Your food was great yesterday, well done.
Have a great weekend in Newquay, fingers crossed it's nice weather for you.
Its supposed to be heavy rain showers & thunder sat & sun in newquay
Oh and Tan do you think the spots may be a hormonal thing? or is it just one of those things?!
Not sure chick. I remember them first coming up, it was last october and theyve been lingering on my chin ever since. I can see the red marks where the spots are and then every now and again the red marks will turn into white heads.
I'm pretty peed at it - ive never ever suffered with spots or acne or anything but since october my chin has been like a spot party for them!
Braved it and weighed myself today +1.25lbs.
Changed my goal weight to 11st10lbs which means I have to lose 15.25lbs in 8 weeks :sigh: But aslong as im under the 12st mark before going away I will be happy-ish! lol
Just got to get this weekend out of the way

Heading down to Newquay straight from work at 6am, couple hours sleep then hopefully I can get up on time to watch the wedding - i'm not
that interested in it but it's a massive moment so I do want to watch it to be able to remember it
Thursday 28th April
*3mile run (34:08m)
B- porridge, s.s milk spoon sugar
L- tuna, boiled egg, boiled pot, lettuce, cucumber, beetroot, slice of cheese, elf mayo.
D- meal bar
S- banana after run
10jelly beans
Aero sheep