2015 and It's Now or Never!

Oh Emm - you really are in the wars. (( Hugs )) chica
Take a look at my fred when you have the time as I'm really peed off tonight :(
Yes tomorrow's another day (was that Scarlet O'hara???) and don't let todays little blip spoil it for you x
I'm waiting to have some tests at the hospital as I have undiagnosed stomach/bowel problems. Not looking forward to it much but it's been going on for years so I do need to get it sorted.
Hope you're all back to normal tomorrow xxx

Ooo... didn't know I'd stolen a line from Scarlet O'Hara!?! Does that mean I'm a star?..:D
Hope the test results come out okay Dawn... best to get it sorted once and for all.

Oh Emm - you really are in the wars. (( Hugs )) chica
Take a look at my fred when you have the time as I'm really peed off tonight :(

I think that's my middle name Bev.. (what would I do without something to moan about.. :rolleyes: )
Will pop over to see what you are up to... errm.. ironing? debtors? OH?

No use crying over spilt milk (milk chocolate)

Just move on Emm. Hope u continue to feel better :) x

Def will do Bubbly..moving on is the only way to go! :giggle:

Restarted CD 31 Aug
5ft 1" 13st 2 BMI 37.2
Wednesday 4th September 2013

Slept till late again but feeling quite good when I got up.

Home help came and did her usual sweep thro' leaving everything sparkling.. I have such a nice chat with her as well and she always says I am really funny and make her laugh... hope that's a good sign. :rolleyes:

Everything went really well with my diet today so am real chuffed especially as the scales said 187.8 today.

Breakfast - Oats 35g + Honey 1/2 Tablespn
Lunch - Cheese 30g + Bread 1slice
Snack - Roasted Peanuts 70g + Digestive Biscuits 2
Evening - Salmon Red canned 100g + Salad + S.Cream 20g
Extra - Milk 200ml

Cals 1275 Carbs 78 Fat 66 Protein 46 Sugars 40 Fibre 14
Well done on the almost 2lb Emm - hope you survived the tomatoes.

Thanks Nelli... toms not winning at the mo'!

Thursday 5th September 2013

Not done very much today..too flippin hot!!

Took my car to be washed and had it valeted as well.
Called in at Tescos and had a cuppa and a scone with cream.
Carbs rather high again!

Breakfast - Oats 35g + Honey 1/2 Tablspn
Lunch - Salmon canned 70g + S.Cream 20g + Bread 1 slice
Snack - Scone + Cream + Jam
Evening - Chicken Stew homemade
Extra - Milk 200ml

Cals. 1273 Carbs 152 Fat 46 Protein 57 Sugars 70 Fibre 15
Friday 6th September 2013

Woke quite early went to bathroom and back to bed for a couple of hours..so I thought..woke again at gone 1pm! :eek:
So having started the day on the wrong foot one could say..I just didn't feel like going swimming even tho' the exercise would most probably have done me good. Did all my usual tidying up and then got an email from the council with regard to my continual battle with them about Mow & Grow.. am over the moon that at last they have awarded me the princely sum of £50 for the damages done to my property in the garden! Much more than I was asking for but hey! who's arguing with that!?!

Good diet day and just went over the cals and carbs somewhat.

Breakfast - NIL
Lunch - Bacon 3 rashers + Eggs 2 + Tomatoes..all fried
Snack - Blueberries 100g + Crème Fraiche 60ml
Evening - Potato jacket baked 200g + Peas processed 80g + Cheese 50g
Extra - Milk 200ml

Cals 1299 Carbs 87 Fat 75 Protein 61 Sugars 26 Fibre 11
Saturday 7th September 2013

Woke nice and early and listened to C&W music on radio..and without falling asleep again. Then after lunch went out to get a couple of things.. an over door coat hanger so I can put it on my hall door to take photos of all the C&W outfits I have to sell...also bought another large mug as I do like a good slurp of tea and not just a couple of mouthfuls.
Had a chat with my neighbour who was in her garden when I got back. She has been looking after her friend who recently lost her husband and I can't help thinking it is really grinding her into the ground... she's not at all herself at the mo'.
Researched some more info about the Military Tattoo for next year and found myself in floods of tears. Have no idea why but that sort of depressed feeling has stayed with me. Not quite sure why but what to do about it is a bit puzzling... don't think it has anything to do with my neighbours situation at all...perhaps more to do with not having my battle with the council to occupy me now... I'll have to start another campaign about something!?! :D
Diet gone well again..that is as long as my present mood doesn't tempt me into the kitchen .. :rolleyes:

