20 somethings

Clare you look fab :) Very 'ready for business' hehe! Aww I'd love a baked potato for lunch but then that would make my deccision for dinner ever harder. I have absolutely NO idea what I want to eat today ffs.

Just back from the gym, didn't burn as many calories today as I only had the treadmill on gradient 1 the whole time as my shins are really sore but I DID manage to run for 0.8 of a km and in fairness I probably could have ran 1km only I could feel the sweat dripping down my forehead and vanity won out. I'll save that for Thursday (think I'll go swimming tomorrow instead).
The distance covered in the gym today was way more than usual! 2.5km on the treadmill (in 20minutes) and 5km on the bike :)
Someone inspire me for lunch!

What have you got in? If I'm stuck, I usually have a Tomato & Herb Mug Shot with some super free stirred through - tomatoes, spinach etc. If you're on a greed day, you can put HEXA cheese over the top too, which makes it YUM!! :)
I do have mugshots in and I was actually thinking of having that so that then I could have a baked potato with cheese for dinner but I am incredibly strange and the idea of eating mugshots (apart from when I'm on binge mode) always seems weird to me which is ridiculous lol!
Right you've made my mind up...mugshot and salad!

Jenna88 said:

<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=66723"/>

Yum! Just been to Next and brought my first EVER size 10 skirt! So excited! Now back to the office for leftover SW moussaka!

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I don't think i'll even be able to keep up with all this lol

Have a day off work today, and so glad as I am so ill :( I haven't even got dressed as the shower would hurt my head :( On a positive note I can't eat solids so that might help come WI haha but I think the syns from the cough medicine will be taking me over but I can't breath without it so I'll take a gain if I have to.

Congrats Sam and CH on the loss this week (sorry if I missed anyone else). Lunch is looking great Jenna esp the mushrooms, I LOVE mushrooms :) Great news about the skirt Miss_C, I have kept one of my old size 10 'work' skirts and I look forward to the day when that fits me again, you must feel so good.

The stupid thing for me is when I used to wear that skirt, thank to a C word ex, I always felt really fat as he loved telling me I was putting weight on but now I can look back and see I wasn't overweight and I looked good AND my stomach was totally flat, so much that you could even see my hip bones protuding!! I was with him from 17 - 21 (he was 8 years older) and he destroyed my confidence and set me up with bad eating habits as he was a take away fiend, when we broke up it was the best day of my life so far, no one could understand how I wasn't even upset but I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders and I went out and celebrated, which did mean putting weight on, and for the next 6 months when he kept begging me to get back with him I had no difficulty in telling him to get lost and then ignoring him!!! Within a month of splitting up with that I had met my current OH and he is the total opposite, he drives me nuts but he is one of the good ones
Well done on the exercise jenna.

A big hurrah for the size 10! That's wonderful. I bet you felt fabulous.

I had my favourite chopped up chucked topped with left over pasta sauce and yea of cheese with salad. Noom. Because I forgot to take the pork out last night I'm having chicken twice today. Stuffed with some herby philly (part of my second hea, it is like boursin so I scoffed what wouldn't fit in) then cocktail stick close, egged with the left over egg wash and then bread crumbed with breadcrumbs I made the other day (2.5 syns). All preped in the fridge going to make chips with a heb potato and loads of veg. Mmmm.
That's fab that you've found someone truly worth of you Star! Some men really are a$$holes. Then again some are fab...the dyjliw thread had me awwing all over the show this morning due to some of the lovely oh's (Miss_Corsets included)

You've literally just made my mouth water, Fran haha.

I'm off for a nap now, have a pounding headache. Have just taken two paracetamol so hopefully it will shift :)
That's exactly like me I seem to be attracted to the total tools or ones who will fook me over at every turn you would have thought I would have learnt by now!! C

I know that feeling! My first boyfriend (bearing in mind I was under 9 stone at the time) thought he was comforting me when he told me I wasn't overweight, I was just fat! I wish I could go back in time and give myself a wake up call! All the years I've wasted on people who didn't make me feel good about myself. I did SW a couple of years ago from a lower starting weight and got down to 10 stone. All of a sudden I had a lot of attention from guys - which I absolutely wasn't used to - and I just had an abysmal year of idiot after idiot.

