where are you Ava?
Why don't you try Slim n Save? it's cheaper and you can have a meal in the evening? xx
Hey hun slim and save gives the same losses as lipotrim but u get choices of meal packs soups shakes and bars. You can order them online
U remember when i came off lipotrim and switched? It was slim and save. Its a ketogenic diet so they all work the same and atleast u can have 1 tasty bar a day or tasty shakes. U wouldnt think ur on a diet lol seriously.
Sorry ur struggling hunni. Hope u get into keto real soon. Missed u on here. One day youll conquer this weight, ur stronger than ur cravings.
Good luck hun. Stick with it now and youll drop a good stone by v day. Xxx
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Hey hey Tam... I have missed you tooThx so much for the continued support. While slim and save sounds good I like weighing in with my pharmacist and the support i get there. I will research. Day 1 has been a nightmare tbh. Im starving. Gosh would love to be 12 7 by Valentines. I hope i defeat the battle of the bulge. Im sick of being a lil fattie. Lol. More importantly how are you doing doll? What diet you on at the minute? You look fab as usual. Roll on ketosis and back into the 12's. Woop woop Have a lovely night everyone Ava xxxxx
Hey hun. Yh i understand why u want to stick to li potrim as u get weighed and get the extra support. Day 1 and 2 are my easiest lol. Day 3 and 4 are the worst for me haha, id be so hungry i could chew my fingers off.
12.7 is doable by v day. U must be well frustrated hun. U will defeat it!!!
Im not too bad thanks hunni, im over on the calorie counting section called " tamzys diary" im trying to maintain lol hard work. Thanks for the compliment it does give me that little boost lol xx
Hope ketosis reaches u quickly.
U no u can try ordering those water flavourings that allowed on vlcd's if u wanted to? They do help with the cravings between shakes. Just a suggestion.
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No way Tam. I like that phrase chew my fingers off....lol. Ooooh how are you getting on over in the calorie counting section?? Hope maintaining is going well. Never heard of water flavourings. Sounds Brilliant. Must research that too. Ive had my 3 shakes. I now want a toasted sandwich. Water water water.Ava xxxxxx
Ava hun u ok? Xxx
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Welcome back hun, goodluck with restart, i guess knowing that you have more to lose will give u more motovation, well thats what happens with me lol. Well on the bright side theirs some lovely beanies coffees with various flavours that will keep you ocupied, good luck with it tomorrow hun xxx
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Ah Tam. Thx so much for ur message and continued support. I am SUPER excited abt restart tomoro. I hope it will motivate me more. Woop woop How are you doing? Are u still in maintaining mode. Love your new pic. Beautiful! Ava xxxxxx
Aww ur welcome hun, i no how happy u must be feeling, especially that u no it works really fast, in a weeks time youll be 8-14 lbs smaller!! Thats exciting lol.
Im still in maintain mode lol, was struggling as my weight kept dropping but now im eating 2000- 2500 cals a day to stop losing! Who says high cals were bad? Lool. Oh and thanks for the comment hun, think im getting a bit too excited for summer. Xxx
Ur very welcome doll. You're allowed be excited for summer. You will be a fine thing in all your cute wee outfits
Cant believe you're eating that many calories lol
I am excited. Shake one down. I hope to be abt 10lbs lighter. In 2 weeks I will be in the 12's. Yippeeeeeee
Hope everyone having a lovely day