So scales say 11:9:0 after 4 up days a gain of 0.4lb from official but that's ok I'll take that. Am hoping to see 11:7 something officially come Thursday. I ache this morning quite a lot from weight work at the gym yesterday especially my thighs from the squats & leg presses so I may even be retaining water. Down day today all planned out, going to take a prawn salad for my lunch & I have a small (probably 3/4 max) leftover portion of Spanish chicken which I'll have for tea which would bring me in at just under 500 but may get some raspberries in case I get nibbly later. I normally work a 12-8 on a Mondau but I swapped with a colleague & am working 945-515 which I don't think I'm gonna like as haven't work a day shift on a Monday for years!!!