♥~ Tanya's Maintainence Diary - Year 3 - Diary of a runner! ~♥

Run yesterday felt rubbish. I didn't have a rest day the day before which I think is why. Still managed 7.85miles though. Didnt stay for pump this morning after step. My thighs feel trashed and as i'm going twice tomorrow it should be ok. Went out again last night and had yet more drinks! So much for no alcohol and being strict!!!! :sigh: atleast the food part isnt suffering too badly.

Tue 7th Aug
*7.85mi run
B- granola,s.milk 400
L- turkey mince, pasatta, butterbeans, peas 442
*2boiled eggs 140
*4double vodkas 400
*3singles 150
s.total = 1,532
burnt = 1,052
net = 480

Wed 8th Aug

*1hr body step
B- granola, s.milk 400
L- coronation chicken wrap 315
shapers crisp 96
orange juice 75
*1egg, 3egg white fritatta with ham & onion 171
D- tesco indian takeaway for 2 so half of korma, tikka masala, pilau rice & bombay potatoes. Mango chutney
*1.5 fruit ciders
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Ooooops!! Hope you're enjoying them & not spoiling things by feeling guilty!! It's VERY hard as a holiday draws near! xx
Thur 9th Aug

*1 hour body pump & 1hr stump (half hour step & half hour pump)

B- granola, s.milk 400
L- king prawn salad 140
pepperami 126
raspberries 60
D- chicken breast, spanish chicken sauce & rice 641
*almonds 188
*wine 530
Total = 2,085

Yesterday was good. I have twinged my back though so I am tempted to skip the gym classes today, i'm defo not doing pump but still deciding whether I want to do step.

Weighed in this morning, but it was over an hour after I actually woke up - duno if that would affect it but i'm going on holiday weighing 11st 13.5lbs. Lost 2.5lbs in the last two weeks. Surprised really after the alcohol this week. I think the idea of getting into the 10st bracket by the bristol half is now too much to ask but after holiday i'll knuckle down and hopefully get as close as I can. Under 11st 7lbs would be good.

Off for food this evening with friends as its all of our birthdays within days of each other (8th, 13th & 14th) so this will be the last time i'm on here untill i'm back.

Plan as always when I go on holiday, carbs in the morning for breakfast and then low carb for lunch and dinner. Thats if I dont lose my appetite again, that'd be nice! haha :giggle:

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Well done on the loss, brilliant!!

Have a fantastic holiday and enjoy your birthday there!! See you when you get back.
Well done Tan!! :D - now you have a brilliant time and a FAB birthday! Yeah - I'd forgotten about you losing your appetite last holiday and coming back lighter - I guess it would be too much to hope for that to happen twice .... here's hoping it happens to me this year ;) xx
Where are you Missis!! I see on FB you had a fandabidozy holiday :D:D xx
I'm here! :) Just been busy, super tired and super lazy!
Had a lush holiday. Drank faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrr too much alcohol and not enough water, so much so i've come back to a bladder infection :eek::( got antibiotics from the doc so should start to clear up. Food wasnt too bad on holiday - meals werent big but I did eat 2big bags of cheetos whilst away :eek: Mainly stuck to meat and veg and if I had carbs after breakfast it was rice. There was one day where I had chips for lunch but I didn't have many as I was hanging!!! lol Alcohol was the main problem :giggle: I've eaten more since i've been back I think. Got back saturday afternoon, went and saw Michael Mcintyre saturday evening, he was fab, then up sunday morning for body step, which was HARD after over a week of nothing but lying down, eating and drinking :giggle: and so yesterday I pretty much napped all day as it had been 9days surving on about 4-5hours sleep a night. Thankfully managed to finish work early last night and so got a decent kip all fresh for tonight.

Had my birthday whilst on holiday and my friend sneakily decorated the room with banners, confetti & streamers and then when we were getting ready in the evening she had bought with her a vanilla buttercream smelling little candle and came out onto the balcony holding it alite and said "cuz I couldnt bring a cake I still wanted you to blow out a candle and make a birthday wish" ... I was so touched. Thats so thoughtful of her! :heartpump:

Saturday I had a mcdonalds :eek: first one in god knows how long, sunday went to the harvester where I shared a platter with my brother and had a sundae and yesterday I just ate all day, crumpets for breakfast, sarnie & crisps, garlic bread & salad ... basically, anything involving bread & carbs!!! :eek:

Today I am trying to pull it back, to no avail though. I know it always takes me a few days to get back into the swing of it so I duno why i'm beating myself up so much.

