At goal & now beyond... 5:2 officially rocks!

Aw thanks ladies! Well yes today official weigh in had another 2lb gone so almost all my holiday gain gone & 8.6lb back to goal. I'm feeling much happier as have my 10 back again which was stressing me right out & making me want to binge. So I'm having tea out tonight but will stay as in control as I can then planning to fast Monday & Wednesday. Hubbys birthday on Sunday but that isn't an excuse for ME to be bad.

Oh & you can tell I'm happier as baking has started again. Have hubbys cake to make for the weekend but this was my friends birthday cupcakes. Chocolate & almond sponge with amaretto buttercream topped with almond brittle. She loved them!


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What an inspiring story :)

I was just under 29 st and had gastric bypass in 2002. Lost about 12st without struggling too much but moved here in 2004 (am American) when I marred my (english) hubby and gained weight through homesickness and lots of "OH! Never had one of them...or that....or those...before!! EAT THEM ALL!"-ness. So went back up to about 20/21st from about 16st 7lbs ish. And stayed roughly around there for a few years. Then had my first baby in 2009 and went up to about 22st...then back down to 20 within a few months...and then had my 2nd baby in 2012 and same again. All the while in between trying WW and SW and all sorts.

In 2013 I decided enough and went on VLCD and eventually got down to 15 and a half stone. Which I probably shouldve stopped at. I have an absolute TON of loose skin and I am 5'9". Anyway. I kept mentally pushing myself and emotional telling myself it wasnt good enough, even though I was delighted really with how I felt physically and how i felt in my own skin (well, under the layers and rolls of looseness and yuck). So that was march 2014 I got down to 214lbs. That year turned into complete stressful insanity and I went off vlcd because I had really been struggling with getting back on and was going off/on/off/on and i was getting ill every time i tried to get back on. Vertigo/dizziness, heart palpitation, feeling faint, lightheaded, foggy head. Just terrible. Anyway. By Jan 2015 was back up to 265 and I said to myself. "NOPE!". Got myself back down to 241 but then for whatever reason didnt/couldnt stick with whatever plan I was on and ended up back at 250-255lbs by about june last year. Have stayed exactly there (fluctuating between 246lbs and 255lbs) every since. I had, until recently been still trying with vlcd packs but finally put them on ebay and got rid. Was sick of trying and failing, sick of starving and deprivation all the time. Sick of the way it messed with my head and how I would just binge completely every few days because i was desperate to not feel that way. Very unhealthy! Did attempt the body coach's lean in 15 book but frankly the ridiculous amount of cals frightens me to no end and Im a veggie and its very meat heavy.

So Ive maintained-ish for a year only through keeping trying over and over but I really just want to get back to around 210-215lbs.

Last night I was sitting here feeling frustrated and for no apparent reason I rememberd seeing Dr michael Mosely on bbc docu about diets and such so I googled to remind myself what he was all about and that lead me to have a look on here and see if there was a thread.

Sorry for the long post.!!

Anyway. Your story is a brilliant one. Youve done absolutely amazingly well. Im going to try to get myself started on this journey now. Holidays and my 38th bday both coming up in Sept and I want to be at or on my way to goal.

Also want to add in some workouts....HIIT, toning...that sorta thing.

Have a brilliant day xx