Cas3 said:It does makes you feel better I did so well last wk till sunday its so hard getting back in the zone x
BerryBerry said:Well done!!
Are you logging a regular food diary anywhere on minimins at the mo?
Cas3 said:Thanks hun, getting the old me back only a stone to go I used to be 11st b4 gaining my weight, the last few wks ive been much better I been living of jacket potatos and chicken it seems to work as I lost 4lbs last wk! usually im a pound per wk or sts girl! how are you and your girls xx
Cas3 said:Hope your cold gets better, yeah we good im just on the go all the time especally with Maisie my 2.5 yr old and Hollie is 7 mths now so soon I be chasing after both of them, Luckly ive got Emily to help me out.
I been eating alot of sw foods not much bread not on purpose but cos ive been having a jacket for lunch, dinner I been having a piece of chicken, veg or ww meal wiv a jacket and snacks been lowfat cereal bars, fruit and the odd bit of chocolate or bag of quavers. You've done gr8, you've really inspiried me x
alottolose said:9lb will be historygonna keep a close eye on you
you doing any exercise? x