20 somethings

The way I think is at least we are all doing something about it and not letting our weight get any higher! We will all get there in the end :)
Felix said:
The way I think is at least we are all doing something about it and not letting our weight get any higher! We will all get there in the end :)

I totally agree, I reckon if I hadn't joined SW I would be at least half a stone heavier by now xxx

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Feeling a lot better now thankfully and managed to stay away from the scales today!

I'd love to be a size 8-10 but I don't think I've ever wore a 10! I went straight from kids sizes into a 12 I'm sure. I'm rather curvy (ie. I have to buy expensive bras) so I don't think I could ever be an 8 on top :(

Jenna keeps me going though!
Glad you are feeling better hun!

I was the same, straight to a 12. But my weight, clothes size and age all used to match so I'm currently aged 16, Haha, looking forward to getting younger.
Ouch your poor mum Jo!

I hope it settles down too, it has done before.

Expecting my star week (chocolate week) gain to still come through on Wednesday. Need to kick my arse so syn free red day today. Fruit and yogurt for breakfast, chicken breast with leftover pasta sauce and a hea of cheese with salad for lunch (my favourite red day lunch) and made up pork casserole lobbed in the slowcooker to serve with left over swede and celeriac mash. I'm the left over queen :) it means I have my two b choices left over! I may be found gnawing on a potato later. And I have had a greengage and 3 strawberries while cooking.

yay kicking my arse, just need to stop flimflaming at the start of the week. No more cooking to do today so I'm going to curl up with my book that got delivered today until monkeypants wakes up. Ahh.
Fran I'm so jealous that you are chilling at home, I'm in a quick break at work and am feeling like poo, just want to go home and go to bed. :-( and I have a bloody staff meeting tonight, very bad times!! Xxxx

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If it makes you feel better my son woke up the instant I pressed post. And I have had at least 3 different poos on me today, not one of them my own. Then the damned dog peed up/in one of the recycling boxes. I decided I didn't want dog piss on me too (it was very dark) so the papers aren't getting done this week now. I have a very clingy child who insists on sitting on me making me read one book after the other. No he doesnt want to play, he wants books, sod the sandpaper throat and read shark in the park again... Then he does want dolly, only to swing her round and I get 20 year old plastic dolly head full force in the face. Lovely. But with the cooking done I am not getting constant demands for "cuggle". He managed to climb out of his play pen (read cage) while I was having a shower earlier, to demand "cuggle" and wiping **** trails down me the instant I stepped out. Oh... And now he is playing he has decided puzzle pieces go down mummy's top.... Ahh that'll be fun when I get changed tonight and a cat drops to the ground... Yeah, not so much chillibg at home as being a climbing frame. I will swap :p
Hi, another twenty-something here - alright if I join you? :)

I restarted SW in mid-September in a bid to get back into a wardrobe of clothes that are now too small for me!

On the dress size conversation, I was a size 16 at just under 13 stone. I'd love to be back at a size 10 (which I was very briefly after uni, in a very active job and walking 45mins to and from work each day!) I don't think it would suit me to go much smaller as I'm quite curvy and I would hate to lose them!
Welcome aboard!

Would it be completely irrational of me to change the group I go to 'cause there's a new one started up and it's in the local football stadium where the manager of the team happens to be a childhood hero of mine and rather dishy (I promise to never use that word again)?
Having a really good week, so I'm hoping for something good at WI tomorrow.
Walked 6 miles today... (2 school runs of 3 miles each) and am being really good, food wise.

I started out at 18st and in a size 20-22, and am now a size 16-18 and 14st... I seem to be losing a dress size roughly every 2st, so I'm hoping to be a size 12 at the end and 9-10st.
Welcome lyrical :)

Haha, a wee bit Clare, it is quite normal bit bonkers too. The poor postie was met by the bounding stink hound and Nate wielding a crocodile xylophone. Two new words today though. Banana and circle. So quite proud again.

Mandy that's great. Really pleased for you. Having a day off body magic today.
You will be kicking bottoms tomorrow. Are the kids feeling suitably miserable and sorry for themselves?
Hi everyone! Happy Monday... I am so tired today and I don't know why. Finished an hour early at work an just got in. OH is off back up to his parents house in Durham for the night as his Mam won him a meet & greet day with the players at Newcastle United for a charity auction and he's going tomorrow! He's so excited bless him haha. Just chilling out watching telly now :)
Haha I thought that fran.

Is it also wrong to be a little smug about the fact this place totally fell apart when I had a week off? :p
Wow not been on since saturday afternoon and so much to catch up one.

Welcome to the two new 20 somethings :)

I have actually managed a 100% day today, that never happens these days, I don't remember the last time I had both my healthy extras!!!

I know I won't be able to keep up with you all over the next couple of weeks as so very busy but I will pop in as often as I can and hope you all have a good week. I always get countdowns at group so I got a new one last week so you're all stuck with me until the end of january :) I was really lucky my countdown ran out at just the right time to qualify for the new free sauce book so I look forward to getting that

It sounds like there is a lot going on for lots of people but I like hearing how you're all doing :)

Clare, yes that is a perfectly good reason to change group haha (p.s -not to pry but could it be morning sickness you're struggling with as you've had a couple of bad weeks?)
Hi everyone! WI tomorrow night and I've had a dodgy belly since sat night. Just had a jacket potato for dinner tonight, not sure how I feel.

Without being too disgusting I feel like I need to 'go' but am not actually going! Feels rotten!!

I am loving being part of this thread but wondered if any of you would mind telling me a little more about yourselves? I'll go first :)

- I'm Laura, I am a primary school teacher (nursery at the mo) 23, been with OH for 8 years. Very happy and loving slimming world :) have so far lost 1st5.5lbs, and have around 3.5stone to go...I'm only 5"1 so should be around 8.5/9stone. Anything else you want to know, just ask :) xxx

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