♥ ~ Tanya's Maintainence Diary ~ Year 2 ~♥

BBC weather said 22deg here at 4pm which is when I start running.

I've not cried this much in ages. I can't get over how bad I feel about it. Why couldnt just go that extra 3.5miles today? Would have only been another 40minutes of running :mad: :cry: just 40minutes then I would've done it!!! 40effin minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awwwww Tan honey (((hugs hugs hugs)))

I wish I cud say something to make u feel better! Sorry I can't... useless Fud that I am! Lol

I'm no expert on running (or exercise in general lol) but surely it must have something to do with the heat! Please don't beat yourself up.

Plus there is no way ur letting anyone down so get that thought right out of your head!! I know I haven't sponsored you yet but I will, and that sponsorship has nothing to do with you completing the run - it's about being so proud of you even attempting it in the first place!

I'll bet everyone feels the same as that - it's not dependent on you finishing the course! Besides, I don't doubt you will complete it on race day anyway ... ur just having a crisis in confidence just now! Your run the other day and subsequent lack of confidence coupled with the heat today has pickled ur tenacity! Did u maybe set off today expecting to fail and not believing in yourself!

Any which way listen to your body! Heat alone, if u overdo it, it cud be damaging for your health! i think u were ABSOLUTELY RIGHT to stop when u ran out of fluids! Be sensible and think Tanya first, 10 miles second... Be proud honey, not disheartened! Xx
Tanya! Your amazing stop being so hard on yourself you have to climatise like all athletes do, take it easy it would have been silly to continue in that heat without anything to drink so please don't be disheartened your an inspiration to a newbie like myself !!

Keep up the good work you will be fine come race day with everyone around you it will motivate you AND you know you can do it!!!!

Good luck, hope u cheer up soon xxx
Thanks girls.

I've revised my running plan, whinged alot (to Stevie, Jan & people on the runnersforum) been advised to try gels - of which i've just been and bought 4 and I am going to change my long runs to a different time of day - mornings.

Also been told to up the iron in my diet, red meats, oj & brocolli on the shopping list for next week.

Few hours later and I feel a little better. Still wallowing in self pity but i'll get over it.

Heres the revised plan:

Week 16 (25/4) Tue 11m (9am) Thurs 3m Fri 4m

Week 17 (2/5) Tue 11m (9am) Thurs 3m Fri 4m

Week 18 (9/5) Mon 11m (9am) Wed 3m Fri 4m

Week 19 (16/5) Tue 4m Thur 3m Sun 11m (8:30am)

Week 20 (23/5) Tue 2m Wed 3m Sun RACE DAY :)

Edit: Hopped over to the plymouth 1/2 mara website earlier and they've changed the start time to 08:30 ... thanks for filling me in plymouth!!!! :rolleyes:
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Good job you looked on their website!

You know what I think :)

***hugs*** xx
Glad ur feeling bit better! Sometimes even deciding on a new plan of action can help so much eh? - like ur taking control! GO TANYA GO TANYA xx
Maybe this was meant to happen in order for me to change and get the morning runs in in prep for the big day.

From now on, its no more focusing on time (although I will still time all runs) and all about enjoying every single run :)
Good for you - great philosophy :) xx
Go for it chick. You know that you can do it! You have done it before!
You are doing so well- very proud of how well you have done!!!
Weighed myself today - got a STS. Pretty happy with that considering my few days off etc.

No break for me except monday, working tonight, tomorrow & sunday night with the regs. Can't wait :)

Friday 22nd April

B- 2 grilled sausages, 2eggs scrambled with a dash of s.s milk & 2 granary wm toast with butter on. Hp sauce.

L- i've picked: 1 chunk of kit kat chunky, handful pringles, packet of walkers with onion&garlic dip, 1/3rd of a small milkybar easter egg.

D- take with me a chicken curry puff pastry pie to heat up & a banana.
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Hope you enjoy your shifts hon. Well done on your sts :) xx
STS is a good result and it's great you are happy with that. Good for you taking as many shifts as possible. All the experience you can get will be a great aid in getting to your ultimate goal of a full time career.
I like your new plan for your race training. Whilst a great time would be fab, it is important to remember that it is your first attempt so finishing it will be a great achievement in it's own right!! Well done!
Well done for you WI. Have lots of fun on your shifts- I am sure you will!
Love all my shifts - even when they are sooooo quiet, just like last night! Hopefully tonight & tomorrow night will be busy with it being bh weekend :)

Saturday 23rd April

B- slice of pizza that stevie saved me & a bowl of cheerios with s.s milk

*couple handfulls of doritos
*home made chocolate cupcake with vanilla buttercream

L- 4breadsticks with onion & garlic dip, slice of deli ham, slice of cheese.

D- taking with me 1/2 tin tuna, boiled egg, 150g pasta, lettuce, cucumber and mixture of elf & original mayo as I didnt have enough elf to go for 2days :doh: lol
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Sunday 24th April

B- 2slices wm granary toast with butter

*Easter egg (£1 one so not too big)
*pack of wotsits

L- cheerios & s.s milk

D- 1/2 tin tuna, boiled egg, 150g pasta, lettuce, cucumber elf & original mayo.
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Mmmmm hope you enjoyed your easter egg :)

Are you doing full nights then? xx
Twas loverly!!
Yep full nights, it was 10-6 fri, 9-6 last night and 8-5 tonight.
Finally a day off tomorrow though and me and Stevie have planned to go to Newquay with mum& dad next weekend to the van they got there and so I wont be working any of next bh weekend :D
Ah that sounds lovely, hope the weather's good. I had my first honeymoon in Newquay ... mind you I AM going back to 1974!! :eek: :giggle: xx
Hope tonight goes well :) xx
Enjoy ur day off today.. Hope u have a lovely time next weekend - I bet it's lovely there x