Be back to writing it all down now though and back to strict calorie counting tomorrow.
Going to have to tweek my training plan though as having a week out has messed things up a bit.
I have the Torbay 10k race on sunday evening and its just over 5weeks until the bristol half marathon :eek: :eek:

Weigh in will be friday, totally not looking forward to it! :(
I have also pretty much decided my plan of action for after the Bristol Half. I'm 90% certain of this it just all depends on cost and the finance options available to me. I'm going to go back on the shakes, lose a couple more stone and then after christmas get an arm lift. They are horrendous. They make me feel so self concious, I really can't take it any more. A bloke pointed them out to me whilst on holiday and I was mortified, I wanted to cry! I believe the average is around 5k but thats nothing if it'll make me happier. Oh, and getting 2weeks off work to have it done will be the other main issue!

Tue 21st August
B- 1whole egg, 3egg white omelette with mushrooms, ham, onion & tomatoes.
hp sauce
*bgty crisp
*mini magnum
*6dairy box chocolates
*handful cheetos
*tikka turkey breast pieces
L- salmon fillet, roasted courgette & baby pots
*natural yog & strawberries
D- lf cream cheese, ham & lettuce pitta
Sounds like you had fab time... Your tweet about your mum doing your holiday washing was so funny!

I hate it when people comment on the thing that you dislike about yourself the most - I get it all the time when people comment about my bad skin its so upsetting. I'm not sure if its something that you want to look into but there is a company that does finance for medial procedures called Zebra Finance.

How much more are you wanting to lose - I think you look fab now!
hahaa Yeah, that was a tadge embarassing!!!!!! My face was beetroot!

I'm not sure - my only reasoning behind wanting to lose more is that if I have my arms done then decide to lose more i'll just get the same problem and it'll be a waste of the 5k! I don't mind my belly n stuff now, thats not really my issue, sure it'd be nice to have it flatter but thats never guna happen because of losing all the weight but we'll see when the half marathon is done.

It'll mean giving up long runs though which will be the hard part. I could probably still do short 30mins runs whilst on shakes, if thats the way I decide to go but tbh i'd probably much prefer to do gym classes 5/6days a week - i'll just have to see when the time comes. But one thing I am sure of is getting my arms done. I have looked into the hospital group and they offer finance and theyve been on embarassing bodies doing an arm lift and my friend had her boobs done with em - she said the only problem is that if there is complications it'll mean driving to exeter if I need any after care.
Glad you had a great holiday!

Can't believe the Bristol half is only 5 weeks away, where did that time go?

Good luck with your plan for after Bristol, if it makes you happy then why not?
It's scary how quickly Bristol has come around! I feel totally unprepared! But I know I can do it and thats the main thing.

Went for a run today. Thought it was going to be really tough but was surprisingly ok. It was a tadge tough but nothing too bad. I guess its to be expected after filling the body with junk and alcohol for 10days.

Todays run was supposed to be 1hr40mins but I cut it short as I have torbay 10k on sunday and that'd mean my weekly mileage would be up in the 14miles which is unusual for my body so sensible idea to cut it short.

Going to stump tomorrow then I will have friday and saturday rest in prep for sundays race.

Back to it today. I feel in a lot better mind frame atm but I still have all night to go :eek::p Calories are going to be aimed for the 1,500mark.

Todays run:
11:29avg pace
813cals burnt

Tue 22nd Aug
B- granola & s.milk 400
*turkey chunks 132
L- chicken breast, salad & baby pots 299
sweet chilli 50
*strawberries, raspberries & nat yog 156
D- ham, lf soft cheese pitta 270
nectarine 60
bgty crisp 96
*1/2 can energy drink 74
*1.5bread sticks, 5slices wafer thin ham, slice of cheese with some onion & garlic dip, handful salted peanuts, jaffa cake :doh:
s.total = 1,537
burnt = 813
net = 724
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Food looks good Tanya - look how causal you've said "I've got a 10k on Sunday" as though it's nothing :) you've come so far x
HaHa - I was thinking that Sarah .... oh a 10k here and a half marathon there ..... all in a normal day .. :D

Glad you had a fab holiday my love - you deserve it.

