Gold Member
Thanks guys! I really needed that loss
Well done hun. I've been very much enjoying your diary and fasting threads. Thanks for teaching us so much and well done on your fasts.
How much longer?
Hope you've had a better day today Ali. After all the rain yesterday we've had some glorious sunshine hear so hope you have had some too.
What's up Ali? you are normally so upbeat. Well done on all that walking, I wanted to take Noah out for a long walk today but it has not stopped pouring with rain since I put my washing out this morning, hope you have a better end to the week, donna x
A million little things! Two younger brothers, for one. I confiscated their PlayStation because I was sick of them arguing constantly - plus my dad had been threatening to unplug it for the past three weeks. So my younger brother (9) decided to beat me up over it. Once he starts throwing things, you just have to run, there's no escaping... he does that thing where you sweep your arm across a table and clear it entirely, but I couldn't run anywhere because I was backed into a corner, it all landed on my feet and then he started chucking all sorts of stuff, it was just horrible. Also, just really missing my best friend and exOH, they both make me smile so much but with my best friend, we're both always busy at the same time so catch up with a phone call maybe once a week, and exOH... well, that's another story
Long walks in silence are the most therapeutic way to get the most out of your day, hope the weather was lovely to you today and you got one done. I walked 8km to WI, back to my gran's, to Asda, and back home again, then another 2km to the P.O. and back, so relaxed and I know tonight's sleep will be perfection.
Poor you! I have several little brothers thankfully they are all grown up now but still a constant source of worry and pain lol! Sorry to hear you are missing your ex, sounds like you need to get together with your best friend and have some girly time. Completely understand the walks, Noah and I finally got out today and we ended up walking for 2 hours, went all over the place, ended up in Lidl getting some really cheap fruit/veg and pushing the heaving pram on the way home was an extra workout!
What a fantastic weight loss - have you done anything different this week?
Take care, wishing you another good loss next week, donna x
i dont live with my brother, in fact i live by myself, yet i come home all the time to find that food i was expecting to be there has been scoffed by my bro.. it's VERY frustrating! i've recently specifically bought buns for him to have when he comes only to find that he's been tucking into my fruit reserves which is driving me crazy as i'm getting through quite a bit of fruit and now having to go out and buy more when there's buns in the cupboard just for him. argh!
I spent today with my dad and brother and we have been entertaining our other halves with tales of when we were young! The in-laws were all laughing cos when we eat dinner, we eat in the order of worst to best i.e. veg, meat, roast potatoes, so it proves that you do learn your eating habits from your parents
Ali - why is OH ex? do you still love/like him? why not get back together? play hard to get !!
You do look fantastic, size 10 or not, can't believe he said your chin was fat, hope the effect you had on him has made you realise how super gorgeous and irresistible you are!
Partial list of foods I managed to avoid
- Fingers
- Jammie Dodgers
- Malted milk biscuits topped with chocolate
- Chocolate cupcakes topped with chocolate and smarties and/or sugary jellybabies
- Samosas
- Pakoras
- Chocolate birthday cake topped with fresh cream and chocolate buttons
- Carrot dessert (gajar ka halva) made with lots of full fat milk, cream, and sugar
- Trifle
- Rice p-*udding
- Fanta
- Sprite
NSV, anyone?xxx