Right, i'm here, i'm back and i'm focused!
Weigh in on friday was a loss of 1lb. Could have been more in the two weeks but could have been worse I guess.
Leaves me at 12st 2.25lbs.
I'm now on a mission, I will get to 10st 13lbs by christmas. Me and my brothers gf have around the same amount to lose (me 17.25lbs and her 21lbs) so were doing it together.
It's just the picking I have to get under control after work.
I've written up my meal plans for the rest of this week, up to friday.
Saturday i'm heading up to Bristol for the half marathon on sunday.
I know saturday I will be ok food wise. I'll have my breakkie before leaving, a sensible lunch and then my usual night before a race meal of burger and chips

sunday I have already planned a bad day (i'm itching for a burger king/kfc and will have one and get it out of my system) and monday i'll be right back on track for my 'skinny for christmas' challenge.
In the process of writing up my new phys plan too. Still sticking with the running but dropping the distance. Max will be a 6miler once a week followed by a couple shorter runs and lots of classes. I'm going for 5days a week. I have a week off work at the end of october which I may also make a week off phys but will see how I feel, as I may make next week my week off phys after the half. Have to see how I feel I guess.
Tue 25[SUP]th[/SUP] September
B- granola & milk 400
L- grilled beef steak 333
Asparagus 45
Broccoli 40
*yog 60
D- lf cheese triangle, ham pitta 224
Nectarine 60
Go ahead bar 146
Total = 1,308
Wed 26[SUP]th[/SUP] September
B- granola & milk 400
L- salmon 240
roasted courgettes, tomatoes & carrots (with olive oil) 140
*yog 60
D- lf cheese triangle, ham pitta 224
Nectarine 60
Go ahead bars 146
Total = 1,270
Thur 27[SUP]th[/SUP] September
B- 2egg, 2egg white omelette with ham, hp sauce 246
Mushrooms 15
L- grilled beef steak 333
Baby pots 107
Roasted courgettes & carrots 130
*yog 60
D- lf cheese triangle, ham pitta 224
Nectarine 60
Go ahead bars 146
Total = 1,321
Fri 28[SUP]th[/SUP] September
B- 2egg, 2egg white omelette with ham, hp sauce 246
Mushrooms 15
L- chicken breast 169
Baby pots 107
Broccoli 40
Carrots 30
*yog 60
D- lf cheese triangle, ham pitta 224
Nectarine 60
Go ahead bars 146
Total = 1,097