I've just noticed madchefs inch I added for her a while back was taken off a while back!! Naughty lisa32
Cddietgal - 14lbs - 4 so far
Cheryl - 7lbs - 6.5lb so far , 0.5lb to go
clairem87 - 10lbs - 8 lb so far 2 to go!
Elliebird - 14lbs -2lb so far
KittyBling - 7lbs - 3 so far
Krystle- 1 inch off bum and 0.5 off waist and boobs!
Lisa 32 - Just do my best and keep going when times get hard
madchef - 2 inch from waist - 1 inches so far
minx - 7lb - 4lb gone, 3lb to go
pink_kelly - 14lb - 11.5lb lost so far
poogatch - 11lbs - 7 so far
That's the list with it added but don't know if anything else is missing, weve all probably updated totals since then so hopefully its all right!