Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

Hi Abz,
My mother had cravings for toothpaste when she was pregnant with my brother. She always carried a tube around in her bag, and i can remember her sitting and squeezing the t.paste and just getting a little bit off the top at a time!!! lol.
Mine was strawberry cornettos!! Dont know why, but back then, when I was preg with Ted, 14 years, they were not easy to come by in the winter, and i found a shop that did sell them!! But they were all soft and crystalised. Never wanted one before, or since!!

Hope you are doing well.
ice lollies!! i do have a bit of a thing for ice lollies at the moment. am a bit miffed because the only ones i have left are the ones with ice cream in the middle and they just aren't the same, ha. think i'm going to have to get myself to the supermarket again soon :)
it is isn't it? although most of it seems to have vanished already :( the downside of payday is that people seem to KNOW and take all your money, ha.
Pay day here as well abz. :) Colleen has already mugged me for the pay slip. I'm not allowed to know how much I earn. ;)
ha. well thomas's wages get removed from his account, by me, and sorted out into where it needs to go. i leave him a bit for pocket money though :)
Hey Abz... have you checked out ebay for digital frames, you can can some decent ones for a reasonable price?

When I was pregnant with Jacob I craved anything Lemon, drank lemon squash by the bucketload! With Amalie it was prawns!

Hopefully your moving out the otherside of the sicky feeling now. xx
here's hoping linzi. am currently tucking into some cauli cheese as i started to feel very sick. may have gone overboard in trying to reintroduce fruit, ha.
When she was pregnant for me my mum cried because they had sold out of toffee apples on a visit to the seaside. Unreasonably she instructed my dad and my uncle to "go and find one" - there were none to be found.

My thing was curry from a certain chinese take away - it was wonderful. My friend said "Your baby will come out yellow if you eat any more of that" (the curry was very yellow) and felt really bad when my baby was jaundiced (hehe) x
which baby was that Gem?

I seem to remember a story about my mum wanting to clean the kitchen once she had gone into labour with me. Not sure if she craved anything through the pregnancy, I'll have to ask her. I've never been, and never will be, pregnant so I can't join in with my own stories!!

Yes pay day certainly doesn't seem to last long :-(
Number 1 Nomad - not the one you're thinking about!!! x
good morning everyone. well i had my swine flu jab on saturday. they told me my arm would be painful but good grief!! i can't lift it without a shock of pain through the muscle. and the area is swollen and hot. which i was told would happen. but i was thinking 'oh, it will be like my tb jab' but i'm sure it hurts more than that, although that was a long time ago, ha.

have spent the weekend being rather ill. but my mum and her fella came to visit for a night, after a funeral unfortunately, but it was lovely to see her. hadn't seen her since the wedding :) they are back in a couple of weeks. woo.

how was everyone else's weekend?

abz xx
good morning guys :)

well i'm doing ok so far. feeling rough but not too bad. who was saying i'd feel better in a couple of weeks? well it's been a couple of weeks now... my midwife was obviously just trying to make me feel better, ha.

in other totally non-relavent news, am totally gutted that natalie has gone out of strictly. out of those that performed i suppose she had to but she was the best celebrity on there as far as personality and entertainment went. i thought she was so so fab :(

abz xx
You'll feel better soon abz. :)