At goal & now beyond... 5:2 officially rocks!

Well 11:7:6 this morning so slightly up but am hoping today's fast will lose me enough for a sts, it was higher this time last week but totm is due so I don't think my fast day will lose me as much as normal but when I think about my up days they weren't that bad, granted Saturday was probably 2200 but Friday was only about 1700. Well 24 hours & we'll see hey
It's a good fast day when the sun is shining :)
New scales have arrived so I will weigh on both in the morning & see how much of a difference there is. Had a good fast day today & haven't felt too hungry but have drunk loads of water which has clearly helped
Ok me being me I couldn't wait & OMG they are different enough for me not to want to use them!!!! I know my old ones are right as same as docs, both sets at gym & the posh ones in tesco!


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Eeek that's quite a difference! Can you send them back? Sent from my iPad using MiniMins

Don't think they will accept "I don't like what they say I weigh" as a reason for return ;) On a more serious note I'm prepared when I come back from holiday (only a couple of weeks) to accept whatever they say but until then I'll weigh on the old ones. The good news is the new ones have special carpet feet & weigh the same on carpet & they won't have to be moved so should stay really accurate
I returned about 5 scales (Argos) because they did not match my old ones - I just stated that they were not accurate and I wanted a replacement eventually I just got a refund as none matched. I know my old I ones are accurate as per airport scales :) lol
Reckon I'm gonna have to weigh on the new scales tomorrow & take what they say the same as no matter how many times I get on (which after a lot more steps is now 11:10:75) whereas the old ones have just varied from 11:6:8 to 11:9:8 in a minute & give me something different more or less every time I got on them so tomorrow I'm going to have to record a gain even though I know it's not really, I'm expecting it to be 11:9ish which will be 3lb gain so back to fighting for that 11:7 again but I'll do it x
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Oooohhh tough call but you'll have that 11.7 back in no time. Sent from my iPad using MiniMins

Thanks honey I just can't trust the others, honestly I don't want to do it but I need to, I know what I weigh really is a bit less than they say... Gonna change my target to 11:0 now & so will need to fiddle with BH challenge but I'll tell you what I need tomorrow, will probably reset it x
Am actually really proud of myself cos seeing as how tomorrows change of scales is going to show a gain I could have thought sod it tonight & blown my fast & only I would know but I haven't even thought I'm watching MasterChef which always makes me hungry lol
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