Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

yeah my friend left me a lovely message on facebook as well reminding me of everythibg i have going for me.

off to my uncles tonight for fireworks and there will no doubt be naughty food there.... i will resist though. we're having tea before going so hopefully ill be stuffed and wont want anything... its a stupid time of year with all these parties isnt it lol

You're lucky you have party's to go to Donna, as we're like a pair of Billy No Mates & have nothing *feels sorry for herself*.....only joking, we're like hermits at the weekend as thats the only time we see each other, so tend to keep ourselves to ourselves!
Charlie hates fireworks & tends to be a quivering wreck, poor girl, so thank goodness for good double glazing! Strictly, XFactor, Chicken Pizza with chips & sweet potato chips & coal fire coming up tonight. Think I will have a mars bar as well.....all 13 syns of it!
we're not normally so busy, but barely have any weekends free now between now and christmas, it'll be a shock to the system when we go back to being billy no mates in the new year.

we wont be out late tonight as little one will get tired
Hope you've fun tonight, Donna!

Well, have to admit I wasn't planning on popping in here today due to the fact I was completely mortified at the fact I failed miserably last night (after all my chat about how I wouldn't give in...I never suspected it would be the mini quiches and chicken strips that did me in) but after some wise words from Kim I realise I need to suck it up and move on.

Back on plan this morning and feeling as determined as ever...the road to hell is paved with good intentions lol! In saying that, I'm NOT looking forward to tomorrow's weigh in :S
Hope you've fun tonight, Donna!

Well, have to admit I wasn't planning on popping in here today due to the fact I was completely mortified at the fact I failed miserably last night (after all my chat about how I wouldn't give in...I never suspected it would be the mini quiches and chicken strips that did me in) but after some wise words from Kim I realise I need to suck it up and move on.

Back on plan this morning and feeling as determined as ever...the road to hell is paved with good intentions lol! In saying that, I'm NOT looking forward to tomorrow's weigh in :S

Already said my peace on your diary point not coming in here as we will find you!!! x
I have to say Kim, you remind me of Liam Neeson in Taken haha! 'I will look for you, I will find you and I will drag your a$$ back to the 9's to 8's' or something like that haha.

Have been quite productive this morning, re-organised my bedroom, I've a lot more space now and ordered myself some new GHD's as my straighteners have been broke for months now and have been scrounging off the sister. Now watching Oliver Twist with the little sis while waiting for the latest episode of my show to download (Law and Order:SVU)
Donna did you want the recipe for the Scan Bran carrot cake, here is it anyways. I've adapted to suit me, but if you want the proper recipe do a site search on here

4 crushed scan bran - 4 syns or 1hexb
5oz grated carrot
1 tsp cinnamon
1tsp nutmeg
1/2tsp mixed spice
1tbsp runny honey - 3 syns
3 beaten eggs
2tbsp mincemeat - 4 syns
1 crushed weetabix - 3.5 syns
Extra granulated sweetener to personal taste

Place weetabix & scan bran in a bowl & cover with boiling water, just enough so that they absorb the liquid
Add all the other ingredients & mix well
Place mix into individual Muffin cases & cook in a pre-heated oven at 180 for approx 30 mins
Cool & eat......taste better once they've been chilled!

I think the syns are correct, but you might want to double check. If you make 10 muffins, that would be 1 syn each & a tenth of a HexB, but you can work it out how it best suits you.....they are gorgeous x
oooo thanks Kim, will have to try and remember to buy some scan bran on tuesday. i made carrot cake with it once which was lovely but i loat the recipe. Im sure your adapted recipe will be lovely :) cant wait to try it. might be a silly question but can you use paper cases or will it stick? i only have 6 silicone ones....need to buy more.

no need to hide from us Jenna the past few weeks ive been confessing my syns on here. tonight may be the first night in months where ive had temptation and turned it down (not counting temptation my boyfeiend puts in front of me, if i gave in everytime he tempted me id be 20 stone) did you enjoy it all though?

looking forward to tonight though, will be nice to see family :)
I use the silicone ones & they dont stick at all, but not sure about the paper ones, but cant imagine they would stick very much if you peel the muffin out carefully. They are so worth it & would be quite versatile as well. Mmmm, just thinking about slicing them in 2, spreading with light phili cheese & topping with raspberries/banana/strawberries.....lovely breakfast. You can buy them in Holland & Barrett as well x

P.S I thought 5 scan bran were a HexB Donna? x
they're cheaper in group though haha, ooo that sounds lovely for breakfast. yeah you do get 5 for a healthy extra... you could try it with 5 and without the wheatabix maybe to being the syns down? although its not like they're high in syns anyway.

philli or nat fromage frai mixed with sweetner and lemon juice would make a nice topping as well
Did I mention that when I got up to see to little one last night I was walking like john wayne? 2nd day effect of jillians punishment. Now that its easing off I am going try do it in about half hours time

Feeling fairly relaxed about food today. Decided not to worry as yesterday was rubbish what with having no lunch then snacking on crisps. What will be will be tonight tho I am def having wine. Bought soda water to see if it eases the pain the next day. After I had Jude the wine didn't really effect me much next day but lately it is. Not sure if I maybe not been eating enough or drinking enough water in between so that is tonights goal.

