Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

Afternoon ladies!! I'm just up

Fri: 9st 2
Sat: 9st 3
Sun: 9st 1. 3/4
Lol no my daughter stays with her granny every sat night. So I caught up on my sleep.
The past two weeks my daughter hasn't slept so I've been getting 2-3 hrs a night :( lol

I just sat in and watched DVDs last night :)
Can any of u help me. My bf wants to go out to bar to watch the football and get food. I would rather not but I know if I let him go alone then he will get really drunk and not show home. Lol so I have to baby sit him.

What's the best meal I can order?

I've already posted in the eating out section but no one replied and we r leaving in ten mins
honeypop said:
Can any of u help me. My bf wants to go out to bar to watch the football and get food. I would rather not but I know if I let him go alone then he will get really drunk and not show home. Lol so I have to baby sit him.

What's the best meal I can order?

I've already posted in the eating out section but no one replied and we r leaving in ten mins

Hey hunni :)

I always order meat with jacket potato. Whether its chicken, steak, skewers, mixed grill (minus the sausage!) my favourite is New York chicken, I always used my HEXA and syned the sauce at 2 syns and then depending on how much cheese would guesstimate then syns x
Was going to reply HP but you've probably gone! But if you haven't I would go with a jacket potato or some sort of plain meat like a steak & salad with dressing on the side x
I ended up going with chicken fajitas. Because iys chickens with tomato sauce and stir fried veg.
How many syns r in a wrap?

Haven't ate anything yet x
Depends how may calories are in the wrap! I would count some syns for the oil they would have cooked the chicken & veg in as be on the safe side I would say 15 syns for the whole meal
I ate half the chicken and stir fried veg with extra salad in the wraps. A tiny bit of coleslaw also.

Left half the chicken all chips and side sauces. I'm full up.

Had 1 vodka and diet coke.
I think I have went over my syns a bit but I didn't use all my syns every day this week so hopefully it won't affect weigh I'm too much.
Feel quilty now though. But me and bf never go out together just is anymore. Always with the wee one or friends so it was needed lol rekindle that fire.
And it was nice to get outta house for first time in three weeks since starting sw
Sounds lovely HP & never feel guilty about going out to eat/ is for living, just enjoy every precious moment of it. Its only one meal out of 21 in a week, so probably wont make any difference! x
Hp, since you live in Belfast, not sure how helpful it is but I love eating out in Murphy Brown's (if you google it their menu comes up) they have some lovely SW meals...and some lovely not SW meals but it would mean you and the bf could have a nice night and you could stay on plan and feel no guilt :D I'm sure there are lots of other places that do the odd sw friendly meal but Murphy Brown's is so damn tasty haha!
Maybe sw wouldn't allow it as they (slimming world) can't guarentee they're using sw friendly things... but it should be easy enough to work out which meals are sw friendly :) its a shame though as if the had it on the menu it makes it easier for people.

Just had dinner, chicken and bacon pasta bake, was lovely but I could easily eat it all over again :O I don't feel full at all
I wonder y they would so that. That's strange. I would be raging if I always went there for sw meals and then they took them off
I'm a horrible horrible dieter everyone... I'm still hungry going to eat loads tonight (all within syns but still loads!) why can't I be one of those people who eats small portions of everything?
Don't be daft, Donna! You know the plan inside and out, you know what works for you. It's not like you're overeating...just until you're full.
I plan on having a bowl of grapes to munch on during X Factor tonight...SO excited for No Doubt's performance!

Since you ladies are in to your fitness etc have you ever bought/worn wrist weights? I've just put some on my Christmas list but don't actually know of anyone who has worn them, found them useful or could recommend a good brand!?!
Eat til ur full. If ur still hungry then ur body is letting u know it needs food
I'm not too sure I've had my healthy extra a and b today?
Wraps don't count as hexb??
Do I need to make sure I have them. Even if I'm not full. ?? Even just have a hifi bar and milk?