A free-for-all Christmas prep diary, all food and non-food musings welcome!

oooooo you can wave across the water to me in Ilfy !!!!

I will give you a wave for sure. My BIL is a fisherman and he sometimes takes us out to sea, and always poitns you out to us. Not sure it's the weather for boating though - but will still give you a wave - look out!
ok i often sit in me lads bedroom with a pair on binoculars staring out to sea ...how sad am I ???
ok i often sit in me lads bedroom with a pair on binoculars staring out to sea ...how sad am I ???

I do love the sea. When we stayed at FIL's when my daughter was little I often used to find her in her bedroom just looking out at the bay at night, when she was meant to be asleep - but I couldn't blame her as it really is a mesmerising view, expecially at night.
it is beautiful at night ...todays not so good had a massive hail storm cant see a thing now
I would do that, but my friend has just got one and she is really disappointed because she can't download the free library books onto it because it is incompatible and not supported by Overdrive software.

Aw, that's a shame. I do find that the books for the Kindle are cheaper than other formats. That's one of the reasons I picked it, but if he's wanting library books, then it's probably not the e-reader for him, unfortunately.
Happy first of December! Have you all got your advent calendars out? You can get paper ones, you know... I spent ages last night tying choccies onto one of ours. It's kind of like this, but with a different printed (vintage!!) design:

The other has pockets, I made it about 10 years ago, much simpler to stuff!

Next year I intend to buy a Playmobil or Lego set and wrap it up in 24 little elements... You can get ready-made advent calendars from Lego or Playmobil but I didn't like the themes they offered!
Happy first of December! Have you all got your advent calendars out? You can get paper ones, you know... I spent ages last night tying choccies onto one of ours. It's kind of like this, but with a different printed (vintage!!) design:

The other has pockets, I made it about 10 years ago, much simpler to stuff!

Next year I intend to buy a Playmobil or Lego set and wrap it up in 24 little elements... You can get ready-made advent calendars from Lego or Playmobil but I didn't like the themes they offered!

Excellent idea! We bought the Playmobil one quite a few years ago for our eldest. He lost the ice hockey puck (tiny) and the tears were horrendous. We spent most of December looking for mislaid pieces and made up the scene so many times we couldn't be bothered with it by 24th and vowed to never buy one again (and we haven't).

Plain chocolate ones here, although we have a fabric tree with subjects to be hung on each day. The youngest plays with them too much though so it has been put away until he's older as my Mum bought it for our eldest and we want to keep it intact as long as possible)

And yes, chocolate was eaten before breakfast!
Im making Mulled wine tonight with splenda ;) yum yum
Oooh good idea - we only have some read-made stuff (with sugar of course), and that's not been opened yet. I *knew* I should have picked up some mulling spice sachets, I guess my kitchen can probably supply all required spices though...... Vicky do you have a recipe?
Thanks Vicky - the sachets / mixes I have seen always seem to contain sugar so this is a good start!
yes think its just peel and spices in these. Get the splenda out.
PLEASE NOTE: Christmas has been cancelled this year. Apparently
you told Santa you have been good this year. He died laughing.
I just wanted to share my work Christmas party menu, I told you it was traditional:
Traditional Roast Turkey with all the trimmings

Roast Sirloin of Beef with horseradish cream, yorkshire pudding

Honey Baked Ham studded with cloves, spiced apple sauce

Roast Salmon on a bed of white tagliatelle, tomato and herb cream sauce

Wild Mushroom Filo Parcel with bean fricassee

Aubergine, Spinach and Ricotta Cannelloni with spiced tomato sauce, smoked cheddar

Served with fresh seasonal vegetables and potatoes
Traditional Christmas Pudding – Brandy Sauce
Lemmon Posset – Autumn Berries
Fresh Fruit Salad
Coffee and Mince Pies

Yum yum one more week to work up to it :eating:. What do you mean I have to CHOOSE? I quite fancy becoming a vegetarian for the day...
By the third main course, even I'd be stuffed!

(At a carvery, I usually flirt with whoever is carving the meat to let me have a Yorkie with my turkey!
From our Christmas afternoon yesterday.:) It's probably the only time we'll see M le Maire with a pompom round his neck:D.

(Don't forget to leave out a can of lager for Santa on Christmas Eve, it's what he prefers;)).

PS - that's my wee lad handing over his letter (and not daring look at Santa!).


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Wow lovely Laura - thanks for sharing! In our house Santa gets a piece of Birthday cake! (DH b-d is on the 24th)
Aw I've just read through this thread, and am now feeling all Christmassy!! I was feeling a bit Bah Humbug, as I cant put my tree up until next weekend (getting new carpets fitted on Thursday), and was a bit sad about it!! Got a cupboard full of presents to wrap but nowhere to put them yet!

Am going to write all my Christmas cards in a minute while watching the X factor finals - hopefully I'll be feeling the Christmas cheer then too!

You've all got so many lovely ideas for Christmas - thanks for sharing them!

Melanie x