Hippety Hop!
:whoopass: for sighing yourself out.![]()
Not quite sure what you mean by that Cg but I can tell you it was much more than a sigh!
Saturday 25th January 2014
Well... last Wednesday I had an appointment at the community hospital to see the physio about my back as I wanted an explanation of all the pros and cons regarding my spinal problem but apart from waking up with extremely bad pain there I also had a rather dull ache in the top of my chest which tbh I really didn't take much notice of at the time. Having successful gone to my app I then went on to get a few things from Tesco and found that I was kept waiting quite some time at the cash desk and so decided to stop and have a cuppa in the Costa Café to ease my back. The next thing I knew everything seemed to be in a tunnel and I felt extremely cold but sweating profusely and when I tried to take off my coat I couldn't move. I then thought I must let someone know that I need help but when I spoke to a lady on the next table my voice came out as a whisper. Thankfully she just happened to turn round at that moment and could see that I was in distress and came over and sat with me and called the ambulance bless her!
Having been rushed to the N&N hospital I was duly processed by all those lovely dedicated peeps and first of all told that I had had a heart attack but then they later decided that I actually needed a pacemaker as the pulses were not working right. So then I was passed thro' to the Acute Medical Unit where they decide whether to send you home or send to a ward. However, 24hrs later and I am still on AMU whilst numerous peeps are going hither, thither and yon and I am having to listen to all this pandemonium of beds being wheeled in and out, docs talking and sometimes shouting and other machines beeping, donging etc. etc. and the final straw was a young girl who screamed every time somebody touched her and of course this going on 24/7 without a break! I then asked the sister in charge and was told that they were trying to decide whether to do my procedure as an out patient or in patient so I said I wanted to go home and would wait for them to call me back.
That was the start of the most horrendous situation as the next day (Fri) I kept putting my point as forcefully and determinedly to as many as possible without ever being taken seriously and they continually just brushed me off. After lunch I got my clothes and went into the loo and got dressed and as I came out asked one of the nurses to remove the cannula from my arm so I could go home. From then on I was cajoled, lied to and even one of them asked if I was mentally capable of making my own decisions! They continually blocked my path so I couldn't leave and eventually (no doubt having contacted others) I was told they were ready for me to go and have my heart scan. All my belongings were put on my bed and I was wheeled off and had the heart scan only to be returned back to AMU!! and not to a ward as I had been told. I was informed that the scan went well and there were no problems so I said "great, so I'll go home now and you can call me back at a later date!" Off started all this hoo-ha again and no matter what I said they just would not let me leave even tho' I had quite calmly said I was quite willing to sign to say I accepted all responsibility for my actions.
After another 1/2 hour they the said that they were sending for me to have my pacemaker procedure done and so off I was trollied to the OR dept only to find that no.. they couldn't do it at that precise time but they were looking to find me a bed somewhere so I realised that they had just shifted me to another dept just to keep me there. I still kept insisting that I wanted to go home and after much of the same with these two bods I finally told them that I was seriously considering suing the hospital for keeping me against my will and that's when they decided that they would let me go! Even then he insisted that he would have to wait for a form to be brought for me to fill in and I would have to speak to the registrar which could take a little while.. I pointed out that I would wait 30mins and after that and nothing transpired I got up and informed him I was off. He presented me with a small paper to sign and that was it..apart from some rather sardonic remarks about don't forget to come back!
If this seems like a long saga I can tell you that living it was like being in prison.. not that I've been in prison.. but you get my drift!
Today I have a streaming cold to finish off a perfect week!!
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