Wouldn't worry Jenna it takes a lot to resist naughty food that's staring you in face. I can do it on rare occasions but i need to have eaten first.
Billy no mates is us too but I love it. We don't have sitters but we don't mind. Well I don't cos I get my wine once wee one is in bed and oh doesn't drink. I go out when I fancy it tho.

Plan is to make soup again tom. Big bowl at lunch keeps me on straight and narrow. Then stew casserole for dinner and mince for mon.

Have good evenin ladies. Me thinks I am stalling with my date with jillian x
Never mind stalling on Jillian, I just stand her up completely lol!

Just had a big baked potato so hopefully that will keep me full until bedtime. Wine's been affecting me really badly lately as well, I'm now a reformed wineaholic and am sticking to spirits from now on :D I'm jealous you're having some though, enjoy.

My night is shaping up to be pretty boring, X factor and that's about PAINS me that they clash X factor and Casualty...though in fairness it does give me something to pass the boredom on a Sunday.
Never mind stalling on Jillian, I just stand her up completely lol!

Just had a big baked potato so hopefully that will keep me full until bedtime. Wine's been affecting me really badly lately as well, I'm now a reformed wineaholic and am sticking to spirits from now on :D I'm jealous you're having some though, enjoy.

My night is shaping up to be pretty boring, X factor and that's about PAINS me that they clash X factor and Casualty...though in fairness it does give me something to pass the boredom on a Sunday.

Am I a food monster? Nothing fills me until bedtime haha, just had steak with loads of veg and a blue cheese triangle on top... was to die for.... but I bet I'm still hungry at the party. Going to take a hifi light and an apple just in case I think.

I can't watch the X factor, we have some DVD's from lovefilm that we'll watch when we get in from the party
I love hifi's, haven't had many this week though, I usually have one most days but this week I've been using ryvita's and bread or porridge quite a bit as HEB... oh and haven't had it recently but will have to do my baked apple and mincemeat soon... I love that.

I want to go now though, not setting off for another half an hour and I don't really have anything to do... hate waiting to go somewhere lol
Date night with jillian went well must say. Enjoyed it much more than first night. Def depends how much I have eaten in run up to it tho. That can be tricky come mid week. Had my little one watch me, too cute and wasn't a bother at all. Hoping this means I can do it during day of my day off when I am in mood rather than having to hang off til other half comes in or little one is in bed. By then I can't be bothered.
X factor for us tho I can take it or leave it to be honest and no way can I watch it live. Need sky plus it.
Feel good!!!
Ditto on the Lucy front & not keen on caberet act Christopher either! Think James should win!

Lovely night snuggled up watching XFactor with my mars bar which I chopped into tiny little pieces to make it last longer!

Well done on attacking Jillian Deb....keep it up.
I'm still on 'rest' duty which does not make a happy Kimbo so no phys for me tomorrow boohoo !

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But you deserve and need a rest miss Kim. Take your gorgeous dog, is it Charlie?out a slow pace walk if you can manage. You cutting up mars bar brings back memories, cutting straight from freezer and having with milk. Is it just me or do the mini and snack size taste different from full size ones? Too good tho
Enjoyed jillian tonight, she wasn't such a *****. Company of my child wasn't the best, esp him tryin get under my legs whilst I squatted and did my punches. Remained focused tho and just shuffled him along..he used his fireman sam doll and his shoe as a weight..too cute
X factor is rubbish. Used to really love it but its old hat now isn't it?
Don't like Christopher but love the music....anything cheesey and 80s and am hooked
See you all tom x
Hi ladies, we just got back and I'm FREEZING!!!! Had an amazing time though, little one was so well behaved as well considering how cold it was and how late we ended up stopping. We've literally just dropped him in bed with all his clothes on.

Just thought I'd show you the fireworks we just enjoyed

Oh and food wise, I resisted the pizza, garlic bread, crisps, hot dogs and chocolates... but I did have a small slice of chocolate cake... which I'm not going to worry about, my cousin made it so I had to try some and I've only had 6 syns today and although I've had 10 + every other day I haven't had the full 15, one slice of cake isn't going to make too much of a difference to my loss surely?