2015 and It's Now or Never!

Poor you!! Let's hope it doesn't last long. My throat is really sore so there seems to be loads of germs floating around just now. Well done for sticking to plan when not well :)
Evening chica - or should that be morning?
Glad you ahd a lovelty weekend away and the gain isn't looking to bad.
Tuesday 27th August 2013

The chill did last just for 24hrs and woke bright and breezy this morning but that didn't last very long even tho' I had a phone call and nice chat with my D Sandra...went on to completely loose the plot and had a right binge of icecreams and ham salad sandwiches... total cals will be something like 1600.
Aw poor you. Probably not a bad thing though - it might jump start your metabolism. Just get right back on it and you'll be fine. Though now you set me off craving ham salad sandwiches!!!!!
Hi Emm

Glad you enjoyed your family visit, and hope you are losing the extra couple of pounds

I have been back since the middle of last week and should have been off work until yesterday, however ended up in on Friday and have been hard at it ever since, so still catching up with diaries.
Hi there Emmaline x

Your weekend sounds absolutely delightful x Family do's can be difficult sometimes but yours obviously went brilliantly x

And I'm loving the fact that you're off on another cruise! I'm soooo jealous xxx
Morning chica - naughty girl eating all that ham and icecream! Slapped wrists :8855:
Aw poor you. Probably not a bad thing though - it might jump start your metabolism. Just get right back on it and you'll be fine. Though now you set me off craving ham salad sandwiches!!!!!

Thanks Caroline..always kind words from you.. can but hope that things will get jump started!

Hi Emm

Glad you enjoyed your family visit, and hope you are losing the extra couple of pounds

I have been back since the middle of last week and should have been off work until yesterday, however ended up in on Friday and have been hard at it ever since, so still catching up with diaries.

Thanks Nelli, must say that my visit was much nicer than I had expected.

Hi there Emmaline x

Your weekend sounds absolutely delightful x Family do's can be difficult sometimes but yours obviously went brilliantly x

And I'm loving the fact that you're off on another cruise! I'm soooo jealous xxx

Family do was a long over due reunion with them... never been very good at keeping in touch. Hopefully the first of many.
Always thinking of what I can take or buy for my next cruise.. becoming quite addictive.

Morning chica - naughty girl eating all that ham and icecream! Slapped wrists :8855:

Slapped wrists indeedy!! Think it may well have been the reaction to seeing myself in the photo outside the hotel... gross!!DSCN0187.jpg
Said to my D that I can't see any difference and she replied "At least your chin is not as big"... :8855:

Wednesday 28th August 2013

Busy day...Took a couple of items to a charity shop then on to P.C.World and returned the Nintendo recharging plug as I found mine after all..
B&Q for some water filters and light bulbs. Nice discount..special for OAPs on a Wednesday.
Then on to surgery/pharmacy to pick up my meds.
Also managed to find somewhere to go for my massage and contacted a tech shop to get them to come and check out my TV and digi box. Don't know whether I have pressed a wrong button to send things skewwash but keep losing the pic and it says "no connection" Checked all the plugs but not got any idea what is going on.
Kept to quite a reasonable diet altho' carbs still rather high... find keeping them low quite a task.
Cals 1183 Carbs 116
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Emm, the problem is I think we don't usually see ourself as others do. I still see myself as quite large in the mirror.
Friends here in Spain keep telling me body-wise I look really trim now but my face and neck are too thin! They say I look gaunt!
Gaunt my $$$$! The problem is most of them only met me after I got fat so don't know what my basic face and body shape really is!

It does look to me as though you've have lost. How much has gone now in total?
When I was losing I couldn't really see any difference even when I'd lost 2 stone.
But then suddenly at 3 stone it all became quite obvious that I'd lost weight!

Also I think clothes actually make a huge difference.
I find if I wear big baggy things (I still love this style as it is sooooo comfy) I actually look fatter now than I am.
But if I wear more fitted stuff I look thinner. Weird.
Thursday 29th August 2013

Not at all well again today.. back pain has been totally incessant! :sigh:
Despite that I have managed to stay on track so am quite proud of myself for that.
Just wish I could get a few more pounds off...I seem to be constantly struggling and getting nowhere!
I'll end on that note so as not to start getting too maudling..

