Silver Member
Well done on your loss Ali
Haven't had chance to catch on on all the new posts on your diary but wanted to say look after yourself.
GL with wi, whatever the result back on plan proper now missy!
Good luck with your WI mate but you must start eating properly...
Auntie Ferret will smack your legs if you don't....
Take care
Hope WI went well.
Know the feeling well. Am broken hearted and feel hollow inside but managed to kind of get back on track. Shed nearly a stone in a month so far and it would be a shame to spoil it.
No one's really worth the heartache but it is understandable. A few days or even a week off plan is repairable. You just need to take each day as it comes and try and force yourself a bit to stay on track. Sod what everyone else thinks, you're worth it and just need to have a little faith in yourself.
I started doing this diet more for someone else than myself, but when I think about it I feel better for it. Yes at the moment I don't feel like eating much and have to force myself, but in time hopefully the pain will dull enough so that it doesn't interfere with my day to day functioning.
Even joined the GYM this week and will be spending some of my free time exercising instead of moping about. Well that's the plan.
Who know's might meet a few milfs there, lol.
Let the dead bury the dead I say, and so whilst you are still living make the most of it!
Good luck, look after yourself and all the best.
Wd on the loss, now get some food down you!
Ditto on my first split up cider fuelled, eating sod all and deeply depresed week!
Now Missy! We're going to have words!![]()
Congrats on the loss, but..
Make your way to the kitchen and get the weetabix and milk and a 'nana...
Please? xx
Congratulations on your loss. Hope things go better for you this week. My week is also a bit up and down, but hopefully can pull myself together. I really need to read back on your diary as I'm a bit lost with everything going on. As for yourself, don't look back and keep looking to the future![]()
well done on the loss......now go eat and jump back on plan xxx
fantastic loss now get back on plan!
Well done bud...
Take care
Well done on your loss, hope your feeling betters
Well done on your loss AliHaven't had chance to catch on on all the new posts on your diary but wanted to say look after yourself.
Morning Hun
Hope that you are feeling better this morning...
Try and have a good day
Thanks hunInshaAllah I will be able to focus better this week. There's a lot of stuff going on, that I haven't written down also, so I do apologise for the confusion... I really should make a thread in the weight loss diaries section but I like having it all here... I hope you sorted everything out with OH after last night? xxx
I like having mine in one place as well. Well went to my room to stop me from eating more and just turned on Mariyah Carey...not sure if it made me happier though as it was all love songs....arggh...
Then came down and made roti for everyone and then went to bed early, but got up again around 1am and ate some more and went on the net, then back to bed at 3am. It's a lot of cultural BS really that always frustrates me. Will save it for our meetup![]()
Fantastic Loss Ali but you really really really need to eat, before you make yourself ill
Read back through all your friends here telling you to eat, sulas and coffee are not good enough, get some sw chips down you, your mood will lift instantly, a bad diet makes the sadness worse, trust me
What are you planning for the weekend?
That's looking better mate - now keep it up !!
Sending love
Much better now keep going. Your question about what to do when you dont want it. FORCE yourself to eat something as starving is only going to make you feel worse x
Nothing specific planned for the weekend but expecting lots of family over as my dad has just come out of hospital - went in a few days ago because he wanted to speak to his consultant, he then asked for an x-ray which led to show his left lung was entirely filled with fluid and the consultant's first reaction was 'I don't know how you've been breathing so easily all this time'. So he kept him in, had an ultrasound and was scheduled a CT scan, had a drain put in yesterday morning and 500ml of fluid came pouring out within 20 mins, so they closed the valve as they thought it was too dangerous for that much of a flow. Then nothing else came out when they opened it again except for 50ml or so when I went to see him last night, and I think a little bit more overnight. But he was discharged this morning and is now home, so just expecting everyone to be coming and going over the weekend, except my sis, hubby and niece who are heading to York in a few hours for a weekend away - will be missing my niece lots![]()
Promise I will try to be better - I had breakfast this morning! xxx
Promise I will try to be better - I had breakfast this morning! xxx
It's a start!
Not having much luck milf hunting.
Tried swimming this morning but the only other people there were the wrinkly brigade!
It's a start!
Not having much luck milf hunting.
Tried swimming this morning but the only other people there were the wrinkly brigade!
Ah Ali, I'm so sorry but I must have missed about your Dad being ill. {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} from me and take carexx
Ali sorry to hear about your dad - hope he is ok, Mum's had a pleural effusion as well so i know how awful it is, hope dad is feeling better, did you dad have a low blood pressure drop cos the fluid came off too quick? my mum did and it was horrendous because meg and i had just turned up to visit her and grandma looked dead on the bed
enjoy the family, hope the weekend cheers you up, donna x
I work on a respiratory ward and it is horrendous when they leave it unclamped and drain a huge whack off in one go..nevermind when your patient had a low BP to begin with. I don't understand doctors sometimes but hey, they know best right?!
Hope your dad is doing ok! and your mum donna! xxx
It's a start!
Not having much luck milf hunting.
Tried swimming this morning but the only other people there were the wrinkly brigade!
Supermarkets - check out the ladies that only have baskets (that have girly food and at least one bottle of wine!)
Very fast mover must say.
Anyway back to 10st10 keep your chin up hun
Hi Ali, hope you're ok hun.. congrats on the weight loss this week x