For various reasons I won't bore you with, surgery for anything other than an absolute necessity isn't something I could ever contemplate but I know I'm in a minority and I wouldn't judge anybody else for doing it if they really feel it'll benefit them. Maybe I'm just in the wrong job - lol!

I would like you to please bottle some of your determination and resolve and send it to me ...... I'll pay!!!

Hope the night goes quickly for you xx
Afraid last night didn't end well. All good up until I got home from work where I went straight to the fridge (whyyyyyyyyyy?!!!) and munched; 1.5bread sticks, 5slices wafer thin ham, slice of cheese with some onion & garlic dip, handful salted peanuts & jaffa cake :doh: It took all the will power I had not to chow down on the honeycomb yorkie I have in my fridge!!!! :eek: I'll still probably be under 1,500net cals for the day but its besides the point!! My monthly has also decided to pay me a visit after almost 3months without one :( Weigh in day tomorrow too. Not looking forward to that. I'm reckoning on atleast a 10lb gain! :eek:

I see what you mean with surgery Jan but i'll upload pics so you can see. They are horrendous. A 12st girl shouldnt have arms like this. I'll be much happier when they are gone, it'll mean I can finally start to wear dresses without sleeves and feel comfortable in short sleeve tops and actually go in and buy clothes and not worry what my arms will look like. (the photos were taken last night)

Off to stump tonight. Last phys sesh then 2days off before my 10k. Have to say, not looking forward to it but it'll be another race under my belt :)

Thur 23rd Aug
B- 1egg 3egg white ham & mushroom omelete 246 (had a smidgen of butter for the mushrooms :p)
*bgty crisp 96
*banana & 2slices ham after stump 148
L- tuna, salad & boiled pots 235
*strawberries & nat yog 153
D- ham, lf soft cheese pitta 270
nectarine 60
Total = 1,208


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Yeah - ok - I can see what you mean. And I may well feel differently if I was your age - I'm not knocking your decision hon, really I'm not. Good luck to you.

I just know that after your wi tomorrow you'll be straight back on track so don't beat yourself up. xx
How did it go? The wi? xx
Weigh in was a gain of 5.25lbs.
Not as bad as I expected I guess. Yesterday I literally went off the rails. Full on binge. I noted down everything I ate though in hope it would stop me but it didnt :sigh: Back up in the 12stones now, weighing at 12st 4.75lbs.
No chance of getting in the 10s by bristol half but 11stone bracket is a definate possibility.

Fri 24th Aug
B- 2x crumpets & butter
*3chunks yorkie honeycomb
*bgty crisp
L- tuna, salad, baby pots, salad cream
*ww bakewell slice
*chunk of iced madeira cake
*2jaffa cakes
D- ham, lf soft cheese pitta bread & banana
*fruit pastilles
*ham, slice of cheese & handful walkers extra crunchy crisp dipped in some hummous
... then I went to bed! :doh:

So, yesterday being a write off today:

Sat 25th Aug
B- granola & s.milk
L- carvery- slice of gammon, beef, turkey, stuffing, carrots, peas, cauliflower, 2(small, they were tiny!) roast pots, gravy & cranberry jelly.
*dairy milk giant buttons
*6chunks dairy milk
*handful extra crunchy crisp
D- ... see how I feel. Not hungry atm and planning on an early night.

I have overtime tomorrow morning 8-1 then it'll be home, food, change and make my way to Torquay for the torbay 10k race. Not looking forward to it :( There will be no PB i'll be happy just to finish it tomorrow!
Crumbs! I think that's brilliant after a holiday kid! You'll soon sort that once you get your head back in gear ..... and when you find that gear please let me know where it is so I can stick my head in it too!! ;) xx
Well done I your new 10k personal best!!! How u had a fab night celebrating x
How was the 10K then, sounds as though it went brilliantly!! So what's this PB for a 10K then??

At least your weigh in wasn't as bad as you'd imagined it to be. You'll be in the 11st bracket in no time.