2015 and It's Now or Never!


Good idea Mary..and I presume you are meaning crafts rather than "crafty" as in a wee bit risqué!?! :giggle:
However do you manage to knit at the same time? You must be ultra adept!

Morning Mel... Does look like a very nice day again.

Btw.. just came to me but when I lived in Ireland I had a friend who was American and she found it really funny that we (as in the English) tend to use "nice" such a lot. Are there any words that you find peculiar in our talking?

I was wondering if she read on the net as she knitted. I think I couldn't manage that.

Funny you should ask -- my sister and I just exchanged FB Messenger messages mocking British words this morning: whilst, learnt, spelt, etc. then I through in burnt (which we do use)! Go figure.
I made the mistake a saying that I thought the new PE teacher looked fit. Apparently that means attractive not necessarily physically fit. ;)
I think the Brits use "well" as a modifier an awful lot.

Monday 17th March 2014

Weight has gone up today which is just as I had expected as I have been indulging tremendously over the last week... now 13st 7.8lbs - (189.8lbs)

Booked several appointments that I keep getting reminders about... dentist, opticians and hospital colorectal investigations.... so seems like the "down the nose" one is out and it's up the jacksy! :eek: .. had that before so no probs!
Also got another app for a hairset this week.. might as well do something that's a bit more appealing.

Re the pictures... I am going to post them to my blog as I don't want to bore the pants off everyone who does visit me! :D

I like your photos. The others can close their eyes.
Hello Minniemel. Yes I think you are right about the use of 'well' . I must admit I heard it used a lot in Manchester . I would like to see Ems pics too.

I was wondering if she read on the net as she knitted. I think I couldn't manage that.

Funny you should ask -- my sister and I just exchanged FB Messenger messages mocking British words this morning: whilst, learnt, spelt, etc. then I through in burnt (which we do use)! Go figure.
I made the mistake a saying that I thought the new PE teacher looked fit. Apparently that means attractive not necessarily physically fit. ;)
I think the Brits use "well" as a modifier an awful lot.

I like your photos. The others can close their eyes.

Haven't thought about the use of "Well"... I shall be looking out for it now.

Thanks for that about my photos but not got round to doing them as yet.. not in the right mood..as in.. can't be bothered.. :D

Hello MinnieMel. Yes I think you are right about the use of 'well' . I must admit I heard it used a lot in Manchester . I would like to see Emm's pics too.

Thanks Mo.. I will do them tonight.. hopefully.. :rolleyes:
Have been feeling so tired again these last few days, can hardly keep awake for a couple of hours at a time. Think I shall start taking the iron tablets again tomorrow.

Was sent a letter from the docs to book my own app for the colonoscopy with option of doing it online. Chose the hospital and then was notified that there are no appointments available but to ring them.. Rang the number provided, gave all the details and was told... there are no apps available but we will notify the hospital of your request. What the heck is that all about!?!! What a waste of time.

Had a good day on diet... or should I say eating properly.. one of those times when I really didn't feel very hungry at all which makes a change!
Totals: Cals 1330 Carbs 138
Evening Em,

I'm glad you had a good day -- that appointment business is such a waste of time. I've been calling trying to get an appointment for DD's passport photos. They never pick up. I'm going in person tomorrow.
Good morning Em. how are you today? Is the pain staying away? Have you slept well? ive slept well but still feel tired lol. Have a good day.
Morning Em!

I hope you have a lovely day. Intermittently gray and sunny here. :(
Hi Emm - glad you seem to be doing a bit better. I'd like to see your pictures too.

Hi Nelli.. I am doing better-ish.. photos will be posted soon but don't get too excited!!

Morning Emm,

Hope the weather is brighter where you are.Cold and miserable here.Not raining yet but it looks as if it might.

Need to get to the post office before it does.

Hope you have a good day.:)

Morning Mary.. weather seems okay from here indoors altho' the sun keeps going in and out. Methinks most probably chilly outside.
Hope your day goes well too.

Good morning Emm. how are you today? Is the pain staying away? Have you slept well? I've slept well but still feel tired, lol. Have a good day.

Morning Mo.. Pm is still going okay, back pain is fair to moderate but now I have a pain in the back of my head which is down to stress.. ( right pain in the ass ain't I)
Such a nuisance when you wake up still feeling tired.. altho' that's putting it mildly, hey?!

Morning Emm!

