2015 and It's Now or Never!

Thursday 16th January 2014

Funny sort of night but then slept until 11am again!
Lovely sunny day and not very cold either so off to Morrisons for my lunch of roast chicken.. plus I had a hot chocolate too as I needed to take some tabs before my dinner arrived.
Had a drive around mainly to get rid of some of the stuff I have in my car boot.. a 2ltr of anti freeze which was never opened and bought yonks ago plus some other oddments of nearly empty car wax went to the dump. Then to Asda as I noticed the other day they had a box for Xmas card recycling but it was'nt there any more!!
Then to the Barclays bank at Eaton as my regular one was closed down. I had thought that there would be difficulty in parking but hadn't noticed before that they have a customers car park at the rear of the building so all was much easier than I expected.
Not felt at all like eating this evening altho' I'm sure that will change no doubt.
Cals so far 1211 and that's including something for my supper so all good.

Well you sound like you had a very productive day Emmaline, well done. I'm trying to get organised, I'm starting a work experience placement on Monday in a creche so that I can finish my childcare qualification. I'm looking forward to it but anxious at the same time , I've been out of work nearly 9 years raising my two girls, so a little bit nervous.
.... I'm trying to get organised, I'm starting a work experience placement on Monday in a creche so that I can finish my childcare qualification. I'm looking forward to it but anxious at the same time , I've been out of work nearly 9 years raising my two girls, so a little bit nervous.

Hope that goes well for you Issy.

Friday 17th January 2014

Fair night but slept in again and then felt really tired all day so haven't done much.

Phone call from my D Sandra .. very pleased that her health has improved a bit.
Decided to broach the subject of going over to visit in June and hastily added that I would stay in a hotel so I wouldn't be in the way of things she has to do which was met with slightly reticent reply. However, I assured her that I didn't want to cause any offence and so that's something I will look forward to especially seeing my grtgrnd children again. Very pleased to find that Flybe are running a service from Norwich to Waterford which is great... that cuts out such a lot of hassle.

Really surprised to receive a letter from my car insurance company regarding the accident in 2012 when a guy drove into the side of my car... apparently they say that as there is not enough proof it will be settled on a 50-50 basis .. but I thought this had been all done and dusted so am quite confused about it...talk about long winded!

Upped my calorie intake for the time being to 1300.
Today's is 1371 and 123 Carbs
. . . Phone call from my D Sandra .. . Very pleased to find that Flybe are running a service from Norwich to Waterford which is great... that cuts out such a lot of hassle.
I take it Sandra is the DD that lives in Ireland?
Waterford is one of the places I would love to go to.
We sailed to Ireland many years ago in our yacht and Waterford was on the itinerary (not least because we collect wateford Crystal)
But force 8 gales kept us stuck in Malahide :cry:

Really surprised to receive a letter from my car insurance company regarding the accident in 2012 when a guy drove into the side of my car... apparently they say that as there is not enough proof it will be settled on a 50-50 basis .. but I thought this had been all done and dusted so am quite confused about it...talk about long winded!
Watch out - this means your no-claims will be affected
I take it Sandra is the DD that lives in Ireland?
Waterford is one of the places I would love to go to.
We sailed to Ireland many years ago in our yacht and Waterford was on the itinerary (not least because we collect wateford Crystal)
But force 8 gales kept us stuck in Malahide :cry:

Watch out - this means your no-claims will be affected

Yes..Sandra is the one who lives in Waterford and am hoping this visit will continue to keep our relationship on a reasonably steady keel after our bit of a quarrel.
Waterford crystal is not such a big business these days altho' there is still a small factory going and they do still have quite a nice large showroom where they conduct tours... very interesting it is too. Such a shame you missed it.

As for the no-claims, I am aware of that but at the time my car insurance jumped up a whole heap and that's why I was under the impression that it had all been seen to... I shall give them a ring on Monday.
I still have the photo on my mobile of the van and the buildings in the background are nowhere near the traffic lights that they say it occurred but it's that horrible feeling that no matter what is said it will get "twisted" to what they allege... :confused: .. No good worrying about tho'!
Saturday 18th January 2014

Had my breakfast at 6am and then fell asleep again until 11.30! Very annoyed and surprised at that as I felt quite wide awake at the time and ended up missing nearly all of my C&W music.. :sigh:

Lovely day so off out to get some more salad stuff and bread and enjoy the drive too.
Nasty thing happened this evening as I was preparing my meal.. love to eat raw carrot but it does aggravate my throat and no doubt thro' having had this coughing bug when I popped a little bit in my mouth and after chewing it a bit I immediately started to cough which meant I inhaled a piece and for what seemed an interminable amount of time I couldn't breath at all. I had to really concentrate to relax my throat and very slowly take some air in which sounded like a fog horn going off...I was convinced at one point that it was my last!!.. :eek:
It most probably only lasted for a few seconds but at the time it was ages.