When I met my current OH I nearly broke up with him after 3 months because he was 'too nice'(!) I was chatting to my friend's mum about it and she said she'd nearly done the same with her husband back in the day - another one that always went for the bad boys - and her friends talked her round and it was the best thing that had ever happened to her. Best conversation I've ever had!
Haha me too!!!

Who'd of thought that being too nice was a bad thing.

I really wish pureed (sp?) fruit/juiced fruit was syn free as I tried to eat some ripe grapes but they just hurt too much going do so my superfree will be very low today
You could always make some soup? I've just had SW Leek and Potato soup for lunch but I chuck an extra leek in - I think it tastes better anyway!

There was a girl at my group who couldn't understand why she wasn't losing weight - turned out she hadn't realised fruit juice wasn't free and she was drinking 2 cartons of pomegranate juice a day!
Star he sounds like a right twonk. I love that you celebrated and he begged for you back. You showed him!

Nate woke up in time for us to spend some time at toddlers but I feel poo, he has q nose and I haven't showered today so we are keeping our germs cuddled at home.

Jenna, I love food. Was a bit lazy having chicken twice, but it is a red day and i always want sw chips with omelette.

So glad you have a good one now. I decided I didn't want men in and out of my son's life (which is why his dad doesn't see him. I will not have him flitting in and out of his life as it suited him) it means when I have lost the weight I needn't worry about losers trying it on, because it will just be no. When monkeybum is off at uni I might consider dating again, but I won't go after people now. He is the most important person, so he comes first, over any disasterous love affair that's for sure. My friends think I am mad, but I would 1000 times rather be alone and Nate and i be happy than risk ruining that by trying to find a man to share it with.
Star I really wouldn't worry about it while poorly lovely! Xxx

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Very chatty in here lately! I had to read through a LOT of posts to catch up!

Let's see.. Fran, yes the kids are so miserable, and really feeling sorry for themselves, but by God they are learnign a lesson!

Are we starting the "Great Poo Debate" again?

Here's a bit about me... I'm Mandy (no-brainer there) and I'm in my twenties until July at which point I will be in the Dirty Thirties, and feeling fabulous about my new skinny self! I have three kids, Tiffany who's 12, Jared who's 9 and Fia who's 3. They are a pure and utter torment, but I wouldn't change them for the world. They're the three best things I've ever done in my life. I know what you all mean about the @rseh0les! I was with one from 15-21, who made me feel about an inch tall every damn day and these days I look back and wonder why it took me so long to get myself out of there. But hindsight is 20/20, or so they say.
I met my OH when we were in nappies! I was his first kiss, and he was my first boyfriend. We split when I was about 13 and I spent the rest of my teen years with Exibit Ar5e. I never did forget him though and used to ask his Mam or his sister about him in the pub. Randomly, I met up with him 5 years ago this coming February, and we just clicked back into place. I'm not saying we have a perfect relationship...far from it!. But he makes me happy!
I have a nutcase of a dog, Mischka the siberian husky, who I swear is a direct decendant of some sort of Houdini dog. She cries if she gets muddy, and loves nothing more than destroying my newly renovated garden, the terrorist. But I love her. What more can I say?!
I sing, and I write poetry and urban fantasy stories. I've also recently began to crochet, which I am enjoying so, so much! It's an addiction.

Let me finish off by saying, BYE BYE BLEEDING, HELLO 5LB LOSS!!!!!!!
Just got home from work and catching up! Everyone seems to be ill right now, half of my office are ill so I think there's a nasty bug going round!

2nd official weigh in tomorrow, and I know it sounds weird as I have only lost 2.5lb so far at my first WI last week but I feel slimmer today? Odd! OH is still at his mums house after his day with the Newcastle United players today (sounds like he had an amazing time!) so I dunno what to make for tea. I hate cooking for 1!
So it looks like the bleeding was a definite contribution to the scales not shifting. I also broke into the 13s. Barely (at 13st 13.5lb) but I'm OUT of the 14s at last! I'm so so happy right now.