I was meant to have for afters!

Saving of 28calories ;)
In a flippin mood today. Somehow put on a lb ... how? I only had 1,357cals friday & yesterday including the wine last night :mad: I hate my body so i've stuck two fingers up at the scales today :mad: :cry:

*for obvs reasons couldnt work out the calories in the salad or the ice-cream factory as its all in 100g and I really don't know how much I had, next time i'll be sure to take my scales :p

Sunday 25th September

B- 2 slices wm toast 200
butter 120

*1/2 bag nik naks 60

L/D- salad bowls; lettuce, cucumber, cherry toms, sweetcorn, peppers, beetroot, silverskin onions, 2tsp couscous 1tsp pot salad, 1tsp coleslaw, 6croutons, 2tortilla chips, lf vinegarette

1slice garlic bread 94
2.5 slices pizza 604

Ice-cream factory - smarties, choc honeycomb pieces, ice-cream, butterscotch sauce, mint choc chip sauce

*1/2 choc orange biccie 40

Total = 1,118 (not inc salad bowls & ice-cream factory)
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We really are our own worst enemies getting on those scales all the time! That lb will probably be back off tomorrow!! Chin up doll :eek: xx
I dont usually get on the scales any other day besides weigh in day but for some reason I did this morning. It's just so disheartening and yet again im getting fed up of the constant struggle! :banghead: I'll be ok again in a few days. Having the rest of the bottle of wine (about 1/2) this evening and maybe a v&dc.

Plan on not weighing now untill friday 7th. Going to be super good. No alcohol next weekend. Should be ok as i'm working 8pm-6am on saturday night and sunday night should be ok. Hopefully I can get atleast 2lbs off by then :fingerscrossed:
I'm sure you can :) xx
Determined. Focused. Want it - gunna get it! :D

Thats my motto for the next 12days!
Yay go you hun! You WILL do it. Scales are definitely not a dieters friend!
Great motto, u can get it :) x
BRILL!! Go for it girl!! :D xx
i'll go for it tomorrow ;) Today has been a bit naughty. I've got a full on munchie head on, i've got control of it atm but I cant stop thinking of going downstairs, sitting in front of the fridge & cupboards & just eating :eek: :break_diet: :doh:

Monday 26th September

B- 2slices wm toast

L- beef & stilton pasty, skips, crunchie

D- pork chop, lf mature cheese, veg & gravy
*few mouthfuls of cherry garcia frozen yogurt
*1 triangle of toblerone

Work- banana
Mini cheddars
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Eeeeaaaaccchhhhh!!!! Tell me about it ..... what's up with us all at the moment!! Grrrr :( .... :sigh: ah well - at least we're aware of what's happening! :eek: xx
I just want to eeeeeeeeeeeeat!! :mad: :17729:

I wish I knew why this happened every so often!

Back on track 100% tomorrow. Going to stick to no more than 1,400 cals a day - got 10days until next weigh in :fingerscrossed:
Back aboard today. Not started well, didn't enjoy my breakfast one bit but Stevie had my last 2 bits of bread & I didn't want white.

My goal is to get these 15lbs off by 23rd December ... 12weeks to get there.

Determined. Focused. Want it - gunna get it! :D

Tuesday 27th September

B- honeynut bitesize shredded wheat 200
s.smilk 75
banana 100
oj 47

L- oceans crumble fish pie 269
cauliflower 45
brussel sprouts 36
gravy 50

D- carrot sticks 33
lf hummous pot 100
dorset cereals almond, brazil&hazelnut bar 137
lf yog 106
mandarin 50

Total= 1,248
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Glad your feeling more positive today hun :) as for the 40 cals personally I wouldn't eat just for the sake of it. It isn't a massive amount. Just see how you feel later x