Nice surprise today that another 1lb has dropped off... unbelievable seeing as I've put my calories up to 1300.

Totals are: Cals 1372 Carbs 107 Fat 77 Protein 56
Saturday 18th January 2014

Had my breakfast at 6am and then fell asleep again until 11.30! Very annoyed and surprised at that as I felt quite wide awake at the time and ended up missing nearly all of my C&W music.. :sigh:

Lovely day so off out to get some more salad stuff and bread and enjoy the drive too.
Nasty thing happened this evening as I was preparing my meal.. love to eat raw carrot but it does aggravate my throat and no doubt thro' having had this coughing bug when I popped a little bit in my mouth and after chewing it a bit I immediately started to cough which meant I inhaled a piece and for what seemed an interminable amount of time I couldn't breath at all. I had to really concentrate to relax my throat and very slowly take some air in which sounded like a fog horn going off...I was convinced at one point that it was my last!!.. :eek:
It most probably only lasted for a few seconds but at the time it was ages.

Nice surprise today that another 1lb has dropped off... unbelievable seeing as I've put my calories up to 1300.

Totals are: Cals 1372 Carbs 107 Fat 77 Protein 56

Glad you're down a lb Em but the breathing situation sounds awful, nothing worse than not being able to breath.
Phew - don't like the sound of the not being able to breath. Glad you're okay.

Emm - I often find that if I eat a bit more my weight loss is better.
Gawd knows why - maybe the body get used to the lower calories and stops playing ball and losing weight.
Either way . . . yayyyyyyyyyyyyy to another pound off!
Sunday 19th January 2014

I did intend to get a few things done today but that all went out the window and just couldn't be bothered.. :D .. sat and watched TV for the most part and caught up on some of the stuff I had recorded.

Youngest D phoned me and had a nice chat.. shortish but that was okay.
She's a supply teacher and the class she had been taking for the last couple of weeks had several youngsters suffering with that ADHD which made it quite an exhausting time.. fair play to her, not something I could tackle at the best of times.

Made liver & onions casserole with peas and a few chips as well.. unfortunately really wasn't as tasty as I had hoped and I could only eat half of the liver.

Totals: Cals 1260 Carbs 120 Fat 31 Protein 81
I know that feeling only too well.:(

Before I moved I worked at Tesco and was on my morning break.We only had 10/15 mins to eat/drink.I always had pineapple chunks.I was eating them and stupidly took a swig of tea at the same time as I had a chunk in my mouth.It got stuck in my throat and I couldn't dislodge it.Got up and went over to the sink to make myself sick but nothing happened.I really thought that was it.Things started going through my mind and I felt as if I was going to collapse.I managed to find someone in the warehouse and she dislodged it.I still have flashbacks of it.I have now had to stop eating pineapple as it makes my throat swell up and I get a burning sensation further down the tube. I keep in touch with her on fb and try not to think about what may of happen if she wasn't there.

Until someone has been through it they don't understand the feeling that your time could be up.

Absolutely .. and isn't it strange how you start to think outside of your own being as if you're a different person taking action? I know it's bad whatever the situation but being completely on my own I had to try to think clearly.
Thanks for the visit Cavegirl.
I nearly died in 1991 - not through food but through a head-on car crash at 70mph. Docs couldn't understand how I walked away with just a broken sternum and a few dislocated ribs. So I know where you are both coming from. I watched the world go by for about 10 seconds before I realised I wasn't actually dead.

My gran used to make fantastic liver & onions - all my attempts have been pretty rank :cry:
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I nearly died in 1991 - not through food but through a head-on car crash at 70mph. Docs couldn't understand how I walked away with just a broken sternum and a few dislocated ribs. So I know where you are both coming from. I watched the world go by for about 10 seconds before I realised I wasn't actually dead.

