Glad you are feling a little more upbeat now. Never think you are a failure, changing eating habits is so very difficult to adjust to, and changing your mind about an eating plan or a lifestyle takes time. Failing would mean you had given up completely on ever wanting to lose weight, and you haven't done that, and you are not going to give up the challenge, I just know you won't! You WILL succeed, and when 'everything falls into place' and you find what works for you long term, you will definately get the results you deserve
Like you, I too lost over 5 stone years ago, wrong food choices made every lb go back on, and then some!!!! but I learned that if I really want to get the weight off slowly and sensibly...i can!!!!...and as it worked for you too before, you also know you can do it again
Being so overweight stops me from going to events and nights out too, and does affect my marriage/social life, but my hubby does understand and is always patient, I am sure yours is too, don't worry about it, he will only want you to be happy with yourself. I have been to a couple of outings recently as I am losing weight, but I do still feel that horrible uncomfortable feeling, and don't feel 'dressed up' or in any way confident, I still can't accept wedding invitations or parties etc, so it is one of the many hundred reasons, I have GOT to continue, despite a blow out or two along the way

I want a normal life, looking and feeling like a normal, and a bit more of an attractive woman
Possible health issues are always on my mind, so that helps me stay on track, or at least helps me get back on track.
Dieting and certain food 'banning' plays havoc with our minds and emotions, try to think of it as a new lifestyle change that includes a different eating plan. Please remember that not eating your usual food, does make you crave it for awhile, (days or weeks!!!.) The craving doesn't neccessarily disappear, you just manage to cope better with it as time goes on.
Good luck, it looks as if you are going to continue with your current plan, so I wish you well and will pop back in and see how you are getting on
Take care and try not to allow this whole dieting malarkey affect your mood and bring you down, just concentrate on the feel good factor when you are feeling fit and healthy and looking fabulous!