Gold Member
Ooooh Tam. He is well keen. How lovely. Do u feel as strongly about him as he does about you? What are u gonna say in response do u think? Im not sure my guy likes me as much as I like him. Maybe he'll ask me out in the future who knows. Bet he would if i slimmed into those leather trousers. Lol. And you are too kind calling me gorgeous. I really dont feel it. Its funny. I think we're never happy. Ur a fab looking lady tho it must be said.not in a gay way either lol Ava xxxxxx
Hey hun. Yea hes really keen, i can hear it in his voice and actions too, i like him but im not a person who rushes anything incase it should go wrong and im left picking up my own pieces lol, though i dont want to push him away i dont want to pull him too close either lol but i guess we both cant controll our feelings. Oh no lol scary!! Because once i warm to someone i get instantly attached so im trying to limit that as much as i can.
In the text il say that yes i do like u but i still dont want to rush anything as its still early days and we could just continue bonding untill we decide to take the next step. Well il say something like that lol. Oh and il say il be around as long as he keeps being as sweet as hes already is lool. How does that sound?
I no how u fell hunni, i hate feeling like im not good enough for someone, think about it now, if he dont like u now then he certainly dont deserve u when your skinny and even more gorgeous than you are now. But time will tell. I hope he asks u out and treats u like the princess that you are. Haha the magical leather trousers always gets their attention.
Yea i no hun we dont ever see how beautiful we are untill someone else notices!! I still dont feel 100% in my own skin but im getting their with the comments that people gives me lol. I mean when im walking on the road i do get a lot of attention but im like " what do these people find atrractive about me?" I guess if they think i look good then surely i should think i am too, well thats my logic lol. Thank u hun for the compliments. Must say i look forward to your posts daily, u do cheer me up.
Hope your having a fab friday hunni. Unfortunately im working tonight but im looking forward to tomorrow evening though. Bring it on!! Think im losing the plot lol. Xxx
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