My gran used to make fantastic liver & onions - all my attempts have been pretty ramk :Cry:

Gosh.. that must have been dreadful Bev!... but it is such a strange sort of out of the body experience isn't it?

My mum used to make liver and onions and I use to love it but I can't make it the same so gave up doing it.:(

When my mum made liver & onions it was always delish but my attempts are never as good. . altho' I think I would have done better if I had fried them instead of doing it in a casserole with gravy.. :sigh:

Monday 20th January 2014

WI today.. a marvellous 4lb down!

:wow:Well done on 4lb loss.:party0011:

Thanks Cg.

Had another very lazy day after having an early breakfast I then went back to sleep again for a couple of hours.. and then had another long snooze this afternoon as well would you believe!

Car went in for a service.. first one since I've had it so I was expecting a quite large bill but it was very reasonable which I was pleased about.. £245. I had dropped the key in to them so I didn't have to worry about whether I would hear them in the morning.. good job I did that too.

Had pork loin chops for evening meal which got very well cooked as that was when I had dozed off. They tasted great even tho' they were a bit crisp. :D

Breakfast - Oats 40g + Honey 1/2 Tblspn
Lunch - Protein Pdr + Soya Milk 200ml
Snack - Milk Choc Caramel Wafers 2
Dinner - Pork Chop 120g + B.Sprouts 6 + Carrot 64g + Stuffing Mix 60g + Tom. Ketchup 20g
Supper - Danone Danio Raspberry Yogurt 160g
Extra - Milk 240ml

Cals 1203 Carbs 120 Fat 35 Protein 99 Sugars 74 Fibre 11

Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy - way to go Emm! That's a great loss. Looks like those extra cals worked.

Yes - weird sort of out of body experience indeed, one I never wish to repeat.
Tuesday 21st January 2014

Foggy and cold day. Did intend to go out but didn't feel like tackling the cold outside.
Phoned the insurance company about the car incident and the whole thing rests on whether the other party will accept a 50-50 settlement. I pointed out that they have no more evidence about the situation than I do even tho' I mentioned the fact that I have a photo of where the van is stopped and the buildings behind are well away from the traffic lights that they are saying I went thro'.. but that didn't impress at all.

Good menus so am well pleased that I kept to it today.

Breakfast - Bacon 62g + Eggs poached 2
Lunch - ProFemme Protein Pdr 18g + Soya Milk 200ml
Snack - Digestive Biscuits 2
Dinner - Pork Loin 92g + Cabbage 100g + Carrot 84g + Tom Ketchup 40g
Supper - Peach slices 100g + Custard (soy milk) 50ml
Extra - Milk 240ml

Cals 1380 Carbs 89 Fat 56 Protein 108 Sugars 45 Fibre 8
Morning Emm - bummer about the insurance.

My mum got smaked in the side a few years ago in a Sainsbury's car park. She just drove straight out of one of the side parking roads into mum who was on the main road. She admitted in front of witnesses that she'd been distracted by her kids arguing in the back seat but it still went 50/50. Their reasoning - it was on a private road (because it was the Sainsbury's car park) and apparently normal road rules can't be enforced! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Morning Emm I am way behind with everyone's diaries so just catching up. Sorry to hear about your bump and hope you get it all sorted out quickly.

Happy Friday
Hope your ok.:)

And a ditto from me too. Come and talk to us chica.

Morning Emm I am way behind with everyone's diaries so just catching up. Sorry to hear about your bump and hope you get it all sorted out quickly.

Happy Friday

Thanks for the good wishes ladies.. just been in hospital again.. blue lights & sirens an' all! Now need a pacemaker apparently but apart from the kindness and great work of the staff I decided to sign myself out... long story..and that turned out to be a right nightmare to say the least!
I shall bore you with all the details later.. :wavey:
Thanks for the good wishes ladies.. just been in hospital again.. blue lights & sirens an' all! Now need a pacemaker apparently but apart from the kindness and great work of the staff I decided to sign myself out... long story..and that turned out to be a right nightmare to say the least!
I shall bore you with all the details later.. :wavey:

Blumin' 'eck emm - hope you're ok.
I'll be AWOL again as I'm off back to the UK again tomorrow but I'll try and pop in if the dongle is playing ball.
((( Big Hugs ))) chic - look after yourself.