Breakfast - Oats 35g + Honey 1/2 Tablspn
Lunch - Cheese 60g + Salad + S.Cream 24g
Snack - Cheese Triangle 1 + Finn Crisps 3
Evening - B/E Lge Batteed Fish Fillet 1 + Marrowfat Peas 100g
Extra - Milk 200ml

Cals 1188 Carbs 102 Fat 59 Protein 57 Sugars 30 Fibre 13
Diet gone well again..that is as long as my present mood doesn't tempt me into the kitchen .. :rolleyes:
Just you stay out of that kitchen woman - or else I'll be there to give you one of these :asskick:
Just you stay out of that kitchen woman - or else I'll be there to give you one of these :asskick:

What she says :)

Hope you are feeling a bit better

Thanks for the boost! :D

Mood didn't last very long .. realised that the subject was bringing back the angst over things that happened at my last Tattoo visit... and that's all done and dusted now. Bright as a button today.
Sunday 8th September 2013

Quite a good day.. no untoward happenings for a change... only the regular niggles from my old bones.
Put some items on Ebay yesterday and was really surprised to find I have already sold them. Only small items so I'm not going to get rich all of a sudden.. :D

Diet gone really well so here's hoping for another loss tomorrow..

Breakfast - Bread 1 slice + Butter + Cheese 30g
Lunch - Eggs scrambled 2 + Finn Crisps 2
Snack - Brazil Nuts 40g
Evening - Ham 100g + Salad + S.Cream 20g
Supper - Blueberries 80g + Crème Fraiche 50ml
Extra - Milk 200ml

Cals 1275 Carbs 55 Fat 86 Protein 63 Sugars 30 Fibre 10

I was excited for you ( and amazed) because I thought you had lost 6.8lbs because of your signature! Couldn't understand the sigh!

Am sure it will drop off next week, your food is great so am sure it will.
I was excited for you ( and amazed) because I thought you had lost 6.8lbs because of your signature! Couldn't understand the sigh!

Am sure it will drop off next week, your food is great so am sure it will.

Thanks for pointing that out to me Dottie! Think I had 0 on my mind!!
I would have been amazed if it had been 3lb let alone 6!?! :D

Trying to find you... DO start your own diary so I/we can get to know you!
Yay! Good job
Yay! Good job

0.8 of a lb is not very good methinks but thanks for the thought anyway!

Rather a heavy day..stormy and lots of black clouds. Was very pleased that I had my massage booked for this afternoon and spent the morning pawing over maps to make sure I knew where to go. Arrived 5mins before time.. rang door bell at least 4 times, knocked on door several times as well and no answer! Really miffed at having gone all that way for nothing... called in at Asdas thinking that I may be tempted to have a McD's ... asked for a key to a scooter only to be told that I had to join the scooters club. Waited a while but there were so many people in the queue decided to leave it. Feeling quite pleased that I had got away from temptation only to totally binge on diabetic icecream.. about 1/2 a litre all told!! What a prat I am.. :mad:

Put my PVC greenhouse on Gumtree and keep getting replies but no responses after replying.. have to go and find out what's what on that..:sigh:

What a lovely day...

Just realised that I went to the wrong house!! No. 2 instead of No. 1
So near.. :doh:
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Morning Emm - what a shame about the wrong house - are you going to re-schedule?

Already booked for Friday.

Awesome!!! Good for you!!!! you must be so chuffed.

Tuesday 10th September 2013

Rained a lot today.. decided it was time I went swimming again and almost had to force myself to get ready. So glad that I went as I really enjoyed it. Had a lovely chat with several of the ladies who I have got to know there and the water was quite nice and warm which was great.

Diet went well.. one of those days when it all seemed to fall into place quite easily.

Breakfast - Oats 35g + Honey 1/2 Tablspn
Lunch - Eggs hard boiled 2 + Finn Crisps 2 + Butter
Snack - Digestive Biscuits 2
Dinner - Pork fillet 75g + Cabbage 100g + Carrot 100g
Supper - Brazil Nuts 20g + Peaches in juice 100g + Crème Fraiche 50ml
Extra - Milk 200ml + Milk 200ml & Hot Chocolate 15g

Cals 1249 Carbs 101 Fat 59 Protein 58 Sugars 64 Fibre 13

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Morning chica. Don't beat yourself up about 0.8 lb.
As you know my journey was very slow - my average weekly loss was less than 0.5 lb.

Who's an ejit for going to the wrong house :8855: - well done on re-booking though.

My holiday was an series of expensive disasters (see my fred) but hey ho - that's life. And it's only money - you can't take it with you, can you?