♥ ~ Tanya's Maintainence Diary ~ Year 2 ~♥

Wednesday 4th May

B- special k, s.s milk

L- baked chicken breast, brocolli (2), green beans peas & sweetcorn (1) baby boiled pots

D- meal bar

*mullerlight, peach slices (1) pineapple (1)

Edit to todays menu. Now have my 5aday :)

Also, I asked over on the runnersform about my knees and for a few weeks now every single time i bend down they click and ive been suggested cod liver oil and glucosamine so ive been out this evening and got some. Taking one of each once a day. Hopefully this might also help with the slight twinge in my right knee that i get now and again :)
Hope so hon .. fingers crossed. xx
Hope your knee gets sorted out soon. Not long til race day now is it? Exciting!

BTW, congrats on the loss, what a way to lose weight!
24days untill race day!

Thursday 5th May

*9.95m run (1:59:37 12:01 pace :()

B- porridge, s.s milk, sugar, 200ml orange juice (1)

L- grilled peppered beef steak, lettuce (1), cucumber (1), sweetcorn & red onion (1), boiled baby pots, elf mayo

*fresh strawberry icecream

D- meal bar

*banana (1)
*3 energy gels
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Tanya your food always looks lovely!!
I always really enjoy my food in the week too :) just got to get into the habit of planning for the weekends now :)
Not too impressed with my run today but I know why I didn't do so well.

Ran 9.95miles (damn you 0.05th of a mile :mad::p) in 1:59:37 which is a pace of 12:01 a mile. My slowest for a long time but I did walk quite often today.

I think its because i've only had 1 rest day between my last run and this long run. Lesson learnt. Also, my knee is giving me jip again. Slapping the ibuprofen gel on :fingerscrossed: it'll be ok. With only 24days until race day I cant afford to be resting up now!

Going to run on sunday, going to do a 3miler which will take my mileage this week to 16.33. Looking back at my weeks i'm comfortable around the 15/16miles a week mark and also my long runs are always at there best when i've had 3days rest which is what im guna do before race day. It's scary how close it is!

Heres the rest of my plan for the next 3 weeks (its guna help me so sorry if im repeating things on here guys).

wc 9/5 mon 5m thur 10.73m
wc 16/5 tue 3m thur 3m sun 10.73m
wc 23/5 tue 2m wed 2m sun race day!

Again, another loooooon reply about my run, sowwy! lol I feel sorry for you lot all your going to hear over the next 3weeks is me ranting about my runs lol x
Well done on realising why the run was not your best - at least you know now that you need more rest days - I'm glad u sound positive today and not beating ur self up cos u didn't do quiet what you have planned..
Plan sounds good for the next couple of weeks - u must be so proud of ur self! I know I would be x
I am indeed. To think back a couple of years when I was tipping the scales at nearly 20st and facing an early death to now just 3 weeks away from running my first 1/2 marathon it really puts everything into perspective. If I don't get the time I want on race day its not the end of the world, i'll get it on my next half ;)
Dad made strawberry ice cream earlier (literally just tesco light vanilla ice-cream with blended fresh strawberries and a couple whole strawberries works out just under 180cals) so I'm having some - better than the banana chocolate and whisky one he also made lol

Oh and some AMAZING news ..........

My little brother is home from Libya!!!!!!!!! He came home and surprised his Gf so none of us knew!

I am a little annoyed with her though as she put it straight on Facebook which is how I found out. That really has annoyed me the fact fb knew before us, his family :mad: buuuuuut shouldn't let that ruin it just very happy he is home :) x
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Oh Tanya, I'm worried for you about that knee. If you are not doing so already, absolutely make sure you strap it everytime you run whether it aches or not. You obviously have done a little damage and race prep wont give it time to heal so all you can do is keep it supported. The neoprene knee supports are good. You can't take risks at this stage so close to your race. The glucosamine will only show results after about six weeks. Keep taking it as it will help the tissue mend.
Fingers crossed for you hon that it won't get any worse. You have come so far, it will be a shame if you are injured.
Take care.
Injured or not i'm crossing that finish line!! :D Will defo look into strapping it up for my next long run next week thanks Molly x
I love your determination!! Strap it up every run until after the race!!
Good advice from Molly there Tan :)

Bit of a b*gger the way you found out about your brother. Does she enjoy a bit of one-upmanship? Or is she just thoughtless?! :eek: Silly mare. As you say though mustn't let it spoil the fact - as if it could! :)

I love the way you're planning and love to hear about all things race/running related so don't you dare think you're being boring! You're an inspiration girl not a bore!! xxx
I think she's a bit of both Jan, we are like sisters though - we argue like sisters would but I do love her like one too :giggle: I think it was probably more excitement and thoughtfullness tbh :rolleyes:
Great news about your bro being home safe and sound. You take it easy with that knee.
The knee is no better :( It feels like it needs to be clicked all the time. Im not sure wether this has come about because of the constant clicking theyve done for a fair few weeks now or something else.

Looking back at my running it was week 7 that I last had a problem with my knee and I took 5days rest. Im not sure if this would be a wise idea to do again? If I did it would mean i'd only be able to fit in one run next week - can I really do that this close to the half marathon?

Talking of which - my race pack came through today with my number in!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D i'm happy with the number (not that I had any say in it lol) its all even :giggle:

Got a shift tonight :party0049:
Oh and cuz of one of the podcasts i listened to last night i'm going back to calorie counting! and according to the bmr calculator to lose 1lb a week I can have 1,717 calories a day and to lose 2lbs a week I can have 1,217 calories a day. So im guna stick as close to 1,217 as I can but obv importance on my running is my main priority right now :)

So, theoretically I could get this stone off before my holiday in 7weeks time or atleast 11lbs of it so im back in the 11s!!! :fingerscrossed:

Friday 6th May

B- special k, s.s milk, 150ml orange juice (1)

*curly wurly

L- chicken chorizo & chipolate Mayo sarnie (was 400cals or there abouts will check the packet before I bin it)
packet of skips
I then had a fudge bar (ya know the cadbury ones for like 17p) and half a bag of malteasers

Total = work out later...
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Exciting for you to get your race pack. . That is awful that the knee is still sore. It's prob an injury picked up because you are new to running. Before you go for your run, wring out a wet towel and put it in the freezer. When you get back wrap the towel round your knee for about ten mins or so. This is a very handy way of icing a knee. I do hope it settles soon. Any chance you could go see a physical therapist for some deep tissue work on your knee. It will really help and prevent permanent damage.
Good idea with the towel molly, thanks I will sure do that one.
Not a chance with the therapists - im skint lol xxx
Aww huni as someone who has knee pain your pain! Bit of a catch 22 situation to be in for you though. I definitely agree with Molly to get a support. When I am having a bad day mine makes such a difference.
Good news about your bro. Glad he is home safe.
Oh and love the sound of the ice cream. I miss strawberries and clotted cream so much! Just not the same up here lol!!! My mum used to make us cream tea "sandwiches" and they were the best :)
Also love your countdown- very cute!