Alpaca's stream of consciousness - IS BACK ON THE WAGON!

Evening tigger:D
'ello Katie

I was feeling like Pooh, Piglet and Tigger today, but now feeling a bit pooped! lol

Probably down to a poor diet today of:
B - Atkins shake
L - tin of mackerel in sunflower oil
D - will probably get a chicken skewer with salad from the local keeeeebab shop - no pitta. By the time I leave work and get home that will be all I can face doing! lol

Di x
A word from the wise, hun, this is the kind of situation that always makes me reach for a sandwich - although you did really well, under the circumstances! :)

We have to be like the scouts - Be Prepared :D

Cook up lots of stuff on the weekend like pork belly and other meats, so you can zap them in no time if you get home late. And get salami and cheese slices and wrap them in lettuce for a quick lunch.
Salami and cheese wraps........i know jim doesnt like frakenfoods but the mama lupes low carb totillas from LCM plus sliced salami and cheese have saved me sooooo many times! Anytime, anywhere etc! Salad sounds like a good option too!

Ps gave up on the shakes - they only filled me up for an hour not like "real food" ;)
Thanks Susie and Katie! Really wise advice... I did have the keeeeebab which was v yummy... But then blew it with a large glass of wine!!!

Now feeling rough and just not able to manage the diet I was having pre Atkins... Luckily no damage... According to Myfitnesspal Carbs were only 22 but they were bad ones cos of wine and no weight gain this morning - luckily!!

Will keep clean and green and drink loads of water so will flush it through soon!! Am such an idiot as I just think I can do what I did before and feel ok... How long will it take to teach this stubborn old horse!!! Lol :)
Mmmmmm kebab and wine, nom nom. I went to the indian really late but only had 4 pieces of chicken tikka......shared with my daughter. I just couldn't face a meal, so not like me.
Morning Di, I always feel crap when I overdose on carbs, but even after all these years on mint I still do it sometimes.
OK... have been very sensible today - and also still suffering from my stupidity!!

B = Parma ham + egg + 3 stalks of bok choy (that's all I had in! lol)
Coffee made with almond milk and a teaspoon of splenda!
L = salmon steak fried in coconut oil + a mug of savoy cabbage with a bit of butter + garlic clove
D = ditto to lunch!! lol
Water = loads
S = coffee made with cream
E = almost a mile!!

Might have another snack later - maybe a bit of cheese - I don't think it stalls me but haven't budged weight wise this week.

Waist = down an inch! don't think there's much movement on hips but difficult to tell as I'm using a builder's tape measure!! I really must get one that is easier to use and isn't so flippin' cold on my skin!! ouch! lol
LOL I've got one of those too and managed to cut my finger last time I tried - by the time I got myself mopped up and bandaged, I'd forgotten the measurements!

Well done on the inch! And lunch sounds delish - well the coconut part does (allergic to salmon) :)
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Thanks Susie! xx
Have just made a mim for lunch

1/4 cup linseed milled organic
1 egg
1/4 tsp of baking powder
a teaspoon of cream cheese
about a tablespoon of grated parmesan
a teaspoon of coconut oil
a teaspoon of butter
bit of water
miked it for 1.5 mins - then spread a bit of butter on top

It was ok... not sure if I would make it too often though and might try a sweet one next

ok menu for today:

1 egg
3 thin rashers of pancetta - SO much tastier than bacon
2 medium mushrooms
coffee with cream

Lunch - MIM

1 small chicken breast
2 cups of savoy cabbage
1 clove garlic
1 teaspoon coconut oil
1 thin slice of pancetta
1/4 chicken stock cube
boiled in lots of water so I have it to drink as well :):)

Can't wait for dindins!! :):)

Mmm your dinner sound lovely!

Re the Mims, when I make a savoury one I add LOTS of herbs and mix with water, then zap for 3 minutes, maybe give that a try?
Ah! I'll try that next time Susie! :)
Dinner sounds yummy:). Keep experimenting with your favourite mims. Mine turns out to be flax bread (made with yeast see recipes) with butter and marmite. Nothing else compares:D
Am now stuffed!! Dinner was yum and very filling!

I'll definitely try your mim version Katie! I love marmite - not had it on the diet yet as didn't know what to put it on! Lol :)
Morning Di, good weekend?
Hello Jim and everyone!

I'm away this week - the first half I'm house sitting for a good friend who was also my boss many moons ago ... Posh place in the country... I'm tending chickens and looking after his dog and one eyed cat... Still focused on Atkins although can't jump on the scales - which I guess is a good thing! Ha ha

So, if I'm slow apologies! Hope you're all having a good week! :)