Maddie381: ....24lbs to gomisslouise193 said::flirt2:Blonde Logic ...21 to go
arty0011:Eatlikeabird...12lbs to go
Juju_doll ...14lbs to go
:queen:Lady T...18lb to go
:heartpump:Misslouise193...30lbs to go
Ulysses31 ... 25lbs to go
MrsBurgundy of course we have room. Good Luck xx
Decided that I should update my challenge total as i woke up at about 1am and realised I had set it for November instead of October... oops. Thats why BL is in charge lol. So changing my 16lbs to 30lbs!! I did think you were all being very brave last night but now I realise why!! xx
30lbs... nice and ambitious, but perfectly possible. Will keep 'em crossed for you!MrsBurgundy of course we have room. Good Luck xx
Decided that I should update my challenge total as i woke up at about 1am and realised I had set it for November instead of October... oops. Thats why BL is in charge lol. So changing my 16lbs to 30lbs!! I did think you were all being very brave last night but now I realise why!! xx
24lb .. where did that come from lovely ? Guess you set your target ! lol Go girl.