I hope you have a lovely day. Intermittently gray and sunny here. :(

Morning Mel.. It is a rather undecided type of day but as long as it doesn't rain I don't mind as I have to go to the opticians this afternoon.
Hope your day is good too.
I found my old house on Google Street view but couldn't save the photo. I should find the house we own on Google Earth.
Tuesday 18th March 2014

Visit to the opticians this afternoon which I really REALLY hate..I always end up with such a blinkin' headache!!.. I'd rather go to the dentist any day.

Pay machine in the car park was a total barsteward! It was supposed to be £2.40 for 2hrs so I put in a £2 coin and then 2x20p which didn't register so I then had to put in a 50p as I didn't have any more change. The woman at the next machine was having similar problems too and had found that it wouldn't accept 10p either!... real con merchants these car parks. :mad:

Needed a pair of specs for night driving and apparently they now spray a green film over the lens that disperses the glare from other cars lights... good..had an urge to be very different and chose a frame in a bright purple.. so now I'll look like a right goofy grtgrandma.. :D

Went into Anglia Square and had a wander round QD's and bought lots of odds and ends and enjoyed it thoroughly especially as the old back behaved well. Stopped and had a hot sausage roll, a cream cake and a cuppa in Greggs before coming home... so no telling how many calories I have consumed... Lovely day even if it was a bit cold and windy.. :)

Pictures I took of the front garden which shows the borders a lot better.. at least where the borders used to be.


Annoying that the bins have to be out there but I for one, cannot trundle them through from the back every week as there are two steps up into the corridor and then another two steps down the other side. There is also the fact that the downstairs tenant is very slovenly and his curtains are all torn and filthy dirty plus he did not bother to have the windows updated when the council was refurbishing all the flats here.
There is a most beautiful rose that is growing behind these bins which you may be able to see. It is something that always reminds me of the lady who used to live there when I first moved in as she kept all this garden so gorgeously but never saw her roses at their best as she was very short sighted and didn't realise that they were infested with greenfly. That was the first thing I sorted when I took over and the roses ..2.. that one and a climber just next to the water pipe.. were wonderful but she was too ill by that time to see them.
Would just love to get that all sorted.. Maybe! :sigh:
Pictures I took of the front garden which shows the borders a lot better.. at least where the borders used to be.

<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=129707"/><img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=129710"/><img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=129711"/>

Annoying that the bins have to be out there but I for one, cannot trundle them through from the back every week as there are two steps up into the corridor and then another two steps down the other side. There is also the fact that the downstairs tenant is very slovenly and his curtains are all torn and filthy dirty plus he did not bother to have the windows updated when the council was refurbishing all the flats here.
There is a most beautiful rose that is growing behind these bins which you may be able to see. It is something that always reminds me of the lady who used to live there when I first moved in as she kept all this garden so gorgeously but never saw her roses at their best as she was very short sighted and didn't realise that they were infested with greenfly. That was the first thing I sorted when I took over and the roses ..2.. that one and a climber just next to the water pipe.. were wonderful but she was too ill by that time to see them.
Would just love to get that all sorted.. Maybe! :sigh:

Beautiful flowers. I hope you can find someone interested in helping with the garden.
I am going to have a very good talking to myself regarding my eating as things are gradually getting more and more out of control. It's no good my giving lots of so called helpful comments to everyone else and then not practicing what I preach! :confused:
At this rate I shall be putting on the weight that it's taken so long for me to lose and that would be a catastrophe.
Tomorrow I shall write up a list of things I must do to get back on the wagon.. but I'll sleep on it tonight.

See you all in the morning... Goodnight all you lovely peeps...

Morning Emm,

I need to work in the gardens and do my hanging baskets.

Probably wouldn't work for me as I have a poor sense of smell due to sinus surgery.

Morning Mary and Mel...Such a good idea except I'm much the same as you Mel.. not a very good sense of smell and anything very scented I am allergic to.

Did come to the realisation that I began a rather downhill struggle when I put that graph on here because it showed how my weight has not only gone up since before Xmas but also stayed there. Nothing makes it so blunt as to actually see the stroke that just continues on and on every week at the same level.
Today I now have gained another 1lb making 190.8 and that's the lot!!
I hardly slept (that word Mel! :D) at all last night for no other reason than feeling so bloated and uncomfortable.
I am going to work on keeping my carbs very much lower and cutting down on the sugars as well... here's for the start of a much better day.
Morning -

May your graph dip soon. I'm with you -- to a better day! :)