Cals 1206 Carbs 82 (bit better than yesterday)
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You can deffo see the difference - especially on the tum and face.
Hope your back is ok by tomorrow - you have my sympathies chica as you know I suffer with bad back too.
It can be sooooo debilitating when you are in constant pain.
Emmaline I can see a massive difference!!! Just look at those photos properly and give yourself a big pat on the back!

Actually, better not make it TOO big or you might make the pain even worse...:eek:

My goodness! A loss like yours MUST have had a positive effect on your health. And you should be very proud of yourself. It'd such a hard thing to lose weight, and doubly so if you're not very mobile, so well done you! Xx

lovely family pic btw xxx

I can definitely see a difference - well done you! Sorry you are having a blah day - hope tomorrow is better.

Thanks Caroline.. Feeling much better now and just hope it keeps that way!

You can deffo see the difference - especially on the tum and face.
Hope your back is ok by tomorrow - you have my sympathies chica as you know I suffer with bad back too.
It can be sooooo debilitating when you are in constant pain.

Thanks Bev.. You reminded me that at one time I couldn't see my feet! :giggle:
I know I do moan rather a lot about my back pain but it's such a relief to be able to tell someone.

Emmaline I can see a massive difference!!! Just look at those photos properly and give yourself a big pat on the back!

Actually, better not make it TOO big or you might make the pain even worse...:eek:

My goodness! A loss like yours MUST have had a positive effect on your health. And you should be very proud of yourself. It'd such a hard thing to lose weight, and doubly so if you're not very mobile, so well done you! Xx

lovely family pic btw xxx

Thanks Dawn.. so nice to have some good feedback.
Friday 30th August 2013

Not my regular WI day but I am delighted that the scales show 187.8 (13st5.8lbs)..that's 2.8lbs down..Yeehah!!

Did plan to go swimming today but as my back has finally eased up a lot I decided to give it a miss..don't want to be tempting fate.
Went out to lunch to the usual place and the roast chicken was delish.
Tesco for petrol fill up and this area they are running a really good discount offer so between that and the coupon with my online order £38.55 was reduced to £34.59.
Altered my planned menu just a wee bit in order to take my meds this afternoon but otherwise a good day.. determined not to spoil my loss today.
Cals 1229 Carbs 119

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Fingers crossed that the loss continue sto WI day.
Well done you.
Still Not Defeated! (-:

Hi Emm

I'm back. Read your diary, you're doing well chick. Photo of your loss is staggering! Well done you :) glad you had a great time with the family too x

Restarted CD 31 Aug
5ft 1" 13st 2 BMI 37.2
Fingers crossed that the loss continue sto WI day.
Well done you.

Lookin' good so far.. :fingerscrossed:

Hi Emm

I'm back. Read your diary, you're doing well chick. Photo of your loss is staggering! Well done you :) glad you had a great time with the family too x

Restarted CD 31 Aug
5ft 1" 13st 2 BMI 37.2

Thanks Bubbly..

Saturday 31st August 2013

Another bad night but it wasn't my back this time.. bloody nettle rash!! Think it is when I go into the greenhouse and collect toms altho' I do wash right up my arms when I get indoors again. One good thing about having these false nails is that they give a blunt edge which stops me from gouging great lumps out of my skin on these occasions... but just as the last lot of spots are fading away I now have about 8 more.. :sigh: .. well at least that rash has subsided now and had a good day anyway. Did lots of odd jobs plus got some things spruced up to take to charity shop.
Had a few hours where I felt really down in the dumps but realised I was very tired and had forty winks this afternoon.
Dieting gone well again and will be delighted if the scales keep to the new reading.
Cals 1174 Carbs 68
Emm - have you tried wearing a long sleeved shirt with cuffs when you go to do the toms? It might help a bit.