♥ ~ Tanya's Maintainence Diary ~ Year 2 ~♥

I'll try the fibreclear first Mary :)

Just gobbled back a 95g bag of kids mix (Asdas version of haribo starmix) got a small carton of apple juice for tonight in work. Will take the senekot tomorrow night as I want to try a run tomorrow xx
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I mix my porridge 1/2 n 1/2 with 100% oat bran from the health food shop......works a treat. The Dukan diet recommends oat bran every day whether you are dieting or not. Doesn't make a trip to the loo urgent or unpleasant, just reliable:D that bunged up feeling is horrible, not to mention painful. Hope you feel better today x
I feel loads better today, had a lovely long sleep. Still no movement but the sicky feeling has gone. If nothing tonight then i'll take the senokot before i head to bed in the morning.

I don't have an appetite though. I've never ever lost my appetite before, even when i had flu over the new year i still managed to eat.

Wednesday 2nd February

*3 miles run 35.53mins

B- 4mouthfulls of muesli & s.s milk

*250ml isotonic

L/D - going to make some pasta with lettuce, cucumber, radishes, red onion, polony & ww parmasan & tomato pasta sauce and pick at it through the night.

*packet salt & vinegar squares
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Soooooo glad you're feeing better my love :) ... hope you get some 'movement' soon ;) that'll probably help with the appetite .. at the moment you've got no room for any more :giggle: xx
LOL!!! Tis true!

I've eaten a bowl of pasta, probably about 100g pasta and then the salad stuff & sauce. I've made enough for 2 days worth.

PP's are out the window right now hey! :rolleyes:

Edit: MOOOOVEEEEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! Glad to see your appetite is back after being poorly. Never mind, back on the wagon tomorrow.
hahha sorry gals, im sure you all really wanted to know about my discomfort dissapearing :eek:
Actually I really did want to know!!! Glad you've made it kiddo!! ;)

I like poo dles too :8855: xx
And now I've just eaten a packet of squares! I dread weigh in on Friday lol xx
Now, come on you!! Stop with the picking, you have been doing well and can have a good weigh in on Friday. So buck up and out with the water bottle. no more munchies tonight!!
I'm not sure 1 packet of crisps can be counted as picking .... :hmm: considering the little ive eaten these past few days.

I mean dread the weigh in as with the little I have eaten my bodys guna want to keep hold of it :( lol
Ah, I see what you mean. Dont worry either way, I'm sure you will do well on Friday especially as you have cleared out iykwim!!
Just read that back, sorry if it came across as rude! :s
That's an interesting theory Tanya, not sure that I entirely agree with it cos I find that porridge for breakfast fills me up until dinner time......incidentally, try my porridge and oat bran combo for breakfast when you're running rather than muesli. It's got the carbs and the fibre and it tastes great, you could also add fruit.....

Life was so much easier when the opinion was that all calories were equal!

Glad you feel better......to put it rather crudely, you can't beat a good poo:eek: especially when you're on a diet!
Overslept today & missed my eyebrow wax! :mad: Set my alarm for 2:30 and mustve turnt it off, dont even remember doing it and didnt wake again untill 4:40! I'm majorly annoyed as ive changed my hours tonight to 10-3 so I can come home and sleep and get up early for tomorrow.

On a positive note, my first holiday is now paid off!!!! :D 20weeks and 3 days to go! :giggle:

Thursday 3rd February

B- 1 wm bagel toasted, 1 slice bacon dry fried with 2 eggs scrambled (no milk or butter) ketchup.

L/D- small bowl pasta, ww pasta sauce, lettuce, cucumber, red onion, radish, polony.


Still not got much of an appetite but have to get a 7miler under my belt tomorrow so i had better get some grub inside me.
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You obviously needed the sleep.......is eyebrow waxing painful? I just pluck mine:eek:
Nooo not at all! :D And if it does hurt you its over within a second! :)
You're right you DO need something substantial inside you for that run!
Great that the holiday's paid off - 'citing :D

Are you still weighing in tomorrow? Good luck if so :) xx