Didn't get to have a snooze as I just couldn't rest as the stabbing pain continued so took myself off to the A&E. Was seen almost immediately and in no time was hooked up to all the usual equipment in the emergency dept. However, after some time the doctor decided that the pain is due to the pacemaker settling in and is quite normal so gave me some strong painkiller intravenously plus some cocodamol to take as well and I was discharged. Despite that the pain is still on going ... don't know what else I can do about it.
I am going to try not to do anything that will put the least bit of strain on it and see if that helps altho' the fact is bending over to put my slippers on was when this first started this morning. :sigh:
... having a bit of a rant tbh... so annoying to be constantly told that this is just "to be expected" etc... apart from it being so fxxxxing painful!!!... and added to my other pains that I have to contend with!!!
Hello Em, I totally agree with Moonwatcher. We are here to support you and we want to know how you are and what help you are getting. Im not surprised you are feeling depressed this is going on too long. And you are not getting any decent sleep because of the pain. Take care and keep posting please. xx
Morning Emm,
I'm glad they're going to sort you and soon. Yes, I never understood how people could stand to be fuzzy from drugs, either.
Brilliant. Im so glad they are going to do something to help you. Great x
I'm so pleased they are seeing you tomorrow Emm. I will think of you and hope they get things sorted for you.
I'm with you both on the drugs front! I once had a reaction to an over the counter drug to relieve sinus congestion. It was the worst night I have ever had - I couldn't keep still, felt paranoid about the cat, reflections on the wall, whether or not my OH was really asleep and loads more. Fortunately I was still with it enough to realise that the thoughts I was having weren't real! I absolutely hated it and could not see how anyone would voluntarily take something that had that effect!
Evening Emm,
I can understand your being anxious about having it redone.
I recently had an endoscopy and of they use the mild anesthetic for you as they did me, you should have no issues.
My dad was anemic and it was a perforated ulcer - so, checking is a very good idea.
I'm glad Tesco sorted your shopping errors.
Morning Emm Sorry you are still having all of this trouble and hope that this time they get it sorted for you. It was odd in the first instance that they said they would redo it and then changed their minds. They must have felt that it wasn't quite right in the first place.
Hopefully at least they won't keep you waiting this time.
I would love to shop online with Tesco, but I am always afraid I'll end up with the fruit and veg that other people don't want![]()
I'll be thinking of you today Emm - you will be fine. I know it is a lot of bother and worry - but it will be worth it in the end.
Good Morning Emm. Did you manage any sleep? Just one more day until you go to hospital. Hope you are ok. X
I didn't have any sort of anaesthesia when I had my endoscopy Mel but I'm not that bothered about having it done.
I don't order fresh fruit and veg as a rule except onions, bananas and I occasionally get a sweetheart cabbage as well. .. for 2 reasons. 1/ I prefer to look and pick my own and 2/ it leaves something for me to go out and buy. There's also the fact that things like bread etc. are often crammed into those delivery boxes and end up all squashed and horrible... and I also don't order any frozen stuff as 9 times out of 10 it arrives nearly thawed out even tho' I complained about it at the time. At least it cuts down on having to carry all the tinned and heavy stuff and I shop for the next 4 - 6 weeks at least.
Thanks again for all the good thoughts... but last night I found that the stabbing pains had stopped and again this morning so when the nurse rang a few moments ago I told her so she had a word with the specialist. Now I have been told to stop the painkillers gradually and see how I get on and whether they come back. She will ring me next Monday week to see how things are going..unless of course the pain comes back when I can contact them again. So re-do is on hold for now and am feeling very much better. Such a relief not to have that pain especially on top of all my other aches.