Ahhhh Tam i texted him. No reply. Sigh! Maybe he's just too hot for me

MUST lose weight to be sexy this summer. Ooooh wow. Goldy streak sounds funky! LOVE my hair extensions too! What are we like! Oooh cant wait to see your dress. Black. Classy! Get any nice new purchases? Online shopping dangerous! lol. Aw we would have such fun shopping! two sexy senoritas (when and if i get to goal) Sorry to hear CBT not for u. You know best. 11's Tam! I cant wait. I do agree that i might do it this time. Oh roll on Saturday. Cannot WAIT to weigh in. Was onto another ex on fb and he said im looking good. I used to be mad about him so nice to hear.

What u up to for the eve lady? you know how wild life is on lipotrim. So im doing nothing. Lol Ava xxxxxx
Sorry about the late replies hun, im rubbish at diaries coming towards the weekend, not like im out or anything lol. Yes the dress! Need to show u the dress but will upload it when i get home tomorrow lol.
How rude!! No reply? Did he end up replying as yet? And dont ever say that hun? Your a hot lady and too hot for him, not the other way round, please dont let this get u down, ur maybe too good of a woman for him!! This may be even more of a incentive to hit goal, when he sees u in summer walking past him.
When did u say u was getting ur hair done? I forgot lol, im still playing about, keep thinking what colour u really want, i really enjoyed going red last year! But got too much male and women attention, yes women lol!! It scared me a little, at first i thought it was my lip piercing but no it was the red hair! Lol. Guess i looked like some sort if bad girl.
Weigh in tomorrow already i cannot beleive it. How fast time flies, ive got my fingers crossed for you hun.
Hows the ex on fb, anything new? Lol lastnight i was meant to go out with the mr but we stayed in. Another night planned to go out but im sitting on his bed watching tele lol, dont mind lol, as long as im not home alone. He cancelled his hols for my bday, cant beleive it, im feeling quite bad about it, oh did i mention he was born in may aswell? In few weeks will be his bday aswell, so my girly gathering is cancelled but we are all going out to eat, cannot celebrate my bday without my friends lol. Im a softie.
Anything interesting tonight?
Oh guess what? Ordered another crop top, it should arrive in the post tomorrow so will show u that aswell. So exciting. Omg 2 days ago i wore shorts!! Out in public lol. Im getting real brave lol.
Hope your having a lovely night tho hun. Bring on weigh in tomorrow!! Oh and il be starting my 1 week vlcd tomorrow!! So happy!! Its not as strict as lipo tho, il be having vanilla shake for brekkie, a bar for lunch, chicken pesto pasta for dinner and shake for afters then my allowance of 100g natural yoghurt with half pint sugar free jelly, oh and a coke zero and 250 ml ribena plus throughout the day. It will be tough 650 a day lol on low carb but it must be done lol, the packs are really tiny, wouldnt call it a meal as such but its a mean to an end lol, jusy dont wana look bloated for my bday. Hope i make it past day 1, i was meant to start today then gave in to food lol.
I talk way too much, feel free to shut me up lol.
Once again lol, hope ur having a lovely friday night hunni, u deserve it.
Omg one more thing. Twinings does these green tea thats allowed on any vlcd, omg its so lush, salted caramel flavour and gingerbread flavour!! U must try them hun, it takes the hunger edge off! U wont beleive it.
Night hun xxx
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