At goal & now beyond... 5:2 officially rocks!

Lexie please don't regret having your blow-out...surely that's what this plan is designed to allow for. It gives you the empowerment of not having guilt or obsessiveness around food. It's a different story if every UD is a massive blow out but realistically if you're fasting and not eating significantly in excess on other days then you will see slow and steady losses. You have done so amazingly well!

Thank you I know you're probably right but after almost 2.5 years cal counting it all just seems wrong to me, I'm sure I'll get in to the swing of it x
Good up day ended at about 1450 & Zumba, lots of walking & fence painting so am hoping the scales will be kind tomorrow before my final DD of this week..
Not pathetic at all. It's fab to find exercise which u love :)

See I belong to a pretty pricey gym too but their Zumba classes are all in the day when I'm at work & I've been going to my class over 2 years now & I have made some nice friends there, my fellow front row divas ;). It's a lovely friendly class & I still go at least once a week, I'd love to go to both but it seems like a waste of my gym membership if I do... Anyway scales this morning 11:11 so 1.2lb to shift on my fasting day to sts this week. Last week I lost 2lb on this fast but that doesn't mean I will again & am very aware totm is due. Busy day today fence painting so should keep me amused & my mind off food, well that's what I'm hoping :)
See I belong to a pretty pricey gym too but their Zumba classes are all in the day when I'm at work & I've been going to my class over 2 years now & I have made some nice friends there, my fellow front row divas ;). It's a lovely friendly class & I still go at least once a week, I'd love to go to both but it seems like a waste of my gym membership if I do... Anyway scales this morning 11:11 so 1.2lb to shift on my fasting day to sts this week. Last week I lost 2lb on this fast but that doesn't mean I will again & am very aware totm is due. Busy day today fence painting so should keep me amused & my mind off food, well that's what I'm hoping :)

Haha love the term front row divas! Sounds like fun.

Hope you're staying distracted and dd going well. I'm at work surrounded by chocolate. Not good! Although if I was on an up I'd be stuffing myself and feeling guilty so I guess it's good in a way ;)

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I'm finished painting, my back was starting to really ache so I've stopped. Am wondering how much longer before I need my tea.....

It's our instructor who calls her our front row divas ;)
There's another positive to this fasting lark isn't there. All the extra sleep. Oh yes it's 750pm & I'm in bed already lol ;)

Completely freaking out about official weigh in tomorrow, I can't see any way I'm going to have lost this week. Totm due & I am so bloated I want a pin to pop me!

Oh & guess who got burnt today....


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Blimey, didn't think it was that warm (wasn't here, that's for sure) Night night, dream of a happy UD tomorrow

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Gutted.... Official weigh in 11:10:6 so 0.8lb gain which is not deserved at all. I keep trying to tell myself there could be reasons, totm due (but I don't tend to gain) muscles retaining water after lots of fence painting in the last 2 days but I can't believe that. I'm thoroughly hacked off. One high up day & this is the result. A sts I can about cope with but a gain!!!!! I'd better get a whoosh & soon I can tell you or you're gonna hear the temper tantrum wherever you are ;)
Gutted.... Official weigh in 11:10:6 so 0.8lb gain which is not deserved at all. I keep trying to tell myself there could be reasons, totm due (but I don't tend to gain) muscles retaining water after lots of fence painting in the last 2 days but I can't believe that. I'm thoroughly hacked off. One high up day & this is the result. A sts I can about cope with but a gain!!!!! I'd better get a whoosh & soon I can tell you or you're gonna hear the temper tantrum wherever you are ;)

Hun that's a poo, and TOTM showing on them scales .. Keep going xz
Hun that's a poo, and TOTM showing on them scales .. Keep going xz

Thanks babe I'm just so so upset, I've tried so hard & this week has been especially hard, I didn't have fish & chips at seaside, I've done 3 fasting days with my boys at home when normally we would eat lots. Not to have lost seems like a massive smack in the face. Sorry pmt making me extra grumpy xx
Totm and the weather .. My hands are puffy from the heat, I'm drinking loads but not peeing as much
Hey lexie, I know it's easy to say but try not to get too down. Bodies are weird so could be anything and 0.8 is nothing! I do know how hard it is though as it's not deserved but in the bigger picture, you're storming thru the 11s which is fab!


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Hey lexie, I know it's easy to say but try not to get too down. Bodies are weird so could be anything and 0.8 is nothing! I do know how hard it is though as it's not deserved but in the bigger picture, you're storming thru the 11s which is fab! Xx Sent from my GT-I9505 using mobile app

Thanks babe x
0.8, especially when TOTM due is nothing, don't stress it, you're doing so well. It will show next week, as long as Easter doesn't get in the way!! By the way I was just thinking about you today and I was thinking, if you have 500 cals on a DD and only 1500 on an UD and you're doing 4:3 then that's really only 1000 cals a day, is this enough??

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